Scoring Criteria

The scoring criteria will be divided into two main parts:

  • Part I: proposal form and structure
  • Part II: project idea, potential influence in the society where idea is implemented, and possible reach

The winners will be determined by the judges ranking of the teams. This ranking will be based on the points that judges gave to the teams. Also judges can make extra comments regarding project efficacy. Scorecards are also designed to provide feedback to the competitors in order to improve their project realization.


Part I: Proposal form and structure scoring

  • Description of challenges (How well challenges that the project can encounter are described)
  • Milestones (How well they have defined milestones for project)
  • Budget (Budget estimation, project cost)
  • Gantt chart


Part II: Project scoring

  • Project idea (How well the project idea is described and developed)
  • Project’s impact on younger generations (The project’s impact on its target audience)
  • Project’s impact on older generations (The project’s impact on its target audience)
  • Overall Assessment of the written plan (Is the plan clear and compelling?)