
Check out IEEE Resume Lab



Need help with your resume/CV? Cover letter? Thank you letter? Work portfolio? Need help getting ready for an interview, or with your skills assessment?

Then Resume Lab is here for you! Discover these and much more, on www.ieee.org/resumelab !

To know more, join the live webinar; details below:
– Topic: IEEE Resume Lab
– Date: Monday, February 24, 2014
– Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
– Meeting Number: 594 199 302
– Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

To start or join the online meeting, go to https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?ED=270869102&UID=499638237&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you can call:
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-2030920 (US)
Call-in number: 1-206-4450056 (US)
Show global numbers: https://www.tcconline.com/offSite/OffSiteController.jpf?cc=3663524486
Conference Code: 366 352 4486



IEEE R8SAC has a new jewel

Hi IEEE Volunteers!

September is a great month, it marks the beginning of a new college year in Universities from all parts of Region 8 and to commemorate  the new year, IEEE R8SAC has been working in a new logo that will work as the brand of Student Activities across this region.


Without further due, welcome the new R8SAC logo:

R8SAC Logo-01


Our goal was to create a easy recognisable jewel that marks all IEEE R8SAC actions, activities, programs a projects, so you can easily recognise it as our seal of quality and the proof of an hard working team, willing to work with all students, sharing IEEE mantra, “Advancing Technology for Humanity”

We sincerely hope you like it, this marks the first of many new things coming this year for you.


All IEEE R8SAC wishes you the best for this academic year!





“War on Talent” Continues For Engineers in Europe

Greetings IEEE Volunteers!

IEEE Job webpage has posted an interesting article about the demand for engineers in Europe, it’s definitely worth a read!


A low graduation rate and aging workforce is causing a “severe” shortage of technical professionals

There’s still a strong demand in Europe for engineers, despite high unemployment in the overall workforce, and ongoing economic uncertainties globally.

And while there appears to be fewer job openings posted this year than in the past for American companies with facilities in Europe, human resource professionals of European-based companies complain that there’s not enough “talent” to go around.

Check the full article here: http://careers.ieee.org/article/European_Job_Outlook_0313.php



R8SAC September Chat Session: SB Membership Development

September is usually the month when many new students start their university life. This gives the branches the perfect opportunity to attract new members by introducing them to the world of IEEE. Therefore, tthis month we’ll be covering student branch membership development in our R8SAC chat session.

The session will start at 4pm GMT on September 19, 2012, and will be given by Aleksandar Szabo and  Jan Verveckken. Aleksandar is part of the R8 Membership Development sub-committee and will cover student branch membership during the session. Jan is the MGA Chapter student representative and will cover branch chapter student membership. Both of them have been involved in membership development for quite a while now and will present ways to attract and retain members.

The event URL is:  https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/onstage/g.php?d=251779159&t=a

This link will become active half an hour before the session time.

We are looking forward to see you at the session!

IEEE Potentials Magazine needs your contributions!

We need you Regional leaders to help us in preparing the Sep/Oct Potentials issue. Similar to the very excellent Region 8 news: http://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/8/news/issues/r8news_mar12.pdf (current issue) we will be having a page ofStudent News from round the world. Feel free to submit an item yourself or pass this on to your branches. I know we’ll get a submission from Region 8, but let’s try for all 10.

Our print ‘lead’ times are such that we need to receive your articles TWO MONTHS before the cover date. Potentials publishes bi-monthly so if you want to be in the Sep/Oct news page you will need to get us everything by July. We’re already past this deadline, but this being the first one we’ll have to take what we can get in the next two weeks and from now on just make sure you get items to us two-months before issue date. So for Nov/Dec, be sending things to us by the beginning of September.


Lise, Potentials Editor-in-Chief and Sachin Seth, Potentials Student-Editor

Guidelines (mostly stolen from R8 news):

Ideally your news should be between 150 and 250 words. That’s not very long – in most cases that’s only six or seven sentences! Here are some tips on how to keep your reports concise:

  • Always begin the article with your biggest news
  • Concentrate on your most successful recent events only
  • Include dates, locations and numbers of attendees
  • State the name of your Section / Chapter / Branch / conference clearly
  • Don’t waste words on non-essential detail (such as describing the menu for a dinner event)
  • Avoid long lists of  ‘thank you’s
  • In other words, just try to stick to key facts, and avoid exposition. Also be wary of redundant sentences such as “The lecture was     very well received by the audience” or “The students thanked Professor Xxxxxxx for taking the time to visit the faculty”. Readers
    will already assume that a lecture was well received (otherwise you wouldn’t be writing a report about it) and that guest speakers were thanked appropriately! Remember, you only have a limited word count,
    so make the most of it.

Photos and captions
Feel free to send in digital photos with your articles: we will make room for them wherever we can. Please write a caption for each picture you submit so that we know who or what it shows.

*File formats and submission
*Send your articles to us at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> by email. Try to write ‘Region 8 News
for Potentials’ or similar in the subject line. Articles should be attached to your email as a plain text file or in Microsoft Word format.