Region 8 Student Branch of the Year Award

The purpose of this award is to identify the Student Branches that have conducted quality events, workshops, projects, etc. for the benefit of students. The Region 8 Student Branch of the Year Award is given to student branches that have maintained membership, provided student members with opportunities to volunteer, and helped in promotion of IEEE and its mission. This award will help improve the membership, membership satisfaction and retention.


Eligibility Criteria

All Region 8 Student Branches that have been applied for the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award are eligible for this award.


Nomination Process

All eligible Student Branches are nominated automatically.



Deadline is considered the MGA SAC Awards official deadline.


Evaluation Criteria

Awards will be presented to those Student Branches with best operations and events. Student Branches that met the most required and additional documentation of the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award will be considered for this award. Additional verification and/or documentation should be available upon request.



A customized digital certificate.