New Initiatives Rules – Important

The initiative you are applying with either the SYP, Leadership Camp, Officer Meetup, or Booster Program to the IEEE Region 8 SAC needs to respect and adhere with the conditions stated below in order to be eligible for the funding

NB: Please also note that the funding amount can only be granted after the approval of the submission, the realization of the event and the submission of the required items listed below after the event.

Funding Eligibility Criteria

  • No funding is provided for virtual platforms, COVID tests, Visa applications, and international flights;
  • Travel funding is only accepted for domestic travels;
  • If no deadline is set for the program, the funding request should be submitted at least 4 weeks before the event is scheduled to take place;
  • Should your funding be initially approved, you will have to submit the outcome report after the event takes place;
    • Please be aware that funding is issued only after the event takes place and the required outcome reporting are received, initial approval does not necessarily mean that you will get the funds requested.
  • Outcome report must be submitted within thirty days (30) after the conclusion of the activity with all requested details including the use of funds;
  • Be aware that the committee issue funding at their next scheduled meeting usually once per month;
  • Approved amount of funds may be lower/different from the requested amount due to content of application or outcome report;
  • The committee reserves the right to request documentation to prove the costs of events before approving for funding;
  • Initial funding per program may be provided only once per OU per year;
  • Please itemize all expenses in US dollars only (please do not use local currency in the proposal);
  • If an outcome report is not received, future requests for one year will not be reviewed and/or awarded;
  • The outcome report may be published in R8 channels.

Outcome Reports

If your event funding has been approved, you should submit the necessary outcome reporting. These materials should be submitted within 30 days after the event takes place. OUs that fail to submit the required outcome report within 30 days after the event took place will not receive any event funding. An outcome reporting submission can lead to future requests for one year not be reviewed and/or awarded.


The required materials include:

  • Detailed report of the event:
    • Description of the event and its outcomes;
    • Number of attendees (divided according to IEEE and non-IEEE members);
    • Impact of the event (presence of any significant participants/speakers, partnerships or collaborations with other IEEE organizational units or Industry, and reach on social media – including posts, amount of views and number of unique engagements).
  • Final budget:
    • Please include both the tentative budget and the actual spendings, either on separate spreadsheets, or side by side, for comparison purposes.
  • Attendance report:
    • Full name of participants (first name, last name);
    • Email;
    • Section and Student Branch (if applicable);
    • If they are an IEEE member or not;
    • This information is covered by the IEEE Privacy Policy.
  • Photos or videos from the event:
    • Remember to get approval in advance from the pictured participants;
    • It is strongly recommended to include IEEE logo and IEEE R8 SAC logo in the photos;
    • It is recommended to include a group photo with all the participants and photos with promotional materials of the event (flags, roll-up banners, posters, etc);
    • It is recommended to submit an event poster with all information of the event as well as photos and all the supporting units logos.
  • Copies of all advertising materials used (flyers, posters, email invitations etc.);
  • Link to the vTools event report for this event.