Continuing Education (CE): Technical English Programme (TEP)

A webinar on the IEEE’s Continuing Education (CE) – Technical English Programme (TEP) was organized on 10 January 2012. The organizing team was comprised by Saurabh Sinha, IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chair: Technical Activities, Steve Welch, Director of CE, Educational Activities Division (EAD), Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Lead Volunteer for CE (Educational Activities Subcommittee (EASC)), and Burt Dicht, Director of University Programs, Educational Activities Division (EAD).

The web-based seminar was offered to relevant officers in Region 8: Section Chairs, Chapter Chairs, Region 8 EA officers, the Chapters Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) and several interested (invited) members in the Region.

The duration of the webinar was one hour, the lectures and discussion slots as a whole.

Saurabh Sinha welcomed the participants and introduced various subcommittees relating to technical activities, including educational activities in Region 8. Niovi Pavlidou described in brief the scope and the first activities of the newly formed CE team in Region 8. After that, Burt Dicht covered the topic: Technical English Programme (TEP)- “In-Person” or face-to-face workshop, a provision of the University Activities Committee (UAC), Educational Activities Board (EAB), focusing on successful examples like the event in Abu Dhabi, UAE 2010.  Steve Welch continued with the: Technical English Programme (TEP), an IEEE new initiative (funded by the IEEE New Initiatives Committee (NIC)) – an upcoming online product, and a provision of the Continuing Professional Education Committee (CPEC), EAB stating that the module will be ready by the end of March 2012. Region 8 Section volunteers are invited to partner with us in the in-person or online editions of TEP, such that our members can benefit from this.

After the presentation a questions and answers slot was offered to the participants.  The slides, supported by the recording of the webinar, are available from the IEEE Region 8 (Technical activities, Educational activities) website.

The event was organized on WebEx facilities and the attendance has been improved in relation to the last CE event.   Based on the obtained experience some new proposals for future events are now being considered.

Prof. Niovi Pavlidou
IEEE R8 Lead Volunteer for Continuing Education
IEEE Greece Section Membership Development Officer
IEEE VTS&AESS Joint Greece Chapter Chair