
Committee and Contacts

The IEEE Region 8 Committee consists of:

  • Section representatives
  • Operating Committee
  • Appointed Members

Section Representatives

In the IEEE Region 8 Committee, Sections are represented by their Chairs. Section Chairs may appoint an alternate representative to the Region 8 Committee. The most recent list of Region 8 Sections and their representatives to the Region 8 Committee may be found here.


Operating Committee (OpCom)


Zone Representative: Abdullateef Aliyu (Nigeria)
Africa Council Chair: Isaac A. Adekanye (Nigeria)
R8 representative in Africa Council: Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)


Appointed members

Appointed Ad-hoc members




Action for Industry (AfI) Committee

Awards & Recognition Committee

Chapter Coordination Committee

Conference Coordination Committee

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Entrepreneurship Committee

Finance Committee

History Activities (HA) Committee

Humanitarian Activities (HuAC) Committee

Life members (LM) Committee

Membership Development Committee

Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee

Professional and Educational Activities Committee

Publications and Communications Committee

Strategic Planning Committee

Student Activities Committee

Women in Engineering (WIE) Committee

Young Professionals Committee


Ad hoc Committees


Alternate membership payments (Ad Hoc Committee)

Careers New Initiative (Ad Hoc Committee)

Climate Change (Ad Hoc Committee)

Cooperation with IEEE S/TCs and National Associations (Ad Hoc Committee)

Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) (Ad Hoc Committee)

Electronic Communications (Ad Hoc Committee)

Fellow Members Search (Ad Hoc Committee)

IEEE Milestones Awareness (Ad Hoc Committee)

New Social Media (Ad Hoc Committee)

R8 Advisory (Ad Hoc Committee)

Region 8 News

Region 8 Today (Ad Hoc Committee)

SAC Contests, Awards and Recognitions (Ad Hoc Committee)

SAC Electronic Communications (Ad Hoc Committee)

SAC Training and Leadership Support (Ad Hoc Committee)

SAC New Initiatives (Ad Hoc Committee)

Sections Congress Coordination

Social Media (Ad Hoc Committee)

Sections Vitality and Development

Secretariat (Ad Hoc Committee)

Senior Members Search (Ad Hoc Committee)

Standards Coordination Committee

Subsections Strategic Development (Ad Hoc Committee)

Territories in crisis (Ad Hoc Committee)

Volunteer Pipeline (Ad Hoc Committee)

Web (Ad Hoc Committee)