2009-April – Venice

2009, April – Venice

This page contains information about the 92th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Venice on 25-26 of April 2009.

Agenda Book:  IEEE R8 Committee Meeting Agenda Book Venice 2009

Meeting Information

Caucus:  Caucus

Travel Advisory
Travel Advisory:  veneto_travel_guide_ACD_V1.5
Tour Suggestions:  Tour Suggestions

Unapproved Minutes from Quebec 2008
Quebec 2008 Minutes:  Tour Suggestions

OpCom Reports

(Jozef Modelski)

Past-Director, V/C Strategic Planning
(Jean-Gabriel Rémy)

(Costas Stasopoulos)

(Brian Harrington)

V/C Membership Activities
(Pilar Molina Gaudo)

V/C Student Activities
(Eva Lang)

V/C Technical Activities
(Rami Mushcab)

Subcommittee Reports

Awards & Recognition SubCommittee (A&RSC)

Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC)

Professional Activities Subcommittee   (PASC)

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee  (CCSC)

GOLD Subcommittee

Standards Coordinator Subcommittee

Conference Coordination Subcommittee

Industry Relations Subcommittee  (IRSC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Subcommittee

Educational Activities Subcommittee (EASC)

Life Member and History Coordination Subcommittee

Women In Engineering Subcommittee


Membership Developement Subcommittee (MDSC) Operations Review Ad-Hoc Subcomittee
Region 8 News

Section Reports

Austria Section Germany Section Lithuania Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bahrain Section Ghana Section Malta Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Belarus Section Greece Section Morocco Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Benelux Section Hungary Section Nigeria Section Slovenia Section
Bosnia & Herzegovina Section Iceland Section Norway Section South Africa Section
Bulgaria Section Iran Section Oman Section Spain Section
Croatia Section Iraq Section Poland Section Sweden Section
Cyprus Section Israel Section Portugal Section Switzerland Section
Czechoslovakia Section Italy Section Qatar Section Tunisia Section
Denmark Section Jordan Section Macedonia Section Turkey Section
Egypt Section Kenya Section Romania Section U.K.& Rep Of Ireland Section
Estonia Section Kuwait Section Russia Section Ukraine Section
Finland Section Latvia Section Russia (Northwest) Section United Arab Emirates Section
France Section Lebanon Section Russia (Siberia) Section Zambia Section


Venice 09 – Schedule

Friday 24 April 2009

Time Room Tintoretto Room Tiepolo Room Canaletto
8:00 8:30 TA VC Opening & General Introduction Membership Development Gold
8:30 10:00 IRC, Energy, ISBIR & Standards Subcommittee


10:00 11:30 IRC, Energy, ISBIR & Standards Joint MD &Gold Student Activites SubCommittee
11:30 13:00 Section Solidarity Initiative(How strong Sections can help developing Sections)
13:00 14:00 Lunch
14:00 16:00 Conference Subcommittee


Professional Activities Strategic Planning Subcommittee
16:00 17:00 Education Activities Subcommittee Operations Review Subcommittee
17:00 18:00 Awards & Recognitions
18:00 19:00
Room Albinoni
17:00 18:00 Membership Development tutorial – A.Szabo
18:00 19:00 Meeting with Italy Section Officers
19:00 19:40 Lecture by: Pietro Palella (General Director of STMicroelectronics) “Innovation in a global environment: the STMicroelectronics case” Summary: “Innovation” has been and still is the key driver of the semiconductor industry. While technology innovation remains the focal point, the globalization of the scenario and a significant shift in the value chain in the industry impose to rethink most of the processes in the Company. Business model innovation has been the pillar of the ST success in recent years, while a new meta-national model for R&D is the challenge for the future. A quick overview on how innovation at 360 degrees has reshaped the Company.
Ristorante La Fontanella
19:40 21:30 Welcome Dinner

Saturday 25 April 2009

8:00 16:00 IEEE Region 8 Meeting Room Dogi A
16:30 20:00 Depart by bus and then for a Cruise of Vaporetto around Venice Island, sightseeing spots and monuments commented by English speaking Guides. Getting to S.Marco Channel and arrival in Piazza San Marco. Sightseeing Piazza San Marco and its monuments illustrated by English speaking Guides
19:45 22:30 Vaporetto brings us to Palazzo Vendramin Calergi, home to Social Dinner (ACTV pier San Marcuola, 200 m walk). Short sightseeing of the Palazzo up to the Dining Room. Dress Code, Formal
22:30 23:00 Return at the Hotel

Sunday 26 April 2009

Room Dogi A Room Albinoni Room Tintoretto
8:00 13:15 IEEE Region 8 Meeting
14:15 16:15 Chapter Coordination Subcommittee


Educational workshop/tutorial – M.Kam/J.C.Freira


16:15 17:45 Global History Network seminar – J.Baal Schem

Venice 09 – Agenda

Agenda for the 92nd IEEE Region 8 Committee meeting in Venice, Italy

Saturday, 25th April 2009

08:00 Meeting opening by Region 8 Director

  • Call to order
  • Round call
  • Introduction of New Officers
  • Approval of the agenda

08:30 Italy Section Presentation:  Italy_Section_Report
09:45 IEEE President Address:  IEEE_President_Address
09:00 IEEE MGA Presentation:  IEEE_MGA_Presentation
09:20 IEEE Region 8 Director Report:  IEEE_Region_8_Director_Report
09:35 Treasurer Report:  Treasurer_Report
09:55 Secretary Report:  Secretary_Report – Approval of R8 Quebec meeting minutes

10:15 Coffee break

10:45 Vice Chair Membership Activities Report:  Vice_Chair_Membership_Activities_Report
11:30 Vice Chair Student Activities Report:  Vice_Chair_Student_Activities_Report
12:00 Vice Chair Technical Activities Report:  Vice_Chair_Strategic_Planning_Report

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Vice Chair Strategic Planning Report:  Presentation_by_Review_AdHoc_Subcommittee
14:10 Presentation by Review AdHoc Subcommittee:  Caucus
14:30 Caucus:  IEEE_&_Eta_Kappa_Nu_merger_-_Transition_status
16:00 Discussion
16:30 End of day one

Sunday, 26th April 2009

8:00 IEEE Past President Reflections
8:10 IEEE & Eta Kappa Nu merger – Transition status:  IEEE_&_Eta_Kappa_Nu_merger_-_Transition_status
8:25 Presentations by Candidates for IEEE President Elect:  Presentations_by_Candidates_for_IEEE_President_Elect
9:10 IEEE 125th Anniversary Celebrations:  Caucus
Munich ( Munich ) and London ( London ) presentations
9:30 Future IEEE Region 8 Events
Presentations by Turkey ( Turkey ), Tunisia ( Tunisia ) and Egypt ( Egypt ) Sections
9:50 Awards and Recognitions Ceremony:  Awards_and_Recognitions_Ceremony

10:15 Coffee break

10:45 Summary of Caucus sessions ( Caucus ) & Discussion
11:50 Approval of motions
12:50 Any Other Business
13:15 Adjournment