Daily Archives: 4 December 2009

2010 Clementina Saduwa Award‏ Winner

We would like to congratulate the winner of 2009 Clementina Saduwa Award Dr. Elena Smotrova from Ukraine.

The contest was having a great challenge between the contestants who shows a very high level of achievements.
The final decision of a jury composed of 5, was based in various aspects, not only CV but also, statement, level of difficulties in achieving a professional career, reference letters, how international these were, level of involvement of referees, among others.
Keep up the good work Dr. Elena and wish you all the success in your life and career.

In the photo, from left to right: Bashayer Al-Awwad (Region 8 Women In Engineering coordinator), Jozef Modelski (OpCom director), Elena Smotrova (Ukrain Section Chair), and Pilar Molina Gaudo (Region 8 Vice Chair of Membership Activities).