Yearly Archives: 2016


STARTUP OLÉ 2016 is a two-days event created to boost European startup ecosystem and engage some of the most relevant startups, accelerators, incubators, investors, business angels, unicorns, media/bloggers, institutions and corporates from all over Europe.

STARTUP OLÉ 2016 is an event created for tech startups, which aims to bring together the right mix of entrepreneurs and facilitators.
The ultimate networking site for startups keen to leverage Salamanca’s globally-renowned talent hub and enterprise culture.


STARTUP OLÉ 2016 connects startups; matches them with funders, serial entrepreneurs and business angels who can act as mentors, investors and business mentors to help them grow.

The stage will feature:

  • Pitches of European startups from different sectors and growth stages and such as pre-launch, seed, mid and scale-up stage.
  • Panel discussions of investors, corporations, accelerators, mentors, crowdfunding platforms, universities…

STARTUP OLÉ 2016 will also offer:

  • Startup fair
  • Matchmaking events with investors and corporates
  • Cocktails and many networking opportunities

STARTUP OLÉ 2016 has the following objectives:

  • To boost European tech-entrepreneurial ecosystem and culture as well as support talent development.
  • To engage and connect some of the most relevant startups, accelerators, investors, media and corporates from all over Europe.
  • To place Salamanca at the top of the European tech-entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Reinforce the role of universities in the tech-entrepreneurial ecosystem.

More info & registration:

IEEE – Gasparini International School

IEEE – Gasparini International School
Naples, October 23-30 2016

The “F. Gasparini National PhD School” in Electrical Sciences, in cooperation with the IEEE Italy Section is delighted to organize the 1-st edition of the:

IEEE – Gasparini International School:
Advanced Course in Electrical Engineering

The innovative event is aimed to promote the knowledge and the sharing of experience among students and young professionals from Europe, Africa and Middle East, by means of a full immersion training and scientific experience, involving high level teachers coming from several countries.

The School provides certification for attendance and profit evaluation, valuable to get University credits.

The School is based on eight hours per day of collective work for six days (Monday, 24 October – Saturday, 29 October) based on lectures, scientific meetings, demonstrations, profit assessment tests. Sunday 23 October and Sunday 30 October are an important part of the course, which is devoted to presentations, familiarization and related activities as the consignment of the certificates for the evaluation of the profit.
The school’s website collects key information and provides the main services such as registration, program, assistance for both hotel bookings and travel arrangements.

The Gasparini School and the IEEE Italian Section will do their best to welcome students and teachers, which know that the key to success will be the enthusiasm of the participants and the unifying ability of Science over all differences of culture, origin and tradition.

IEEE - Gasparini Gasparini International School 1st Edition -Advanced Course Advanced Course in Electrical Engineering -October 23- October 23-30, 2016 30, 2016 - Naples, Italy- FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT

IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2016)


4th Annual IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability

Phoenix, AZ. October 9 – 11, 2016

Sustainability: the pursuit of environmentally sound development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the future!


The 4th Annual IEEE Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2016) Conference is designed to explore the development and application of science, engineering and technology in achieving a sustainable lifestyle for humanity. It brings together scientists, engineers, technologists and scholars from multiple disciplines to hold a dialogue on environmental issues and collaborate on ideas to develop and utilize innovative tools and intelligent systems to address them. The attendees are expected to be exposed to the tools, connections and proactive solutions to take their sustainability programs to the next level.

SusTech 2016 conference will feature technical papers, posters and workshops. A number of prominent experts will be giving keynotes and invited talks. Best Posters and Papers in the conference will be eligible for an award. Full papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Papers accepted in the conference proceedings and presented during the conference will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting & Indexing (A&I) databases.

Proposals are solicited for both oral and poster presentations from industry, government and academia (including students) covering relevant research, technologies, methodologies, tools and case studies. Topics with policy implications are also welcome. Poster presentations this year will be limited to students.

Topics of Interest

  • Internet of Things – IOT (e.g.: sensors, computing, control, communication, storage and drive electronics targeted for IOT applications, medical electronics, drones)

  • Smart Grid (e.g. communication, control, power electronics, energy storage, demand control and response)
  • eWaste (e.g. reduction, conversion, disposal, recycling, reuse, harvesting, managing product lifecycle)
  • Renewable Energy (e.g. solar, wind, tidal, fuel cells, energy harvesting, nuclear, thermal, power distribution)
  • Water (e.g. Sourcing & distribution, conservation, harvesting, waste disposal, reusage)
  • Electronics (e.g. components and systems, sustainable manufacturing, automotive and industrial applications)
  • Energy Efficiency (e.g. sensing and measurement, energy saving, auto electrification & fuel economy, data centers)

  • Transportation (e.g. electric & autonomous vehicles, aviation, motors, drive controls, batteries)
  • Societal Implications of Technology (e.g. engineering of sustainable solutions, implementation challenges for sustainable technologies, Smart Cities, ethics and professional responsibility, risk management, public policy)

Instructions to Authors: Submit in PDF form, an up to two page abstract of the poster or oral presentation in via the SusTech 2016 website. For details including information for authors, please visit the conference website at Select Authors tab and follow the instructions there.


Key Dates

June 3, 2016

Submission deadline for paper and poster abstracts.

June 30, 2016

Notification of acceptance.

August 15, 2016

Final manuscript submission deadline.

SusTech 2016 General Chair: Gopi Krishnan ([email protected])

SusTech 2016 Program Chair: Vivek Gupta ([email protected])

SusTech 2016 Program Co-Chair: Ed Perkins ([email protected])

SusTech 2016 is co-sponsored by the IEEE Phoenix and Oregon Sections, IEEE Region 6 and IEEE-USA, with IEEE SSIT.


Region 8 Young Professionals Exceptional Volunteer Award 2016 Winners

We are proud to present this year’s winners of the Region 8 Young Professionals Exceptional Volunteer Award:

  • Brigitte Lanz (Finland Young Professionals Affinity Group)
  • Ahmed Shalaby (Egypt Young Professionals Affinity Group)

For their continuous hard work, dedication and enthusiasm to promoting the Young Professionals mission and vision, and that of IEEE at large. Our biggest congratulations to you!

Volunteer award winners 2016
We would also like to congratulate all the other nominees! It is amazing to have to many dedicated volunteers in all parts of our Region! You are all doing a great work with your local groups, and we want to encourage you to keep it up; you are all vital to the success of Young Professionals!

Best of luck to everyone and your teams with your YP plans for this year! And don’t forget, we are here if you need any help or support!

IEEE Young Entrepreneurs Day, University of Greenwich

IEEE Young Entrepreneurs Day, University of Greenwich

This public open day event focuses on the role that the UK and Ireland Section of the IEEE can play in supporting and preparing students and young professionals for facing the emerging challenges in work and employment opportunities.

  • Workshops and talks by invited experts from business and industry sectors.
  • Successful professionals to share their advice and experiences.
  • Professional advice and resources on business and start-ups, career development, technology jobs.
  • Introduction to IEEE services for students and young professional members

Don’t miss out on this amazing line up where you can meet some of the biggest names in tech, as well as enhance your knowledge, skills and network with industry professionals.

Registration and Programme:

Full Programme available:

Date: Saturday 11th if June 2016

Registration: From 09:00 room QA177

Venue: University of Greenwich, London SE109LS

Young professionals event at RTSI 2016

Dear YP,

this is a friendly reminder related to the forthcoming Young professionals (YP) event,
jointly organized by IEEE Italy section and University of
Bologna within the “2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society
and Industry (RTSI 2016)“.
This is a forum which is running at University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy on 7-9 Sept
2016 (

The YP event is a “Poster and Demo Session”
( that is focused
on YP and will be mainly devoted to  show innovative prototype implementations,
systems and technologies.
Demos can be considered as real, practical, and interactive proof of the
presenters’ research ideas and scientific or engineering contributions, with the
goal of offering YP the opportunity to discuss systems, applications,
prototypes, or proofs-of-concept with Senior researchers and people from

All demo submissions will be automatically subscribed to the “YP Demo
competition“. An evaluation committee will view and score posters/demos and

  • 1 for Best Demo Award. Demos will be primarily judged on originality,
    execution, and illustration of the core research ideas. The 500 € prize is
    sponsored by the IEEE Italy Section.
  • 10 to receive 10 NUCLEO systems (provided by STmicroelectronics) containing the STM32F401 development board,
    ST Bluetooth Low Energy radio expansion board, ST MEMs Inertial and Environmental
    sensors board, and ST omnidirectional microphone board.
  • 1 internship opportunity at STmicroelectronics’s site in Agrate, Italy,
    based on the Company’s assessment of the Young Professional’s talents and motivations to benefit from, and contribute to, the internship offering.

The deadline to submit proposals is May 15, 2016. If you are considering to
submit a contribution, send an email to [email protected]

Thank you
Best regards

Young professionals event at RTSI 2016

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) 2016 abstract due date extended to 16 May

The new extended deadline for accepting abstracts for the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) is 16 May.

GHTC will be in Seattle WA, October 13 – 16, 2016. Refer to the Call for Papers here for details. The abstracts should be 200 words max and additional information for authors is at

At GHTC multiple disciplines interact to identify, create and advance technology that benefits the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations of the world and help with improving disaster response. The conference’s focus is research, applied technology, and case studies pertaining to humanitarian technology and its application in the following areas:

  • Energy,
  • Healthcare,
  • Disaster management,
  • Connectivity & communication,
  • Humanitarian challenges & opportunities,
  • Water & sanitation,
  • Agriculture,
  • Education, and
  • Deployment.

Authors must submit an initial abstract for consideration to present in an oral session or interactive poster session; or a proposal for a case study, panel discussion, and workshop. We especially encourage the inclusion of case studies on topics that are appropriate for humanitarian technology. Submission of a full paper is mandatory for technical paper oral presentations and optional for posters and special workshops after initial abstract acceptance. All abstracts should be submitted online following the author guidelines at

Submission Schedule:

May 16    Abstract or proposal submission deadline
June 30    Full paper submission deadline
August 15    Final paper submission deadline

The Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications (DIPDMWC2016)

The submission is open until June 6, 2016. Please consider submitting your papers to DIPDMWC2016.

****ALL registered papers will be submitted to IEEE for POTENTIAL inclusion to IEEE Xplore.****

The Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications (DIPDMWC2016)

July 06-08, 2016 » Moscow, Russia
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)




Submission Dates        Open from now until June 6, 2016
Notification of Acceptance    2-4 weeks from the submission date
Camera Ready Submission        June 26, 2016
Registration Deadline        June 26, 2016
Conference Dates        July 6-8, 2016

You are invited to participate in The Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications (DIPDMWC2016) that will be held in Moscow, Russia, on July 06-08, 2016. The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures.

DIPDMWC2016 welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to) Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, Wireless Communications and related research topics.


[email protected]

IEEE DIPDMWC2016 - Russia Poster

IEEE Educational Activities Board Awards

2016 IEEE EAB Awards_Flyer Image (1)

IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Awards recognize and honor individuals and companies for major contributions to engineering and technical education. THE IEEE HKN Awards recognize outstanding accomplishments by students, professors, and industry professionals who make significant contributions to society and who exemplify a balance of scholarship, service, leadership and character. Please use this web site to complete a nomination for the following EAB and HKN Awards.

Types of Awards

EAB Awards are given for:

IEEE-EAB Scholarship Awards

HKN Awards are given for

‘Mind the Gap’ Regional Competition

Everyone knows about the generation gap… What are YOU going to do about it?
The long awaited MtG is finally here in its regional version!
This contest challenges YOU to come up with and idea that reduces the gap between older and younger generations and brings them together.
To know more, please visit and contact us at [email protected] to ask us any question and to submit your proposals before May 15th.
Looking forward to your brilliant ideas!

Mind the Gap poster 2