Monthly Archives: November 2019

SPC2020 – IEEE R8 Student Paper Contest


Final Call for Papers. The deadline extended to December 15, 2019.

All information on SPC 2020 and SPC Rules  is contained on the website at

As a help for SB counselors included below is a  template regarding the coversheet to be attached with the paper.

Region 8 pays travel and accommodation for the authors of the best five papers to attend IEEE R8 Melecon 2020 at Palermo, Italy in June 2020. The best three papers from the five finalists, judged at Palermo, get $800, $500 and $200 respectively. The student branch of the winner also gets $250 from R8.

Submission of papers to [email protected]



Student Paper Cover Sheet

Section A

  1. Name of school
  2. Name of Student Branch
  3. Authors with their IEEE Membership Numbers
  4. Name, address, contact phone and e-mail of  author to whom correspondence should be addressed
  5. Name, address, contact phone and e-mail of  Student Branch Counsellor
  6. Name, address, contact phone and e-mail of  Student Branch Chair


Section B

NB: In answering the questions please ensure that information about the authors, school, etc. is not included.

  1. Paper Title
  2. What is the problem and why is it important?
  3. What is the original contribution of this work? Be explicit.
  1. Does this work check and / or extend previously reported work? What work? Give references. Be explicit.
  1. How does this contribution compare to previously published work?
  1. If the paper is to be submitted to one of the IEEE Transactions, which Transactions would be the most appropriate?