Daily Archives: 3 January 2020

About IEEE Nigeria Section Consultants Network

The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA Board) has approved Nigeria Section CN AG which is first CN AG in region 8. The geo-code is CN80139. The membership includes members of the IEEE and affiliates of the AICN who are in private practice or consulting. The networks provide free referral services and serves both independent consultants and those willing to work through contract engineering firms. IEEE CN referrals are primarily provided through the IEEE-USA Consultants Database. Our web site includes the ability to browse and search our networks’members in that database and provides convenient access to the whole database. Our focus is on providing clients with the fastest and easiest access to information about consultants in any part of Nigeria and beyond. The members of IEEE CN include specialists and experts in the areas of electronics, electrical engineering, software, management, medicals, education and associated specialties. They are very active in professional societies and are highly qualified including IEEE Fellows, Senior Members, Local officers, registered professional Engineers, PhD holders, Certified management consultants, etc.


IEEE Nigeria Section: https://site.ieee.org/nigeria/