Daily Archives: 2 May 2022

IEEE Algeria Section Activities January-April 2022

A new breath has been brought to the IEEE Algeria Section by the new office which was elected by the end of January, where many activities have been launched for the promotion and the enlargement of the membership within the whole country.
The IEEE Algeria section is technical sponsoring many international conference locally and abroad where many IEEE members are involved.


The more active chapter within the Section is the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Chapter which organized many workshops along the year and a summer school is schedules to be organized next July.
IEEE Student Branch University of Boumerdes is the first IEEE student branch in Algeria founded in 2016, located at the institute of electrical and electronic engineering university of Boumerdes. Indeed, The IEEE Student Branch University of Boumerdes organized several activities from January 2022 to April 2022, which can be summarized as follows:
1- Let’s Talk mars with Pr. NOUREDDINE MELIKSHI where we discussed curiosity and perseverance missions.
2- Techknowledge: a series of technical webinars aimed to introduce student to new technologies that they need in future including: Quantum computing, Cisco systems
Continuous trainings:
1- Deep learning training: participants learnt basics of programming techniques then practicing them through a set of labs to help them get started with deep learning.
2- PCB Design: a series of workshops targeting beginners in circuit design, modeling and PCB design.
3- Graphic Day: graphic design training for beginners finished with a challenge and winners got the chance to volunteer with our SB.
4- Machine Learning Bootcamp aimed to develop our member’s skills in machine learning followed by a 30days of programming challenges to put our student skills into action.
IEEE programs:
1- IEEE PES DAY 2022: we have three ambassador from our SB, we organized REMENA gathering to talk about energy situation in MENA region, as well as webinars in smart grids and grid protection training.
2- IEEE Smart Cities Week 2022 in collaboration with Tipasa smart cities we organized a week of conferences, webinars and challenges in different smart cities topics.
1- 4 of our members won She’s in tech entrepreneurship challenge in Fintech category.
2- 2- One of our members in finalist of Innovate FPGA competition organized by INETEL.

Metaverse Tunisian Summit: First steps towards the Metaverse

With Meta’s announcement to invest in the Metaverse, the world’s interest has shifted toward AR/VR technologies. IEEE Sup’Com Student Branch, in collaboration with IEEE SMU Student Branch, Vsober and Talan decided to join in on this movement. We are currently planning a first-of-its-kind event: The Metaverse Tunisian Summit. The 3-day conference will take place from September the 30th to October the 2nd and will tackle an emerging technology: Augmented Reality and XR technologies.

We are targeting 300 participants from Tunisia and the MENA Region. The event is intended for students and engineers passionate about AR/VR technologies. The explorers and the less experienced will participate in virtual webinars before the start of the Summit and attend panels, workshops, and exhibitions during the Summit. The Exhibition will feature the solutions provided by startups and companies. A first experience to get in touch with this technology’s applications. The passionate and the experienced will participate in a Hackathon to implement their knowledge and come up with cutting-edge technology solutions.

The hackathon will start virtually before the Summit and will continue face to face. The winners may have the chance to attend and present their ideas during the Francophonie, held this year by Tunisia to gather people from French-speaking countries and allow them to expose different accomplishments.

WIE International Leadership Summit Tunisia 2022

IEEE Sup’Com WIE Affinity Group is glad to announce that the second edition of WIE International Leadership Summit in Tunisia will be held from the 10th to the 11th of September 2022.

The IEEE WIE International Leadership Summits are small- to medium-scale events held locally worldwide and focused on Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Emerging/Disruptive Technology. WIE Summits provide regional opportunities for networking, mentorship, training, and collaboration. ILS aims to provide a forum for women in technology to network with peers and gain insights from industry, entrepreneurship, academia, and government leaders. Attendees share their unique points of view through real-life projects and experiences, discuss lessons learned, identify challenges and limitations, and collaborate on critical skills for leadership development in projects in teams. Up to ten WIE Summits will be conducted globally in 2022 in different countries.



ILS Tunisia 2022 will include panels with international speakers, team-building activities, workshops, mentoring sessions, and a competition.
The event will focus in all its parts on “The empowerment of women in rural areas”. ILS Tunisia 2022 is a two-day catalytic experience of rich learning, new ideas, fresh perspective, and inspiring stories from leading experts spanning a wide range of fields and backgrounds.

Join us to learn more invaluable leadership insights, further your professional development, create evergreen strategies for tomorrow’s challenges.

IEEE MELECON 2024 – Porto – Portugal – 25-27 June 2024

IEEE MELECON is one of the flagship conferences of IEEE Region 8 and will be held in Portugal, Porto on 25-27 June of 2024, supported by the IEEE Portugal Section. IEEE MELECON 2024 will be a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies. Researchers and practitioners from different technological fields of Electrical Engineering, including Control Systems, Communication and Information Technology, Mechatronics, Nano- & Micro-Electronics, Electrical Power Systems, and Signal & Image Processing will be welcomed.

Save the date and join us at the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP/P.PORTO)!