
Please note that these mailing lists are primarily for internal use within the R8 committee. Therefore, please consider sending your message to a specific person rather than the whole mailing list.

Operating Committee (Opcom) [email protected]
Membership Activities [email protected]

YP Subcommittee (part of MA)

[email protected]

Membership Development (part of MA)

[email protected]
Technical Activities [email protected]

Industrial Relations (part of TA)

[email protected]

Chapter Coordination (part of TA)

[email protected]
Student Activities Committee [email protected]
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee [email protected]

Mailing lists

Please consider subscribing to the following mailing lists.


  • IEEE Region 8 History Network
[email protected] [more info] join ]

Region 8 Webmaster

This website is maintained by George Michael. If you need any changes, or have more general questions this website and its content, don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to [email protected] .

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