
IEEE Smart Tech Birmingham

Registration is now open for IEEE Smart Tech Birmingham, UK, 21-22 October, 2016. Early-bird pricing ends August 31.

Workshop Topics Include: 

  • LiFi: LED-Based Network Communication
  • Industry Applications of Robotics
  • Introduction to ARM Architecture Fundamentals
  • Multi-Core CPU/GPU System and Software Development
  • Professional and Business Development: Confident Networking
  • Business Strategy for Consultants and Entrepreneurs
  • Software Defined Radio: Implementation, Design and Real-Time Operation

Evening Reception and Keynote Address by Sir Robin Saxby, former CEO and chairman of ARM Holdings, PLC.


Learn more and register at


Upcoming Webinar: A Preview of and Discussion on IEEE International Smart Cities Conference Content

Upcoming Webinar

A Preview of and Discussion on IEEE International Smart Cities Conference Content

July 28, 2016 | 11:00am – 12:00pm EDT

Click Here to Register Now

About the Webinar

This webinar will give attendees a preview of the content to be available at the conference this September 12-15 in Trento, Italy. Attendees of the webinar are encouraged to participate and express their views and interests, thereby helping to further shape conference content. The conference theme, Improving the Citizens’ Quality of Life, will factor into the material presented. Dario will be joined in presentation by conference track co-chairs in the areas of Smart Government, Health and Well-Being, Smart Energy Systems, Smart Transportation, Big Data and Open Data, and Privacy and Security.

Speakers include:

  • Moderator: Dario Petri, University of Trento, Italy, IEEE International Smart Cities Conference 2016 Chair
  • Technical Program Committee Co-chairs: Soufiene Djahel, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, and Bernardo Tellini, University of Pisa, Italy
  • TRACK Smart Energy Systems Co-chairs: Carlo Alberto Nucci, University of Bologna, Italy, and Davide Brunelli, University of Trento, Italy
  • TRACK Big data & open data Co-chairs: Andrea Molinari, University of Trento, Italy, and Frederick Mintzer, IBM TJ Watson Research, Center
  • TRACK Privacy and security Co-chair: Andrea Lanzi, University of Milano, Italy

Please register to attend today and join us on
Thursday, July 28 from 11am – 12pm EDT


11th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (IEEE NMDC 2016)


Welcome to the 11th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (IEEE NMDC 2016)

IEEE NMDC 2016 will be held on October 9-12, 2016 in Toulouse, France.

Deadline for Abstract Submission for the IEEE NMDC 2016 is extended till June 30th, 2016. You can submit your abstracts on the conference web-site (

The confirmed Plenary and Invited Speakers are listed on the conference web-site.

NMDC 2016 will cover the following topics:

  1. Graphene and carbon nanotubes based materials and devices;
  2. Materials and devices for nanoelectronics;
  3. Materials and devices for energy and environmental applications;
  4. Nanostructures for future generation solar cells;
  5. Ion beam synthesis and modification of nanostructures;
  6. Modeling and simulation of nanomaterials, structures, and devices;
  7. Metamaterials and plasmonic devices;
  8. Photonic materials and devices;
  9. Organic semiconductor materials, devices and applications;
  10. Nanostructures of oxide semiconductor materials;
  11. III-V semiconductors nanomaterials;
  12. Nanostructures and devices for biomedical applications;
  13. Standards and safety issues of nanotechnology;
  14. Fundamental and applications of nanotubes, nanowires, quantum dots and other low dimensional materials;
  15. Plasma assisted deposition of nanocomposite materials;
  16. Nanocomposite materials for aeronautics and space applications.

More information about IEEE NMDC 2016, accommodation and tourism in Toulouse, and around Toulouse can be found on the conference web-site (

We are looking forward to seeing you at IEEE NMDC 2016!

On behalf of the Scientific Committee,
Dr. K. Makasheva and Dr. C. Bonafos,
General Chairs of the IEEE NMDC 2016


Abstract submission extension – IEEE Technologies for Sustainability Conference

The abstract submission deadline for the IEEE 2016 Technologies for Sustainability Conference (SusTech) has been extended to June 24th. The call for papers provides the details and requirements for submitting abstracts. The conference will be held October 9th thru October 11th, 2016, in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, at Phoenix Airport Marriott, located at 1101 North 44th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008.

SusTech is IEEE’s premier sustainable technologies conference and was inspired by IEEE’s Core Value, “Advancing Technology for Humanity”. At SusTech multiple disciplines interact to identify, create and advance sustainable technology. The conference’s focus is research, applied technology, and case studies pertaining to sustainable technologies and its application in the following areas:

  • Internet of things,
  • Smart Grid,
  • eWaste,
  • Renewable Energy,
  • Water,
  • Electronics,
  • Energy Efficiency,
  • Transportation, and
  • Societal Implications of Technology.

SusTech 2016 will explore the development and application of science, engineering, and technology to promote sustainability. The conference features interactive sessions where attendees can share best practices and lessons learned that complement the technical presentations, posters, workshops, case studies, keynote speakers, and panels.

To receive future notices about SusTech, sign up for the SusTech interest list using this form.

Yevgeny Mitrofanovich Kuleshov, 1922-2016 – His Contribution to Early Sub-Millimeter Wave Quasioptics

Yevgeny Mitrofanovich Kuleshov, 1922-2016 - His Contribution to Early Sub-Millimeter Wave Quasioptics Yevgeny Mitrofanovich Kuleshov, IEEE Life Senior Member, 2000 IEEE Microwave Pioneer, and one of the founding fathers of the Ukrainian and USSR quasi-optics of short-millimeter and sub-millimeter waves, died on the 9-th of February 2016 in Kharkiv, Ukraine. His career and research were highlighted in [1-4], selected publications co-authored by him are given in [5-17], and [18-26] are some of the publications crediting Kuleshov’s contribution to the development of quasi-optical technology and associated applications.

Born on February 21, 1922 in Voronezh, he graduated, in 1946, from the radio-engineering faculty of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI, now National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”). In 1946-1955, he worked in the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology (UIPT) in Kharkiv, where he became head of laboratory in 1953.

Kharkiv is the second-largest city of Ukraine (now 1.5 million); it was the capital of the Soviet Ukraine in 1919-1934 and housed up to 40% of Ukrainian industry by 1940. UIPT was founded there in 1929 (see [27] for that story); in 1946-1953, it belonged, in part, to the First Chief Directorate of the so-called Special Committee (of the USSR government) headed by almighty secret police tsar L. P. Beria, who supervised all nuclear research and industry. After Stalin’s death, in 1955, this directorate was renamed in amazingly Orwellian “Newspeak” manner as the Ministry of Medium Machine-Building; whole UIPT belonged to it until the end of the USSR in December of 1991.

In 1955, two departments engaged in millimeter-wave magnetrons and ground-wave radar branched off UIPT to create new Institute of Radio-Physics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IRE NASU). Kuleshov became head of department of receiving and measuring devices at IRE, later renamed as quasioptics department, and stayed at that post until 1988. At the initial stage, he was designing and developing various general-purpose devices and circuits of the millimeter-wave range (wavelength from 1 to 10 mm) on the basis of standard rectangular waveguides. This became his contribution to the complex work of IRE NASU scientists on the millimeter-wave technologies, awarded with the Lenin Prize, the highest technical prize in the USSR, in 1960. The applications of these circuits were several including the diagnostics of hot plasma in the recently proposed Tokamak nuclear fusion machines. The Tokamaks were built in Moscow, at the Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE), which belonged to the mentioned above Ministry of Medium Machine-Building and was enjoying virtually unlimited funding until the very end of the USSR. In fact, all early buildings of IRE NASU at the Northern entrance to Kharkiv were built by 1959 thanks to massive research funding of Kuleshov’s department from IAE.

However the necessity of mastering even shorter, sub-millimeter wavelength range was obviously not compatible with a further use of the hollow-waveguide technology. Therefore in the mid-1960s to the early-1970s, the innovative work of Kuleshov broke ground on development a wideband quasi-optical components and circuits working in the 0.1 to 2 mm wavelength range. In the beginning, this exploratory work was funded by the Ministry of Radio Industry and had no any true customer. However in the 1970s, such a customer appeared, and extremely wealthy one. This was the same department of hot plasma diagnostics in the Tokamak thermonuclear fusion machines at IAE in Moscow (see [3] for details), which was then building new machines with denser and hotter plasmas and thus was interested in even shorter electromagnetic waves for the diagnostics.

In the heart of all quasi-optical components was innovative idea of the hollow dielectric beam-waveguide (HDB) technology, first proposed in 1964 [3]. In 1972, after a long struggle with secrecy-overwhelmed USSR bureaucracy, it was patented by eight Kharkiv inventors including Kuleshov. HDB had the form of a wide (dozen of wavelengths and more) dielectric tube with the air in the inner channel, encased into a metal cover. The inner surface of the HDB dielectric lining had triangular longitudinal ribs having depth smaller than half-wavelength. In comparison to various other waveguides, the cross-sectional dimension of HDB was significantly larger as compared with the wavelength, and the dielectric lining had relatively large loss tangent (typically around 0.1) and sizable thickness. All this resulted in a specific “self-filtering effect”: the higher-order modes of HDB propagate with significant losses and only the principal HE_11 mode keeps low attenuation [3,19,20]. Quite interestingly, this effect was experimentally established by Kuleshov in the mid-1960 however the full-wave modeling was done only recently in [24,25] by the groups in the UK and Australia working with plastic THz waveguides similar to Kuleshov’s HDB.

Besides of being a team member for the Lenin Prize in 1960, Kuleshov held the USSR titles of Honorary Inventor (1978), Honorary Radio Engineer (1980), and was awarded, as team leader, the State Prize of Ukraine (1972). Worth noting is that the latter prize was awarded entirely for the development of the pioneering HDB technology [3]. Here, its application in Tokamaks of IAE was considered as the most impressive sign of its high usefulness and practicality.

In 1988, Kuleshov retired from the post of department’s head however continued active and fruitful work at IRE NASU, as a senior scientist. At that time his research interests shifted to the application of HDB technology in several promising civilian and defense-oriented areas such as materials testing and radar-cross-section measurements of the downscaled models of sea-borne and air-borne targets [19]. Still the sum-millimeter wave diagnostics of hot plasma inside IAE’s nuclear fusion machines was the most important area of application, which culminated into the 0.195-mm wavelength 9-channel interferometer-polarimeter system installed at Tokamak-15 [7,3]. When Ukraine became independent nation in 1992, the smoke of secrecy around microwave research started getting taken away by fresh winds. The Tokamak studies in Moscow lost their top priority and finally stopped as prohibitively expensive and actually fruitless. Such a change allowed, eventually, Kuleshov’s team to start publishing their results in international technical journals and became internationally visible – see [5-26].

These new circumstances quickly led to remarkable recognition. In 2000, Yevgeny M. Kuleshov was awarded the IEEE Microwave Pioneer Award, with citation “For development of a hollow-ribbed dielectric beamguide technology and quasi-optical measuring techniques of the short-millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength ranges.” One should be reminded that IEEE Microwave Pioneer Award is considered as being much higher than, for instance, the IEEE Fellow grade because every year around ten MTT Society members are elected Fellows however the Microwave Pioneer is either one or none at all. Before Kuleshov’s success, the Pioneer Award was granted to the scientists from the USA and (a few times only) from Japan however not to any European. Therefore Ukrainian microwave community is now proud of that achievement as a token of high recognition of its contribution to the service to humanity.
It is worth noting that Kuleshov continued working as leading scientist at his department till the very end. In 2013, when his former student and the then head of this department died at the age of 65, Kuleshov had the courage and strength to take responsibility of an important research project of the FP-7 Program. The project was dealing with HDB technology applied to the testing of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic materials used in the Airbus industry – see [14,16,26]. In 2015, he received the Honorable Mention signed by the President of NASU, for the fruitful work and significant contributions to the radio physics and electronics.

It should be also emphasized that Kuleshov was never a member of the USSR Communist Party that was extremely rare exception for a head of department in the USSR science. After 1992, he immediately became interested in international collaboration and was always an active supporter of all activities of the IEEE MTT Society in Kharkiv and Ukraine. He joined the Society in 1996 and was elevated to Senior Membership in 1999. In 2001 and 2002, he served as elected Chairman of the IEEE East Ukraine Joint Chapter, the largest in Ukraine. This was a critical time in chapter’s life because of difficult transition to annual elections of its committee by secret ballot, and Kuleshov’s authority, decency, common sense, and also sense of humor helped greatly in this transition. In 2010, he was granted the status of IEEE Life Senior Member, in recognition of many years of both technical work and volunteering.

Yevgeny M. Kuleshov passed away less than two weeks short of his 94th birthday, in a good sense. His last words were “my bolt is shot.” He was married to his beloved wife, Lyudmyla (Afonicheva) for 59 years until her death in 2011. He is survived by his daughter and son, two grandchildren, and two grand-grandchildren. Ukrainian microwave community has lost a remarkable scientist and valued colleague, the founder of quasi-optics department and one of the founding fathers of IRE NASU. Our hearts and prayers go out to him.

Dr. Y. M. Kuleshov’s IEEE Awards and IEEE Offices

  • IEEE Senior Member: 1999
  • IEEE MTT-S Microwave Pioneer Award: 2000, for development (in 1964-1972) of a hollow-ribbed dielectric beamguide technology and quasi-optical measuring techniques of the short-millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength ranges
  • IEEE East Ukraine Joint Chapter Chair: 2001-2002, two elected terms
  • IEEE Life Senior Member: 2010
  • IEEE Honorable Mention: 2010, in recognition of the many years of loyal membership and support of the activities of the IEEE (signed by P. Ray, IEEE President)
  • IEEE East Ukraine Joint Chapter International Publication Encouragement Award: 2016, for the paper by P.K. Nesterov, V.V. Yachin ; T.L. Zinenko, and Y.M. Kuleshov, “Characterization of CFRP thermal degradation by the polarization-frequency reflectometry method in subterahertz frequency range,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 6, no 1, pp. 91-98, 2016.

Micorwave Pioneer Award


Publications highlighting Dr. Y. M. Kuleshov’s career and research

  1. A. A. Kostenko, A. I. Nosich, and I. A. Tishchenko, “Quasi-optics of near-mm and sub-mm waves in IRE-Kharkov, Ukraine in the 1960-70’s”, Proc. European Microwave Conf. (EuMC-02), Milan, 2002, vol. 1, pp. 247-250.
  2. A. I. Nosich, Y. M. Poplavko, D. M. Vavriv, and F. J. Yanovsky, “Microwaves in Ukraine,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, 2002, vol. 2, no 4, pp. 82-90.
  3. I. A. Tishchenko and A. I. Nosich, “Early quasioptics of near-millimeter and submillimeter waves in IRE-Kharkov, Ukraine: From ideas to the microwave pioneer award,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 4, no 4, pp. 32-44, 2003.
  4. A. A. Kostenko, A. I. Nosich, and P. F. Goldsmith, “Historical background and development of Soviet quasioptics at near-mm and sub-mm wavelengths,” Chapter 15 in T. Sarkar et al. (Eds.), History of Wireless, New York: Wiley, 2006, pp. 473-542.

Selected publications co-authored by Y. M. Kuleshov

  1. V. N. Polupanov, Y. M. Kuleshov, and V. K. Kiseliov, “Quasi-optical unidirectional ferrite devices,” Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves, vol. 16, no 3, pp 539-546, 1995.
  2. V. I. Bezborodov, V. K. Kiseliov, B. N. Knyazkov, Y. M. Kuleshov, and M. S. Yanovsky, “An ultra-broadband quasioptical polarization attenuator for metal-dielectric waveguides,” Telecommunic. Radio Eng., vol. 51, no 2-3, pp. 191-194, 1997.
  3. Y. E. Kamenev, V. K. Kiseliov, Y. M. Kuleshov, B. N. Knyazkov, V. K. Kononenko, P. K. Nesterov, and M. S. Yanovsky, “Submillimeter laser interferometer-polarimeter for plasma diagnostics,” Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves, vol. 19, no 6, pp. 835-848, 1998.
  4. V. K. Kiseliov, V. K. Kononenko, and Y. M. Kuleshov, “Submillimeter quasioptical semiconductor isolators,” IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, vol. 1, pp.569-572, 2000.
  5. M. I. Ayzatsky, E. Z. Biller, A. N. Dovbnya, I. V. Khodak, V. A. Kushnir, V. V. Mitrochenko, A. N. Opanasenko, S. A. Perezhogin, D. L. Stepin, L. M. Zavada, V. K. Kiseliov, Y. M. Kuleshov, and M. S. Yanovsky, “Bunch-length monitor for an electron linac,” Proc. Int. Particle Accel. Conf. (PAC-2001), Chicago, pp. 2356-2358, 2001.
  6. V. K. Kiseliov, V. K. Kononenko, and Y. M. Kuleshov, “Submillimeter wave quasioptical isolators with a semiconductor-based circular dichroic mirror,” Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 525-544, 2005.
  7. V. I. Bezborodov, V. K. Kiseliov, Y. M. Kuleshov, and M. S. Yanovsky, “THz band quasi-optical measuring devices based on a square metal-dielectric waveguide,” Proc. Int. Workshop THz Radiation: Basic Research and Applications (TERA-2008), pp. 3-9, 2008.
  8. V. K. Kiseliov, Y. M. Kuleshov, and M. S. Yanovsky, “THz multifunctional quasi-optical measuring system for education and science,” Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop THz Radiation (TERA), Sebastopol, pp. 267-271, 2010.
  9. V. I. Bezborodov, V. K. Kiseliov, Y. M. Kuleshov, V. K. Laptiy, P. K. Nesterov, I. V. Scherbatko, and M. S. Yanovsky, “THz/GHz wideband quasioptical spatial multiplexers and demultiplexers of electromagnetic waves,” Telecommunic. Radio Engineering, vol. 71, no 2, pp. 187-195, 2012.
  10. V. I. Bezborodov, V. K. Kiseliov, Y. M. Kuleshov, P. K. Nesterov, S. V. Mizrakhi, I. V. Shcherbatko, and M. S. Yanovsky, “Sub-terahertz quasi-optical reflectometer for CFRP surface inspection,” Advanced Mat. Res., vol. 664, pp. 547-550, 2013.
  11. V. I. Bezborodov, O. S. Kosiak, Y. M. Kuleshov, and V. V. Yachin, “Differential phase sections based on form birefringence in the terahertz frequency range,” Telecommunic. Radio Eng., vol. 74, no 8, pp. 735-744, 2015.
  12. P. K. Nesterov, V. V. Yachin, T. L. Zinenko, and Y. M. Kuleshov. ”Characterization of CFRP thermal degradation by the polarization-frequency reflectometry method in sub-terahertz frequency range,” IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 6, no 1, pp. 91-98, 2016.
  13. A. A. Galuza, V. K. Kiseliov, I. V. Kolenov, A. I. Belyaeva, and Y. M. Kuleshov, “Developments in THz-range ellipsometry: quasi-optical ellipsometer,” IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 6, no 2, pp. 183-190, 2016.

Publications crediting Dr. Y. M. Kuleshov’s development of HDB and its applications

  1. N. T. Cherpak, “Millimeter-wavelength maser amplifiers (Review),” Radiophys. Quant. Electron., vol. 27, no 7, pp. 571-601, 1984.
  2. V. K. Kiseliov, T. M. Kushta, and P. K. Nesterov, “Quasi-optical waveguide modeling method and microcompact scattering range for the millimeter and submillimeter wave bands,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 49, no 5, pp. 784-792, 2001.
  3. T. M. Kushta, K. Yasumoto, and V. K. Kiseliov, “Extinction and scattering of a guided beam in a hollow dielectric waveguide,” J. Opt. Soc. Am A, vol. 18, no 7, pp. 1690-1695, 2001.
  4. V. Weinzettl, et al., “Overview of the COMPASS diagnostics,” Fusion Eng. Design, vol. 86, pp. 1227–1231, 2011.
  5. M. Euler and V. F. Fusco, “Quasi optical phase shifter using cascaded split slot ring frequency selective surfaces,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 53, no 5, pp. 972–974, 2011.
  6. V. V. Parshin, M. Y. Tretyakov, M. A. Koshelev, and E. A. Serov, “Modern resonator spectroscopy at submillimeter wavelengths,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 18-23, 2013.
  7. M. Navarro-Cía, J. E. Melzer, A. Harrington, and O. Mitrofanov, “Silver-coated Teflon tubes for waveguiding at 1–2 THz,” J. Infrared Millim. Terahz. Waves, vol. 36, no 6, pp. 542-555, 2015.
  8. X. Tang, Z. Yu, X. Tu, J. Chen, A. Argyros, B. T. Kuhlmey, and Y. Shi, “Elliptical metallic hollow fiber inner-coated with non-uniform dielectric layer,” Opt. Exp., vol. 23, no 17, pp. 22587-22601, 2015.
  9. J. Dong, A. Locquet, N. F. Declercq, and D.S. Citrin, “Polarization-resolved terahertz imaging of intra- and inter-laminar damages in hybrid fiber-reinforced composite laminate subject to low-velocity impact,” Composites Part B, vol. 92, pp. 167-174, 2016.
  10. A.A. Kostenko, A.I. Nosich, and I.A. Tishchenko, “Development of the first Soviet three-coordinate L-band pulsed radar in Kharkov before WWII,” IEEE Antennas Propagat. Mag., vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 29-48, 2001.

Tatiana L. Zinenko
Department of Quasioptics, Institute of Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU
Kharkiv, Ukraine
([email protected])


STARTUP OLÉ 2016 is a two-days event created to boost European startup ecosystem and engage some of the most relevant startups, accelerators, incubators, investors, business angels, unicorns, media/bloggers, institutions and corporates from all over Europe.

STARTUP OLÉ 2016 is an event created for tech startups, which aims to bring together the right mix of entrepreneurs and facilitators.
The ultimate networking site for startups keen to leverage Salamanca’s globally-renowned talent hub and enterprise culture.


STARTUP OLÉ 2016 connects startups; matches them with funders, serial entrepreneurs and business angels who can act as mentors, investors and business mentors to help them grow.

The stage will feature:

  • Pitches of European startups from different sectors and growth stages and such as pre-launch, seed, mid and scale-up stage.
  • Panel discussions of investors, corporations, accelerators, mentors, crowdfunding platforms, universities…

STARTUP OLÉ 2016 will also offer:

  • Startup fair
  • Matchmaking events with investors and corporates
  • Cocktails and many networking opportunities

STARTUP OLÉ 2016 has the following objectives:

  • To boost European tech-entrepreneurial ecosystem and culture as well as support talent development.
  • To engage and connect some of the most relevant startups, accelerators, investors, media and corporates from all over Europe.
  • To place Salamanca at the top of the European tech-entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Reinforce the role of universities in the tech-entrepreneurial ecosystem.

More info & registration:

IEEE – Gasparini International School

IEEE – Gasparini International School
Naples, October 23-30 2016

The “F. Gasparini National PhD School” in Electrical Sciences, in cooperation with the IEEE Italy Section is delighted to organize the 1-st edition of the:

IEEE – Gasparini International School:
Advanced Course in Electrical Engineering

The innovative event is aimed to promote the knowledge and the sharing of experience among students and young professionals from Europe, Africa and Middle East, by means of a full immersion training and scientific experience, involving high level teachers coming from several countries.

The School provides certification for attendance and profit evaluation, valuable to get University credits.

The School is based on eight hours per day of collective work for six days (Monday, 24 October – Saturday, 29 October) based on lectures, scientific meetings, demonstrations, profit assessment tests. Sunday 23 October and Sunday 30 October are an important part of the course, which is devoted to presentations, familiarization and related activities as the consignment of the certificates for the evaluation of the profit.
The school’s website collects key information and provides the main services such as registration, program, assistance for both hotel bookings and travel arrangements.

The Gasparini School and the IEEE Italian Section will do their best to welcome students and teachers, which know that the key to success will be the enthusiasm of the participants and the unifying ability of Science over all differences of culture, origin and tradition.

IEEE - Gasparini Gasparini International School 1st Edition -Advanced Course Advanced Course in Electrical Engineering -October 23- October 23-30, 2016 30, 2016 - Naples, Italy- FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT

IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2016)


4th Annual IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability

Phoenix, AZ. October 9 – 11, 2016

Sustainability: the pursuit of environmentally sound development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the future!


The 4th Annual IEEE Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2016) Conference is designed to explore the development and application of science, engineering and technology in achieving a sustainable lifestyle for humanity. It brings together scientists, engineers, technologists and scholars from multiple disciplines to hold a dialogue on environmental issues and collaborate on ideas to develop and utilize innovative tools and intelligent systems to address them. The attendees are expected to be exposed to the tools, connections and proactive solutions to take their sustainability programs to the next level.

SusTech 2016 conference will feature technical papers, posters and workshops. A number of prominent experts will be giving keynotes and invited talks. Best Posters and Papers in the conference will be eligible for an award. Full papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Papers accepted in the conference proceedings and presented during the conference will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting & Indexing (A&I) databases.

Proposals are solicited for both oral and poster presentations from industry, government and academia (including students) covering relevant research, technologies, methodologies, tools and case studies. Topics with policy implications are also welcome. Poster presentations this year will be limited to students.

Topics of Interest

  • Internet of Things – IOT (e.g.: sensors, computing, control, communication, storage and drive electronics targeted for IOT applications, medical electronics, drones)

  • Smart Grid (e.g. communication, control, power electronics, energy storage, demand control and response)
  • eWaste (e.g. reduction, conversion, disposal, recycling, reuse, harvesting, managing product lifecycle)
  • Renewable Energy (e.g. solar, wind, tidal, fuel cells, energy harvesting, nuclear, thermal, power distribution)
  • Water (e.g. Sourcing & distribution, conservation, harvesting, waste disposal, reusage)
  • Electronics (e.g. components and systems, sustainable manufacturing, automotive and industrial applications)
  • Energy Efficiency (e.g. sensing and measurement, energy saving, auto electrification & fuel economy, data centers)

  • Transportation (e.g. electric & autonomous vehicles, aviation, motors, drive controls, batteries)
  • Societal Implications of Technology (e.g. engineering of sustainable solutions, implementation challenges for sustainable technologies, Smart Cities, ethics and professional responsibility, risk management, public policy)

Instructions to Authors: Submit in PDF form, an up to two page abstract of the poster or oral presentation in via the SusTech 2016 website. For details including information for authors, please visit the conference website at Select Authors tab and follow the instructions there.


Key Dates

June 3, 2016

Submission deadline for paper and poster abstracts.

June 30, 2016

Notification of acceptance.

August 15, 2016

Final manuscript submission deadline.

SusTech 2016 General Chair: Gopi Krishnan ([email protected])

SusTech 2016 Program Chair: Vivek Gupta ([email protected])

SusTech 2016 Program Co-Chair: Ed Perkins ([email protected])

SusTech 2016 is co-sponsored by the IEEE Phoenix and Oregon Sections, IEEE Region 6 and IEEE-USA, with IEEE SSIT.


IEEE Young Entrepreneurs Day, University of Greenwich

IEEE Young Entrepreneurs Day, University of Greenwich

This public open day event focuses on the role that the UK and Ireland Section of the IEEE can play in supporting and preparing students and young professionals for facing the emerging challenges in work and employment opportunities.

  • Workshops and talks by invited experts from business and industry sectors.
  • Successful professionals to share their advice and experiences.
  • Professional advice and resources on business and start-ups, career development, technology jobs.
  • Introduction to IEEE services for students and young professional members

Don’t miss out on this amazing line up where you can meet some of the biggest names in tech, as well as enhance your knowledge, skills and network with industry professionals.

Registration and Programme:

Full Programme available:

Date: Saturday 11th if June 2016

Registration: From 09:00 room QA177

Venue: University of Greenwich, London SE109LS

Young professionals event at RTSI 2016

Dear YP,

this is a friendly reminder related to the forthcoming Young professionals (YP) event,
jointly organized by IEEE Italy section and University of
Bologna within the “2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society
and Industry (RTSI 2016)“.
This is a forum which is running at University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy on 7-9 Sept
2016 (

The YP event is a “Poster and Demo Session”
( that is focused
on YP and will be mainly devoted to  show innovative prototype implementations,
systems and technologies.
Demos can be considered as real, practical, and interactive proof of the
presenters’ research ideas and scientific or engineering contributions, with the
goal of offering YP the opportunity to discuss systems, applications,
prototypes, or proofs-of-concept with Senior researchers and people from

All demo submissions will be automatically subscribed to the “YP Demo
competition“. An evaluation committee will view and score posters/demos and

  • 1 for Best Demo Award. Demos will be primarily judged on originality,
    execution, and illustration of the core research ideas. The 500 € prize is
    sponsored by the IEEE Italy Section.
  • 10 to receive 10 NUCLEO systems (provided by STmicroelectronics) containing the STM32F401 development board,
    ST Bluetooth Low Energy radio expansion board, ST MEMs Inertial and Environmental
    sensors board, and ST omnidirectional microphone board.
  • 1 internship opportunity at STmicroelectronics’s site in Agrate, Italy,
    based on the Company’s assessment of the Young Professional’s talents and motivations to benefit from, and contribute to, the internship offering.

The deadline to submit proposals is May 15, 2016. If you are considering to
submit a contribution, send an email to [email protected]

Thank you
Best regards

Young professionals event at RTSI 2016