IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) 2016 abstract due date extended to 16 May
The new extended deadline for accepting abstracts for the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) is 16 May.
GHTC will be in Seattle WA, October 13 – 16, 2016. Refer to the Call for Papers here for details. The abstracts should be 200 words max and additional information for authors is at
At GHTC multiple disciplines interact to identify, create and advance technology that benefits the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations of the world and help with improving disaster response. The conference’s focus is research, applied technology, and case studies pertaining to humanitarian technology and its application in the following areas:
- Energy,
- Healthcare,
- Disaster management,
- Connectivity & communication,
- Humanitarian challenges & opportunities,
- Water & sanitation,
- Agriculture,
- Education, and
- Deployment.
Authors must submit an initial abstract for consideration to present in an oral session or interactive poster session; or a proposal for a case study, panel discussion, and workshop. We especially encourage the inclusion of case studies on topics that are appropriate for humanitarian technology. Submission of a full paper is mandatory for technical paper oral presentations and optional for posters and special workshops after initial abstract acceptance. All abstracts should be submitted online following the author guidelines at
Submission Schedule:
May 16 Abstract or proposal submission deadline
June 30 Full paper submission deadline
August 15 Final paper submission deadline