
10th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM)

Call for Papers: IEEE WNM 2016

10th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM)

co-located with

41th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)

November 7-10, 2016, The Address Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE


Submission:        May 23, 2016
Notification:      July 25, 2016
Camera-ready:      August 15, 2016
Direct EDAS Submission Link:

The 10th Anniversary Edition of  IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements is soliciting papers in the areas of computer network measurement, monitoring, security and privacy. We invite mature and early works using traditional and new methodologies, and especially works that challenge conventional wisdom in relationship between traffic monitoring, security and privacy.

We seek submissions that treat all aspects of measurement, security and privacy across the networking stack, distributed applications and services and especially encourage works that involve new and emerging systems, applications, and environments.

The importance of data increases from one year to the next, and we have witnessed significant changes in technologies related to generation, collection, transmission, analysis and storage of data, including virtualization and cloud technologies, big data processing and storage systems. The shear volume of data poses challenges to traditional measurement and monitoring techniques, as well as transmission into analysis systems, where so much data is generated that it cannot be copies, transmitted or stored before processing that includes downsizing.

As data becomes more important, more precise and detailed extraction from network traffic and applications is necessary. Often times, considerations for security and privacy preservation are lacking or come later as a secondary concern. A question arises how to build powerful measurement and monitoring systems that generate valuable data without compromising security and privacy of consumers, and increasingly IoT devices, that generate it. In fact, many measurement and monitoring systems do not have built-in privacy and security protection mechanisms and data is sanitized off-line or during post-processing. On the other hand, some systems are built with only security or privacy in mind so that effective measurement and monitoring of those systems is impossible.

We invite the measurement, monitoring, security and privacy community to contribute original submissions that cover a broad range of topics across wired and wireless networks, with and without security and privacy aspects:

*Measurement tools, techniques, design, and evaluation
*Measurement of new protocols such as HTTP/2, QUIC and similar alternatives
*Measurement of emerging modes of communication such as NFC and spontaneous interaction of devices
*Measurement for wearables and Internet of Things
*Measurement in Network Function Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking
*Building Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics from network measurements
*Measurement related to performance, security and privacy
*Preserving security and/or privacy in measurement and monitoring systems
*Preventing network intrusions and attacks on monitoring and measurement systems
*Detecting vulnerabilities in network systems
*Anonymization and privacy preservation
*Building secure and privacy-preserving monitoring systems and infrastructures
*Privacy enhancing technologies
*Privacy and anonymity in the Web, cloud systems, online social networks, mobile networks, P2P networks
*Privacy in identity management systems
*Design, performance, and measurements of privacy-preserving systems
*Design, performance, and measurements of secure networks
*Measurement methodologies for privacy and anonymity
*User profiling mechanisms
*Mechanisms for processing of private data
*Quantification of privacy threats and anonymity loss
*Privacy challenges in smart systems
*Current and emerging regulatory frameworks for privacy


The workshop seeks novel, previously unpublished papers, which are not currently under review by another conference, workshop, or journal. All submissions should be in PDF for-mat, written in English with a maximum paper length of eight printed pages (IEEE Transactions style double-column format, 10pt font size), including figures. The paper should include a brief abstract of up to 150 words. The submission will be handled via EDAS. The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be available via the IEEE Xplore website. Please refer to workshop website for details:


Program Chairs
Aniket Mahanti, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Emir Halepovic, AT&T Labs – Research, USA

Web Chair
Mingwei Gong, Mount Royal University, Canada

2016 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Innovative Business Practices for the Transformation of Societies (IEEE EmergiTech 2016)


The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Innovative Business Practices for the Transformation of Societies (IEEE EmergiTech 2016) is the new flagship Conference of the IEEE Mauritius Subsection. The first edition of EmergiTech is organised jointly with the University of Technology, Mauritius (UTM) and aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum where industry, Government and academia will meet to discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns regarding the evolution of technology and its impact on societies and businesses. The program will also feature a rich set of workshops and tutorials as well as a featured exhibition space to provide our attendees with a distinctive conference experience. The conference therefore welcomes participants from the region and all over the world to the beautiful Island of Mauritius for an exciting six-day event. An exclusive Conference Gala Dinner bathed in the local folklore will be proposed to our attendees as well as a half-day tour to reveal the exotic beauty of the Island.


IEEE EmergiTech 2016 focuses on emerging technologies covering the following themes:

  • Smart Cities and Internet of Things (IoTs)
  • Innovative Technologies for Smart Enterprises Growth
  • Sustainable Development, Energy Harvesting and Storage
  • Technology based Educational Systems
  • Web Technologies, Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics
  • Information Security and Cyber Forensics
  • Softwarization and Next Generation of Networking Technologies
  • Robotics and Cognitive Technologies
  • Bio-Intelligence and Health Technologies
  • Social Networks and Behavioral Science

Important Dates

Submission of Paper: 28 March 2016 29 February 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 18 April 2016 21 March 2016
Camera-Ready Paper: 02 May 2016 04 April 2016
Conference Dates 01 – 06 August 2016


All submitted papers will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two reviewers. Accepted and presented papers as well as abstracts of tutorials/workshops will be published in IEEE Emergitech 2016 Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.


IEEE EmergiTech 2016 will award both best paper and best student paper. More details will be subsequently made available on the website.


Conference Guidelines

Conference paper guidelines can be accessed at paper-submission-guidelines/

Tutorial/Workshop guidelines can be accessed at tutorial-workshop-submission-guidelines/


Call for Reviewers

Call for Reviewers, Track Chairs & Session Chairs reviewer-form/


For further information please visit

International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering

The IEEE Israel Section invites paper submission to the international conference on the science of electrical engineering (ICSEE) to be held in Nov. 16 – 18 in the city of Eilat, at the beautiful northern coast of the Red Sea. The conference will cover a multiplicity of topics in a number of parallel sessions, in combination with joint sessions and activities designed to foster scientific interaction and synergy between various disciplines. Practitioners and scientists are invited to use this opportunity for exchanging information on the latest developments.

Conference highlights

  • An invited full day symposium on Information Theory
  • An invited full day symposium on Speech and Audio Processing
  • Best student paper competition

In 2016 the IEEE Israel Section anticipates a wide participation of professionals from Israel and abroad.

Convention Topics

  • Systems and Control
  • Communication and Information theory
  • Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
  • Image Processing and Computer Vision
  • Machine Intelligence
  • Microwaves, Antennas & EMC
  • Electronic Devices
  • High speed electronics
  • Power Electronics, Power Engineering & Smart Grids
  • Optical devices and systems

Submission of Paper Draft

Guidelines for full paper draft preparation and notification on the opening of the submission website will be provided in future correspondence.


Important Dates

Abstracts submission: June 15, 2016

Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2016

Submission of camera ready papers: September 30, 2016


Conference Secretariat

Tel: Tamar: +972-3-5767716, Email: [email protected]

General Chair

Mark Shtaif

Technical Program Chair

Uri Erez

Steering Committee

Adi Arye, Tel Aviv University

Joseph Kost, Ben Gurion University

Ephraim Zehavi, Bar Ilan University

Ariel Orda, Technion

Yair Weiss, The Hebrew University

Yossi Rosenwaks, Tel Aviv University


Organizing Committee

Mark Shtaif, Tel Aviv University

Israel Cohen, Technion

Sharon Ganot, Bar Ilan University

Anelia Somekh Baruch, Bar Ilan University

Yuval Beck, Holon Institute of Technology

Liran Katzir, Tel Aviv University


Technical Program Committee

Ady Arie, Tel Aviv University

Shmuel Auster, Elta Systems

Jacob Baal-Schem

Yuval Beck, Holon Institute of Technology

Irad Ben-gal, Tel Aviv University

Itai Dabran, Technion

Sharon Gannot, Bar Ilan University

Jacob Gavan

Gady Golan, Hermellin College

Leah Goldin, Shenkar College

Hugo Guterman, Ben Gurion University

Yuval Kochman, The Hebrew University

Steli Loznen

Reuven Meidan

Yael Nemirovsky, Techion

Yaakov Oshman, Technion

Sigal Portnoy, Tel Aviv University

Doron Shmilovitz, Tel Aviv University

Solon Spiegel, Bar Ilan university

Arie Yeredor, Tel Aviv University

Ezra Zeheb, Technion

IEEE EmergiTech 2016 Conference


The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Innovative Business Practices for the Transformation of Societies (IEEE EmergiTech 2016) is the new flagship Conference of the IEEE Mauritius Subsection. The first edition of EmergiTech is organised jointly with the University of Technology, Mauritius (UTM) and aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum where industry, Government and academia will meet to discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns regarding the evolution of technology and its impact on societies and businesses. The program will also feature a rich set of workshops and tutorials as well as a featured exhibition space to provide our attendees with a distinctive conference experience. The conference therefore welcomes participants from the region and all over the world to the beautiful Island of Mauritius for an exciting six-day event. An exclusive Conference Gala Dinner bathed in the local folklore will be proposed to our attendees as well as a half-day tour to reveal the exotic beauty of the Island.


IEEE EmergiTech 2016 focuses on emerging technologies covering the following themes:

  • Smart Cities and Internet of Things (IoTs)
  • Innovative Technologies for Smart Enterprises Growth
  • Sustainable Development, Energy Harvesting and Storage
  • Technology based Educational Systems
  • Web Technologies,  Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics
  • Information Security and Cyber Forensics
  • Softwarization and Next Generation of Networking Technologies
  • Robotics and Cognitive Technologies
  • Bio-Intelligence and Health Technologies
  • Social Networks and Behavioral Science

Important Dates

Paper & Tutorial/Workshop Proposal Submission: 29 February 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 21 March 2016
Camera-Ready Paper: 04 April 2016
Final 1-Page Tutorial/Workshop Abstract: 04 April 2016 .


All submitted papers will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two reviewers. Accepted and presented papers as well as abstracts of tutorials/workshops will be published in IEEE Emergitech 2016 Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.

IEEE EmergiTech 2016 will award both best paper and best student paper. More details will be subsequently made available on the website.

Conference Guidelines

Conference paper guidelines can be accessed at

Tutorial/Workshop guidelines can be accessed at

For further information please visit

Additional queries can be addressed to: [email protected]

IEEE Oman Forges a Sustainable Industry-Academe Linkage

MUSCAT, Oman – Believing that local companies can get involved in education and close the gap between the needs of industries and the skills of graduates, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IIEE) – Oman section gathered together administrators of universities and colleges as well as business executives and industry leaders on 1st December 2015 to discuss how “to scale-up and institutionalize” an industry-academe linkage.

IEEE Oman Forges a Sustainable Industry-Academe Linkage - 1

This activity was co-organized by IEEE Oman with the Oman Society of Engineers (OSE) and the Military Technological College (MTC), who hosted and took the lead role in facilitating the preparations and organizations of the event. In general, the event seek to establish the foundation of an interactive forum between industry and academia through a more concrete approach in exchanging opinions, sharing ideas, discussing real world problems, and exploring ways to utilize the advantages of multidisciplinary engagement to enrich research, innovation and development (RID) in the Sultanate.

The one-day event was packed with series of presentations from the industry sector, poster presentation and interactive session with the representative from the academe. Experts from the Oman Drydock, Oman Railways, Oman Power and Water Procurement Company, Glass Point, and the Research Council clearly manifested the need for a greater and more appropriate industry involvement in the education system. Furthermore, they suggested that clearly defined human resource requirements in industry road maps, more one-to-one partnerships among colleges, universities and companies, more effective on-the-job training (OJT) and internship programs, collaboration on research innovation and the development of students’ general competencies are key to achieving global competitiveness.

IEEE Oman Forges a Sustainable Industry-Academe Linkage - 2

The academe-industry day concluded with high hopes that partnership and the corresponding collaboration between the academe and industry can bring about the kind of education that will drive inclusive and sustainable growth and development in Oman.

By: Engr. Arnold N. Santos
Secretary, IEEE Oman

MCBS hosts Oman National Robotics Challenge

MUSCAT, Oman. Seven teams from different colleges and universities in the Sultanate competed in this year’s Oman Robotics Challenge (ORC 2015). The event was held at the Modern College of Business and Science last November 30th under the sponsorship and direct supervision of the officers and representatives from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) – Oman Section.

ORC 2015 aims to inspire creativity and encourage team spirit, as young Omani students are given the opportunity to solve problems, transform abstract concepts to practical resolutions and strategies and compete in an environment different from the usual.

The challenge consists of 6 rounds and a two-hour window time is allocated for participants to build, program and test their robots before starting the actual competition. Hybrid-programmed and remote-controlled robots should be designed using both open source and commercial platforms. The robots should be able to move and carry light objects and autonomously drive them through different types of terrains and obstacles.

After the grueling rounds, the team from Sultan Qaboos University was declared winner by the panel of expert jurors both from academe and industry.

The winning team and coach received 400 USD cash prize, plaque and certificates of participation, round-trip airfare and hotel accommodation to Holiday Inn Downtown in Kuwait, where the GCC Robotics Final Round is slated to be held on 12th December 2015.

  • By Engr. Arnold N. Santos
    Secretary, IEEE Oman

Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation signs MoU with IEEE to enhance global reach of UAE Drones for Good Award

Dubai, 17th November, 2015 (WAM): Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation has announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), paving the way for the second year of their strategic partnership on the UAE Drones for Good Award. The tie-up with the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology comes as part of the Foundation’s efforts to promote the UAE’s leading position in the field of advanced technologies at the regional and international levels.

UAE Drones for Good Award 01

The MoU was signed by Saif Al Aleeli, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation, and Coordinator General of the UAE Drones for Good Award; and Dr. Nazih Khaddaj Mallat, Chair of IEEE Region (Europe, Middle East, Africa) Chapters Coordination Committee.

The Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation has been working towards expanding the scope of the UAE Drones for Good Award, the most prominent award of its kind in the world, through cooperation efforts with government entities, private sector, international organisations and academic institutions. It has also enabled opportunities for direct communication between owners of innovative projects and businessmen, companies, organisations and business incubators interested in employing drones technology in civilian applications.

Based on the MoU, the IEEE will promote the second edition of the UAE Drones for Good Award during its various activities and events with the aim of raising awareness about the award at the local and international level. The IEEE will also encourage participation in the award, providing an opportunity for innovators to develop their projects with the support of IEEE’s extensive network of more than 430,000 members from more than 160 countries around the world.

Commenting on the signing of the MoU, Saif Al Aleeli said: “This partnership is a new step in Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation’s strategy to enhance the status of the UAE Drones for Good Award as an annual platform to highlight the most prominent innovations in the field of drones technologies to serve humanity. It will help achieve the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to promote the culture of innovation and strengthen the UAE’s position as a regional and global hub of innovation and new technologies.”

Al Aleeli added, “Our partnership with IEEE for the second year aims to take advantage of the available opportunities provided by the award and the extensive expertise of IEEE to enhance the global reach of the award among experts, researchers and specialists.”

On this occasion, Dr. Roberto de Marca, IEEE President, said: “IEEE is pleased to work with the Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation on the outstanding UAE Drones for Good Award, and to be a strategic partner in the inaugural UAE AI & Robotics for Good Award.”

UAE Drones for Good Award 02

He added: “Extraordinary work is being undertaken for the benefit of humanity in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, and drones – both within the UAE and around the world. There were several exceptional projects in last year’s UAE Drones for Good Award. I look forward to seeing more of them this year, across both national and international competitions.”

The IEEE’s objectives are to achieve educational and technical advancement in the fields of electrical and electronic engineering, telecommunications, computer engineering and allied disciplines.

The UAE Drones for Good Award’s national and international competitions aim to use modern technologies to facilitate people’s lives and provide them advanced services in all areas within the UAE and elsewhere. The award also aims to motivate the participants from all over the world to invest in modern technology and provide the opportunity for them to showcase their innovative abilities in developing applications that can help improve daily lives.

IEEE DIY Project

Are you developing an engineering project? Submit it to the IEEE DIY Project to share it with the engineering community! Browse all of the projects, give your feedback, and even help IEEE choose a winner by voting for your favorite submissions. By sharing your project, you’ll be entered for a chance to win a gift card worth up to $500!


Towards an Open Judiciary Action Plan in the Open Government Partnership Summit 2015

Stanford Law School Universidad Autonoma - Estado de Mexico IEEE - Advancing Technology for humanity

Open Government Partnership Summit 2015


Providing Access to Justice for All Through Open Judiciary:

Comparative Experiences from the U.S., Latin America, and China


In January 2009, President Barack Obama signed the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, calling for an open government, as measured by transparency, participation, and collaboration. This statement has sparked the commitment of governments worldwide to redefine openness initiatives in accordance with these principles. Yet, most of these governments largely focus on the executive or legislative branches, leaving many issues concerning open judiciary unaddressed. This session, Providing Access to Justice for All Through Open Judiciary: Comparative Experiences from the U.S., Latin America, and China, not only fills this gap, but also seeks to challenge the common belief that open judiciary cannot be meaningfully implemented in developing countries, let alone in closed societies.

This session will present, through highly-participatory dialogue conducted during a panel and three simultaneously held workshops, common threads and key differences in approaches to open judiciary in different contexts—from developed to developing and closed societies—and will culminate in the collaborative creation of a list of factors critical to providing access to justice for all through open judiciary. Participants of the panel will be asked to complete a short online survey to rank the factors discussed, add their own, and give comments. The survey results will be shared during the workshops to help participants brainstorm action plans for promoting open judiciary, both around the world and in participants’ own jurisdiction.


Designed to help achieve Sustainable Development Goal No. 16 (“Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”) and to shed light on the Open Government Partnership Summit “Public Sector Innovation: Open Judiciary” topic. The session aims to draw on representative work accomplished by four experts with diverse backgrounds to develop a set of essential factors for making the judiciary around the world more open and to design a corresponding action plan for implementation.

The proposed session will begin with a 60-minute panel, featuring the four experts (three as panelists and one as moderator). The panelists will then simultaneously lead three separate workshops oriented toward drafting an action plan for promoting open judiciary, focusing on open judiciary efforts in developed countries, developing countries, and closed societies respectively. Attendees’ participation is key, and the format of this session will be highly participatory.

Panel experts are:

  • Carlos E. Jiménez-Gómez, (Moderator) Open & Smart Government Specialist (IEEE e-Government, USA; & Department of Justice of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Spain).

  • Phillip R. Malone, (Panelist – USA). Professor of Law, Director, Juelsgaard Intellectual Property and Innovation Clinic, (Stanford Law School, USA)

  • Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazan, (Panelist – Latin America) Professor, Political and Social Sciences School (Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Mexico).

  • Mei Gechlik, (Panelist – China) Founder and Director, China Guiding Cases Project -“CGCP”-, (Stanford Law School, USA).

All are invited to attend and participate.

More info in this link

Best regards,
Carlos, Mei, Phil & Rodrigo

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)

October 8-11, 2015        Seattle, Washington USA

Registration Now Open!

Early registration discount ends September 6, 2015


IEEE Global Humanitarian Conference (GHTC) is the perfect venue for enthusiasts from all backgrounds to connect, share and address critical issues for the benefit of the humanitarian endeavor worldwide. Join us in Seattle, WA, USA as we:

  • Enable a global sharing of skills, knowledge, networking in the humanitarian and emergency management fields
  • Highlight humanitarian technologies that promote successful practice, attract practitioners, and guide future research
  • Positively impact billions of people around the world

IEEE GHTC is the place to be whether you have experience to share, are looking for opportunities to join, or simply want to understand humanitarian work. In its 5th year, sponsored by IEEE Region 6 and IEEE Seattle Section, the conference is dedicated to “Advancing Technology for Humanity” with a focus on essential areas including energy, health, disaster management, connectivity, agriculture, and education.

Conference highlights include:

  • Maurizio Vecchione, Sr. Vice President of Global Good & Research plenary
  • “The Future of Humanitarian Technology” with a panel of experts from NGOs, the United Nations, and the Red Cross
  • “The Internet of Things (IoT) for Humanity” with a panel of industry partners
  • IEEE SIGHT Gaetano Borriello Memorial Symposium on Humanitarian Technology
  • UNESCO 70th anniversary celebration.
  • IEEE Smart Village workshop on Energy, Education, and Empowerment

Interactive special sessions that support in-field humanitarian efforts:

  • Open Data Kit Workshop – learn to collect data and build data services for many humanitarian efforts
  • Entrepreneurship and Education – engage in workshops with interactive dialogue on grass-roots business development and collaborative educational strategies for entrepreneurs and practitioners
  • Demonstrations and Exhibitions – see and experience new technologies in water and sanitation, energy, and communication and connectivity technologies

Register today to participate in an extensive, vibrant, and innovative technical program with likeminded individuals across the world.

Advanced Discount Registration ends September 6:

Regular Registration ends October 7

On-Site Registration & One Day Passes Available

For more information, contact [email protected]

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