
European Mobility – In or Out of Crisis?

11 November 2009 – 11:00 a.m. EST
The economic landscape has changed drastically around the world. But what are the consequences for technical occupations in the European labour market? This Webinar will be presented by European mobility expert Nannette Ripmeester and will address where are (still) opportunities and where are new opportunities emerging; which countries in Europe offer the best chance; and how best to make use of the available opportunities. Register for this Webinar at

Important Deadlines

24 October 2009
IEEEXtreme 3.0 (
Global Programming Competition, Registration Closes 12 October 2009.

15 November 2009
Student Enterprise Award
Have an idea for a project but need financial help implementing it?

15 November 2009
The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award
This award requires interested student groups to submit a description
of an organized activity for sharing and recognition.

31 December 2009
Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE)
Each year, outstanding US engineering students are selected to spend
nine weeks in a special summer program in Washington, D.C. to learn
how government officials make decisions on complex technological
issues and how engineers can contribute to legislative and regulatory
public policy decisions.

31 January 2010
2010 Presidents’ “Change the World” Competition
Are you a student with an idea that could benefit humanity and
revolutionize the way we live?

31 January 2010 Region 1,2,3,4,5,6,9
Larry K. Wilson Award
Nominate the student who has significantly contributed to IEEE student
activities in your Region, Section, Student Branch or Student Branch

1 February 2010 Regions 1,2,3,4,5,8,10
IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award
Public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations

28 February 2010 Region 10
Larry K. Wilson Award
Nominate the student who has significantly contributed to IEEE student
activities in your Region, Section, Student Branch or Student Branch

28 February 2010 All Regions
IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award Recognition
Program (
Cash award to each of approximately ten outstanding Counselors and
Advisors throughout the world.

1 March 2010 Region 4
IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award
Public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations

31 March 2010 Region 7 & 8
Larry K. Wilson Award
Nominate the student who has significantly contributed to IEEE student
activities in your Region, Section, Student Branch or Student Branch

15 April 2010 All Regions
Regional Website Competition

30 April 2010 Region 9
IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award
Public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations

28 May 2010 All Regions
International Website Competition

31 May 2010 Region 7
IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award
Public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch operations

Chapters on first priority – IEEE Region 8 Nordic Conference

A successful, 3 days Regional Chapter Leadership Workshop and Technical seminar on Wind Power Technologies was organised in Stockholm, from 13th to 15th, September 2009. The conference was supported by IEEE IAS, IEEE R8, the Sweden and Norway Sections, as well as the industrial sponsorship from the Power Technologies Department, ABB Corporate Research in Västerås.

The event was hosted by the local IAS chapters in the Hilton Stockholm Slussen Hotel.

 The Chapters belonging to the “Power Group” Societies in R8 (IAS, IES, PES and PELS) were invited and the chairs or representatives of 19 chapters participated, accounting for 30% of the total R8 “Power Group” chapters (65). With 8-10 participated chapters are the joined chapters from all four “power” societies, an exemplary reflection as a true regional Inter-society conference. The chapters represented 15 Sections, which account for 43% of the total Sections involved in Power Group Societies, within IEEE region 8.

On the first day, the conference started with a plenary presentation entitled “An on-line position error compensation method for sensorless IPM motor drives using high frequency injection”, by IEEE IAS President Dr. Thomas Nandahl. The Chapter Leadership Workshop was followed by some IEEE organizational overviews and inputs from Eng. Eng. Costas Stasopoulos IEEE R8 Secretary, Dr. Peter Magyar, IEEE R8 CCSC Chair, and Dr. Tamas Ruzsányi, IEEE “Power Group” Coordinator. The workshop activities in the morning were drawn into a conclusion with an interactive “Q&A” discussion forum between IEEE representatives and the chapter representatives. All chapter chairs further presented their respective activities during the afternoon sessions, with further open and direct dialogue between all participants and representatives.

On the second day, a technical seminar on Wind Power Technologies was organized, which covers 13 interesting presentations by academic researchers and industrial experts from 9 countries, Claus Madsen, head of ABB’s wind initiatives and country manager of Denmark. Topics ranging from system integration, grid access, energy storage, cable and the latest development in wind power generator are all covered.

On a lighter note, the traditional Swedish “Smörgåsbord” was served in the social dinner, with a sound feedback from all the international participants!

The conference was concluded on the final day with an excursion to the European Offshore Wind Conference and Exhibition. The visit certainly provided all delegates an extra dimension and exposure to the latest development in the ever growing wind power industry.

93rd Region 8 Committee Meeting

[singlepic id=1310 w=254 h=191 float=left] The 93rd Region 8 Committee Meeting will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on the 10th and the 11th of October 2009, following the invitation of the Portugal Session. One of the most important part of the meeting is the Section workshop on the best practices and the most important problems of our Sections. Our 56 Sections will be divided into 5 groups and with the help of Coordinators there will be presentations and discussions. The honor guests of the meeting will be IEEE President John Vig, IEEE President-Elect Pedro Ray, VP MGA Joe Lillie and Region 10 Director Yong-Jin Park.

More information on the meeting, the reports and the agenda can be found here here

Italy Section celebrates the IEEE 125/50th Anniversary in six locations

[singlepic id=1308 w=22 h=167 float=right] When I alerted my Chapter Chair colleagues that 2009 was the 125th anniversary of the IEEE, and May 13 a very special day, the date of the Italy Section foundation 50 years ago, I can’t imagine how enthusiastic the response of IEEE Italian Officers and Member could have been.

Actually, I was sending an e-mail with attached the picture of the banner we had just received, at the Spring R8 Meeting in , from the hands of the IEEE President John Vig, along with the President of the Region 8 Joseph Modelski – (see photo), where also the Holland Section, founded the same day (!!) is acknowledged.

The first two celebrations were performed by the boys of the Student Branches, one thousand kilometers apart across the Country in the Polytechnics of Milano and Bari. Both the events were held on just the 50th anniversary date of May 13, 2009.

In Milano, the Students invented the logo i3Poli (I-tree-poli, to sound like IEEE) as the acronym. The event featured an introduction by myself on the IEEE Section milestones, followed by the presentation of Alessandro Ferrero, Chairman of the IEEE Measurement and Instrumentation Society and  Professor at the Polytechnic University, and the stage of the late Professor Luigi Dadda, past Chancellor of the University and recognized founder of computer science in Italy, on the development of the electrical engineering in Italy.

Professor Dadda was also invited by us of the Section, to repeat the talk in Pavia University, my own affiliation, where a second celebration has been staged on May 21. Other speakers at the Pavia day were: myself as the convenor, Professor Vito Svelto, the Dean and Founder of the Faculty of Engineering, and  Tiziana Tambosso, the Chair of the LEOS/Photonics Society Chapter based in Pavia who is the distinguished winner of at least eight awards from the parent Society and from R8.

[singlepic id=1309 w=188 h=216 float=left] Pavia was home in the same days to another big event, the awarding and celebrative installation of a Milestone Plaque to Alessandro Volta, the discoverer of the battery and of electrostatics and  Professor in Physics in Pavia, on June 10. Professor Antonio Savini, the Director of the Museum of Electrical  History in Pavia University, home of several Volta’s original equipments, was the recipient and host of the ambitious commemorative plaque (see photo) while hosting the lecture of Pierre Mounier of University of Paris, reporting on the history of computers.

Going back to May 13, the Student Branch of the Polytechnic of Bari with SB Chair Andrea Maglie organized, under the tune of Professor Maria Pia Fanti, the very proactive Chair of the Italian SMC Chapter. The event started with the IEEE movie and continued with the talks of Professors Maria Grazia Dotoli, Savino Longo, and other Members of the Student Branch, and ended with three more speeches from  colleagues of the Bari Polytechnic University.

As for previous events, also the Bari celebration was well attended by over 80 Members and Guests, a fairly remarkable participation for non-technical events.

The fourth celebration was held again in the South of Italy, in Naples, on May 26, organized by the Vice-Chair of the Italy Section and GRS Chapter Chair, Professor Maurizio Migliaccio, at the University of Naples Parthenope. After the opening talks of the Dean Professors Carotenuto and Cosenza, the event featured four speeches by colleagues of the University, Professors  P. Corona, G. Franceschetti, and B. Siciliano.

On June 4 we were back at the topmost North Chapter in Italy, with the fifth celebration, when Professor Dario Petri, Chairman of the IM Chapter, organized the 125/50 event at University of Trento.

The very special here was that, different from other locations, all the presentations, by Petri, Faculty Dean De Natale, Donati and Ferrero, were given in English albeit addressed to an audience of mainly Italian nationals. As they told me, this is a distinctive character of the University of Trento. Favoured also by the location on the northern boarder of the Country, this University has a strong commitment in internationalization, starting from language of classes and meetings.

I think this is a very good example of the streamline that all the other Universities in Italy are now considering as an asset to improve their accessibility from foreign students, that nowadays come to Italy in significant numbers, an inversion to the past years when Italian students were massively going abroad to earn their PhD or even a MS degree in physics or engineering.

The sixth event followed on July 6, at Villa Mondragone in Frascati (Rome), a beautiful villa owned by University of Rome Tor Vergata, usually chosen as an elegant venue for meetings and conferences. The patron was this time the GOLD Coordinator Mino Stallo, who was able to arrange a program of six speeches with participation of academia and local Industry, including  myself,  G. Galati, D.Mortari, M.Migliaccio, M.Ruggeri and F.M. Foffi.

Last but not least, a seventh event is already planned later this fall, on October 22, when the IEEE will be celebrated in connection with the SMAU (Exhibition of Office Machines and Computers) in Milano, again organized by the Computer Chapter and in particular by Stefano Zanero,  the Vice Chair of the Chapter.

Thus, I can conclude that with these events, we have both served the IEEE and the Section in the celebration, and also enjoyed a lot the opportunity of getting together with Colleagues, Members, and all the other Friends that are members-to-be. Stopping for a while to recognize that time has passed and our family IEEE has been growing so much in numbers, expertise and recognition, is always a rewarding and really enriching opportunity. Also, from the reactions of peers and organizers of the events, we all are happy of this special contribution to the social life of the Institution we belong to, and we look forward to continue in our tireless efforts of serving the scientific and technical community.

by Silvano Donati, Italy Section Chair


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MTT-S CCC 2009
IEEE MTT Society Chapter Chair Conference, Sep 28, 2009, Rome, Italy
Read more:
  2009-08-24 Agenda_MTT CCM09_4 Rome

[singlepic id=1307 w=145 h=101 float=left]

IX Kharkiv Young Scientist Conference on
1-3 December 2009.
Call For Paper:  2009-08-26 YSC09 Call For Paper

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IEEE R8 and IEEE IAS Chapter Chairs Conference
Chapter Leadership Workshop and Seminar on Wind Technologies
September 13-15, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Full Program:  2009-08-26 IEEE R8 Nordic Conference and Wind Seminar

Registration Form (word):

Earthzine Journal

Earthzine is a searchable, online environmental journal that features articles on Earth observation linked thematically to the nine societal benefit areas of GEOSS. Sponsored by the ICEO (IEEE Committee on Earth Observation), Earthzine is also actively supporting John Vig’s President’s Sustainability Initiative with articles and a new essay contest for undergraduate and graduate students titled Sustainability through Earth Observation and Engineering with the dual themes of social equity and environmental protection. A subscription to Earthzine is FREE. Just click the Free Subscription button on

N&A Committee: Candidates Results

The N&A Committee met from July 20th to July 22nd, 2009, in order to select candidates for different positions.

  • N&A considered the 3 VC positions and decided to keep the incumbents:
    1. VCMA: Pilar Molina Gaudo

    2. VCSA: Eva Lang

    3. VCTA : Rami Al Mushcab

  • for Director-Elect 2011-2012, among 10 excellent candidates, the following slate has been chosen unanimously :
  • Jaafar Al Ibrahim
  • Gerhard Hancke

Nanotechnology Awards – Call for Nominations

IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) calls for nominations for 3 awards to be presented at IEEE NANO 2010 in Korea. All nomination material including reference letters should reach the NTC awards committee by October 15, 2009. All nominees must be IEEE members.

    Description: The NTC Pioneer Award in nanotechnology is to recognize individuals who by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering have had a significant impact on the field of nanotechnology. The award is intended for people who are in the mid or late portions of their careers, i.e., at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree.
    Description: The Nano Technology Council to establish an Early Career Award to recognize individuals who have made contributions with major impact on the field of nanotechnology.
  3. NTC Distinguished Service Award
    Description: Nanotechnology Council to establish a Distinguished Service Award to recognize an individual who has performed outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of Nanotechnology Council.

Nomination Form can be found here:  NTC-awards-2010-nomination-form

IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC)
Nanotechnology Awards – Call for Nominations

    Description: The NTC Pioneer Award in nanotechnology is to recognize individuals who by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering have had a significant impact on the field of nanotechnology. The award is intended for people who are in the mid or late portions of their careers, i.e., at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree.
    Eligibility: Any current member of the IEEE working in the Nanotechnology who is at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree.
    Employment of Candidates: The Council may grant two awards in this category, if the Awards Committee determines that the nominations are worthy. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations.
    Prize Items: The award consists of $1000 ($500 each if two awards are made) honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
    Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Distinction in long-term technical achievement, leadership, innovation, breadth, and impact on nanotechnology and engineering.
    Description: The Nano Technology Council to establish an Early Career Award to recognize individuals who have made contributions with major impact on the field of nanotechnology.
    Eligibility: Any current member of the IEEE who is in the early stage of his or her career in the nanotechnology field, i.e., less than 7 years after being granted his or her highest earned academic degree.
    Employment of Candidates: The Society may grant two awards in this category, if the Awards Committee determines that the nominations are worthy. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations.
    Prize Items: The award consists of $1000 ($500 each if two awards are made) honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
    Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Distinction in technical innovation and achievement, and impact on nanotechnology and engineering.
  3. NTC Distinguished Service Award
    Description: Nanotechnology Council to establish a Distinguished Service Award to recognize an individual who has performed outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of Nanotechnology Council.
    Eligibility: Any current or former member of IEEE Nanotechnology Council with outstanding service in one or more of the following areas: conferences and meetings, publications, editors, administrative committee, chapter leadership, or other distinguished services and activities for the Nanotechnology Council.
    Prize Items: The award consists of $1,000 honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
    Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Impact of service and contributions to the Council, leadership, innovation, activity, duration, breadth of participation and cooperation.

For further information, please contact, Awards Committee Chair:
Prof. Laurie Faraone, Chair, IEEE NTC Awards Committee, Microelectronics Research Group, School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA 6009, Australia. Ph: +61-8-6488-3104, Fax: +61-8-6488-1095, Email: [email protected]