
Concentration Banking Account & Debit Incentive Program

[singlepic id=1252 w=198 h=129 float=left] This program was presented at the Region 8 Committee meeting in Sofia, in April 2007.

Concentration Banking-What is it?

  • It is a controlled disbursement account where the IEEE and its units commingle their checking accounts.
  • It is a program in which IEEE entities can band together to create operating efficiencies.

Concentration Banking-Benefits

  • Monies deposited in this account currently pays 5.33% interest compounded monthly.
  • When officers change you do not have to open new accounts.
  • The account provides a debit card that can be used to reimburse local delegates in their local currency.
  • The card is tied into discounts that can be utilized through Dell, Staples and others
  • Other benefits are listed in the CB card brochure

How is it working?

  • The concept has been well received by Conferences (worldwide) and by Regions & Sections in Regions 1-6.
    78% participation and growing
  • In Regions 7-10 the concept has been slow to take hold as you have issues not applicable to Regions 1-6
    33% participation and stagnate

New Features

  • We have just added a feature that is specifically helpful to Regions outside of Regions 1-6.
  • Cash assess in local currency.
  • With the use of the CB debit card you can now reimburse attendees at Regional meetings in their local currency.
  • You can use the CB debit card to pay local bills and the supplier will get paid in local currency or you can with draw cash from an ATM machine to pay local supplier or for petty cash needs.
  • The need for a local bank account diminishes


  • IEEE is offering its operating units in Regions 7-10 a limited time incentive to open a Concentration Banking Account and Debit Card .
  • The incentive is that we will fund the opening of the account with $500 USD with no restrictions attached
  • The incentive will expire 30 days from the date of this meeting and therefore it is in your (and your sections) best interest to accept this no condition offer.
  • If you already have a concentration bank account we will still give you the $500 incentive by completing the paperwork for the Concentration banking debit card
  • Contact us at [email protected] and mention “incentive” and we will handle all of the paperwork required

Contact Info

  • Card Administrator’s
    Program/Cardholder Inquiries:
    [email protected]

UKRI Student Branch Congress

[singlepic id=1251 w=174 h=134 float=left] 1-3 June 2007, York, UK

The York University IEEE Student Branch is organising a UK-wide IEEE Student Congress on June (1-3), at the University of York campus. The congress will be an opportunity for all IEEE UK students to meet, socialise, and attend talks from distinguished Senior IEEE members and various companies.

The congress schedule includes amongst others:

  • Technical talks from distinguished Senior IEEE members
  • Company presentations
  • Training courses in areas of personal effectiveness
  • Social events
  • Various company stands

 Take this unique opportunity to promote the IEEE spirit, meet fellow members and distinguished academics, and present your CV to the participating companies. Current sponsors include Sun Microsystems, Praxis, and RS. You also get the chance to visit the beautiful history city of York and its many touristic attractions.

The Congress Registration Fee will be in the range of £30*. The fee will include:

  • Shared accommodation for 2 nights
  • Congress Dinner
  • Welcome Reception
  • Refreshments during the breaks
  • Welcoming Pack including Congress Schedule,Company profiles and other IEEE merchandise.

We also intend to support your transportation fees to some extent.

More information is available on, or contact [email protected].

* Alternative accommodation can be arranged upon request, for an increased registration fee.

r8web tutorials online !

[singlepic id=1250 w=118 h=113 float=left] The website you are currently viewing offers many possibilities. Users use it in a collaborative way, by registering, sharing their profile, adding calendar events, posting news items to the frontpage, changing the content of the pages etc.

In order to see exactly how to perfom all those tasks, video tutorials have been put online. You can access them at Documents > r8web tutorials.

If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

IEEE History Center programs of support

The IEEE History Center offers three different programs of support annually for scholars pursuing the history of electrical engineering and computing:

  • An internship for an advanced undergraduate, graduate student, or recent Ph.D.
  • A dissertation fellowship for an advanced graduate student or  recent Ph.D.
  • a Post-Doctoral Fellowship for a recent Ph.D.

The internship and the dissertation fellowship are funded by the IEEE Life Members Committee; the Post-Doc is funded by Rutgers University. The internship and the post-doc require residence at the IEEE History Center, on the Rutgers University Campus in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA; there is no residency  requirement for the dissertation fellowship.

Deadline for applications to IEEE History Center is March 1, 2007 .

A farewell to Clementina Saduwa

[singlepic id=1249 float=left] The unexpected death of Clementina Saduwa, our friend and colleague, fills us with grief and sorrow. Clementina, the first ever IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Coordinator, was attacked on her way home from work and died a few hours later in the hospital from injuries on 23 January 2007.

Clementina brought a tremendous amount of enthusiasm, energy and dedication to the IEEE. She was an amazing person that touched many people who were fortunate enough to know her. Her smile and kindness will stay with us forever.

Rest in peace Clementina, we miss you!

For more information please follow this link.

History of Electrotechnology: Special Session on IEEE EUROCON

[singlepic id=1248 w=130 h=107 float=left] The Session will deal with historical developments that contributed to the creation of technologies and applications in electrical and computing engineering and with deeds of scientists and engineers who participated in these developments. The focus will be on developments in the geographic area of Region 8 – Europe, Africa & Middle East. Goal of the Session are to generate and disseminate knowledge about historical developments in Region 8, and to promote activities related to the History of Electrical and Computing Engineering. Full papers due: February 28th, 2007. For more data please follow this link.

You and The Future – Call for Papers

20-21 April 2007, Stockholm, Sweden

[singlepic id=1247 w=168 h=120 float=left] This workshop will focus on the aging phenomenon. In several West-European countries, the drastic demographic changes have caused intellectual unrest and sometimes even action. This is an interesting social phenomenon, as most pensioners are not disabled, but capable and willing to work. The aim of the workshop is to take an inventory of what is happening, to brainstorm on more reasonable future scenarios, and to facilitate coordination and support for further initiatives. Authors are invited to submit a one-page abstracts by February 2, 2007 February 16, 2007 (extended). For more details please see

New IEEE/RSE award

[singlepic id=1245 float=left] The IEEE and the Royal Society of Edinburgh, in Scotland, created a joint award in November 2006 to recognize groundbreaking contributions that have had an exceptional impact on the development of electronics and electrical engineering or related fields. The annual IEEE/RSE Wolfson James Clerk Maxwell Award includes a US $20 000 (or British pound sterling equivalent) honorarium, a gold medal, and a certificate.

The deadline for nominations is 22 January 2007.

The award is named in honor of the 19th century Scottish mathematician and physicist James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell laid the foundations of lectromagnetic wave theory, radio propagation, microwave techniques, and adio communications. Funding for the Award is being provided by Wolfson Microelectronics plc, an Edinburgh based corporation, which is a leading global provider of high performance, mixed-signal semiconductors for digital consumer electronics pplications.

Recipient selection is performed by a joint IEEE/RSE Selection Committee which is administered by the IEEE Awards Board. It is open to anyone who has made groundbreaking contributions to the electronics or electrical engineering fields; nominees are not required to be members of either the IEEE or the RSE. Up to three individuals may share the award. It is expected that the recipient of the IEEE/RSE James Clerk Maxwell Award will visit Scotland within the first year subsequent to the receipt of the award, to make a presentation about his/her work.

Nominations will not be accepted from the IEEE Board of Directors, the RSE Council, the IEEE Awards oard, the Award Selection Committee, and employees of the IEEE and RSE. Self-nominations are not permitted. For additional information see this link.