,The IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit’18 will be held alongside the 5th IEEE CiSt Congress http://www.ieee.ma/cist18/ on October 23 – 25 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco.

5th IEEE CiSt Congress
The main objective of the summit is to provide an exclusive platform for women researchers, professionals, innovators and entrepreneurs in ICT to learn from each other, share their knowledge and experience and create an inclusive community that commonly innovates to the benefit of the society, and equally promotes the sense of collaboration, leadership, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit among participants.
Topics and Submission
We solicit submission of original projects and ideas describing significant developments from women researchers and professionals in any ICT related fields, as well as showcases reporting ongoing research or projects achieving significant contributions like prototypes, products, services or applications.
Prospective authors should submit by using the online paper submission platform , a paper up to 6 pages using the IEEE Manuscript template.
NB: Submitted papers should have at least one female Author or Co-Author, and only female Authors are accepted to register and present the accepted papers.
Accepted and presented contributions will be published in the congress proceeding and submitted to IEEE Xplore Library, Scopus and DBLP. Furthermore, Authors of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.
The 3 best papers will be awarded during the IEEE Women in Engineering International leadership summit.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline Extention: September 07, 2018
Acceptance Notification: September 12, 2018
Author Registration: September 15, 2018
WIE Summit Dates: October 23-25, 2018
Contact information
Detailed and up-to-date information about IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit’18, Marrakech, Morocco can be accessed through the website: