Greece Celebration of the IEEE’s 125th Anniversary

The IEEE Greece Section closed its activities for 2009 with the annual main event taking place in Patras, at the University of Patras, on 14 December 2009. The theme of this year’s main event was the “Celebration of the IEEE’s 125th Anniversary”. The venue of the ceremony was the Museum of Sciences and Technology, located at the heart of the University’s Campus, where an exhibition for the evolution in telecommunication technology was taking place in parallel. Students from the University of Patras IEEE Student Branch visited the exhibition and learned from IEEE Fellows of the Greece IEEE Section the history of IEEE, while Penny Theologi-Gouti offered her valuable services as the Museum’s representative.

In the ceremony’s amphitheatre, the Rector of the University of Patras addressed a welcome speech to the IEEE members. The Vice-Chair of the IEEE Greece Section, Prof. Athanasios Skodras, presented a short annual overview of the Greece IEEE Section’s activities. The IEEE Region 8 Secretary Mr. Costas Stasopoulos represented the IEEE R8 Committee along with the IEEE Region 8 Committee Greece Delegate Dr. Athanasios Kakarountas. Mr. Stasopoulos referred to IEEE Region 8 and its significant role in the success of IEEE. Finally, Emeritus Prof. Vassilios Makios, CEO of Corallia Cluster Initiative, talked to the IEEE members about “Innovation: a tool of Development” and motivated young engineers to get actively involved with IEEE.