[singlepic id=1274 float=left] It is in the multicultural city of London (England) that the SBC 2008 took place between the 28th August and 1st September 2008. Around 150 Student and GOLD members coming from 33 Sections attended the event. To support these younger members, to learn about their ideas, to provide them with solutions and suggestions, no less than 50 speakers, guests, and IEEE officials also joined this congress (among them: Lewis Terman, IEEE President; John Vig, IEEE President-Elect; Jean-Gabriel Remy, IEEE Region 8 Director; Jozef Modelski, IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect; Karen Panetta, WiE Chair; Marko Delimar, IEEE Region 8 Vice Chair Membership Activities, Sean Mcloone, UKRI Section Chair and of course Martin Bastiaans, IEEE Region 8 Vice Chair Student Activities and Eva Lang, IEEE Region 8 GOLD Coordinator).
It was the first time that the UKRI Section was hosting the Region 8 SBC and the young but very active Queen Mary University of London IEEE Student Branch successfully took up the challenge of organising the usual activities of such a congress (talks, workshops, panel discussions, Gala Dinner, Sight-seeing), but also some more (e.g. a visit of the London 2012 Olympic Games construction site, a WiE Panel Discussion, a ISBIR session with industry talks).
As expected the highlight of the SBC 2008 was the multicultural night during which the participants prepared, brought, shared and enjoyed food, costumes and dances from the numerous and very diverse countries of the Region 8.
To discover or rediscover the sessions, workshops, and social events of this successful congress, check out the slides and photos on the SBC 2008 website: www.sbc2008.org.
Amélie Anglade
SBC 2008 Vice Chair Communication and Publications