How well can you withstand Life’s Greatest Risks? : Take the Survey

How many people depend upon your income to afford housing or education?  How would you recover if your property was destroyed by a natural disaster?  If a job opportunity led you to live abroad, would your home country insurance scheme follow you? These are some of the questions IEEE members ask themselves on a daily basis. To better support our members throughout their career and global assignments, IEEE is working in cooperation with Clements Worldwide, to conduct a risk and resilience assessment of the IEEE membership. This assessment will help ascertain what types of risks members face, and their potential impact on their lives. This initial survey will focus on members based in the Asia Pacific region, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

IEEE has engaged Clements Worldwide, the leading provider of insurance solutions to the international community, to conduct the Acuity Risk Assessment of IEEE members. The survey focuses on the types of risks members may face and their ability to withstand the effects of adverse events.

IEEE members are encouraged to take the Acuity Risk Assessment, a confidential and anonymous survey, so that we may gather some preliminary data for product development purposes.

Please access the confidential Acuity Risk Assessment by clicking HERE.

The risk assessment will be available online until 19 December 2011.

Please send your questions or comments to [email protected].

Survey URL: