IEEE Fellow program in Region 8

IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation. IEEE Region 8 is keen on increasing the number of IEEE Fellow nominations and encourages Senior or Life Senior Members. Towards this goal, IEEE Region 8 has formed a dedicated Ad-hoc committee Fellow Members Search, currently chaired by Maria Teresa Correia de Barros. The Ad-hoc has coordinated with Dr. Don Tan, Chair of the IEEE Fellow Committee 2023-2024, to organize an online presentation on the IEEE Fellow program process and best practices entitled “Towards the Fellow Grade”. It was held on 1-Dec-2023 and attended by nearly 160 participants, with a long Q&A part at the end.


You can find the video and corresponding slides, together with topic abstract and speaker’s biography here: