[singlepic id=1298 w=250 h=125 float=left] SIBIRCON is one of the major international conferences held by the IEEE Region 8. It aims to provide a platform for technical exchange between researchers and practitioners from different technological fields.
Proceedings of the conference will be published in print and on CD-ROM and indexed in IEEE Xplore.
Previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics in the scope of the IEEE are solicited, including (but not limited to) the following areas:
- information theory
- cryptography and data security
- education and e-learning
- telecommunications
- wireless communications
- microwave theory and techniques
- development and control of energy systems
- power electronics
- energy conversion and renewable energy
- industry applications
Important dates:
Submission of papers (up to 6 pages): March 1, 2010
Paper acceptance notification: April 26, 2010
Camera-ready papers and registration: May 24, 2010
For general inquiries, please use the following address
SIBIRCON 2010 Office
building 4, room 121a
Karl Marx Ave. 20
Novosibirsk 630092 Russia
e-mail: [email protected]