
Top 3 IEEEXtremers are from R8!

This year’s IEEE Xtreme 2015 Programming Competition results are tremendous for IEEE Region 8. From 2468 teams, top three places held by the teams from R8.
“Team Name” from Iran, “EPFL1” from Switzerland and “Powerhouse” from Romania successfully top three respectively, and their background shows us these achievements are not just luck.

“Team Name” members; Mohammad Ostadmohammadi, Saeed Ilchi Ghazaan and Majid Farhadi are quite successful students. Saeed is international gold and national silver medal winner and Majid is national gold and silver winner in Computer Olympiads. Simply, they were already prepared for competition.

“EPFL1” members Jakub Tarnawski, Andrii Maksai and Alfonso Peterssen are also promising in their student life. Jakub ( originally from Poland ) is PhD student and his research area is graph algorithms. Andrii (originally from Ukraine) is a PhD candidate in Computer Vision Lab. Alfonso (originally from Cuba ) is an undergraduate student. About them is two things common, enthusiasm for programming for long years and they are not originally swiss. All of them coding as a hobby and when competition time comes, they were already prepared too.

“Powerhouse” members Alexandru Nechifor, Dan-Constantin Spătărel and Mihai-Dan Gheorghe are can be considered as successful like the other team members above. Alexandru is received IRES-8 scholarship from EU and currently funded with 3 month PhD exchange between the University of Manchester in UK and Tsinghua University in China. Dan-Constantin is a PhD student in Computer Science in Bucharest university and among that he is a medal hunter in several international olympiads. Mihai Dan is undergraduate student, but a vital member of the team. He is also a winner of bronze medal in an international olympiad.

As Student Activities Committee (SAC), we’re Xtremely happy to see those teams achievements and congratulate them with our heart.

Iranian Team

Iranian Team ( 1st place)

Jakub Tarnavski

Swiss team ( 2nd place)

Alfonso Peterssen-Swiss team

Swiss team ( 2nd place)

andrii maksai

Swiss team (2nd place)

Romania 1

Romanian team (3rd place)