Region 8 today

R8T – Region 8 Today

IEEE Region 8 Today was founded on May 2018, aiming to bring to you the latest news of the active members within our Region. Moreover, IEEE Region 8 Today, shares technological information from the IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional association. A large variety of Tech News, IEEE volunteers news, Interviews of people who have contributed a lot to our Region, and many more interesting fields, can be found on our news web portal.

This is a web based medium and as such is able to respond quickly to current content, opinion pieces and promoting events in the near to longer term future. Being online the content is dispatched more or less in a just-in-time fashion and so would be an excellent medium to promote your current events and to drum up publicity for your next events. Follow IEEE Region 8 Today in the social media to learn all latest news:

(Fatma Al Zamil)


Fatma is from Jordan and currently working as the Editor-in-Chief for the Region8Today.

Experienced Ambassador with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Passionate about Volunteering, as a Volunteering Ambassador. An active IEEE member in YU branch for more than four years, served as chairwoman for IEEE WIE YU, Skilled in Photography, Team Motivation, programming, Communication, and Decision-Making. Strong community and social services professional with a Bachelor’s degree focused in Biomedical Engineering from Yarmouk University.