Yearly Archives: 2009

Congratulations to New Fellows!

It is one of the most enjoyable pieces of news to be spread at the beginning of the New Year. The most telling evidence behind our Region’s achievements and its high status in the Institute are our Fellow members. It is my unconcealed pleasure to congratulate all of the 63 newly elevated IEEE Region 8 Fellows, which is definitely a record-breaking number, on receiving this most acclaimed Institutes’ title (see Coming from various environments, they are its scientific leaders, missionaries and pioneers. Therefore, I would like to strongly encourage our younger members to follow those prominent examples, so as to contribute to the Institute’s strength and enhancement.

Jozef Modelski, R8 Director

Austria Section

Helmut Rott

Benelux Section

Cor Claeys

Piet Demeester

Jean-Pierre Hermand

Jose Pineda-De-Gyvez

Sabine Van Huffel

Denmark Section

Ramjee Prasad

France Section

Jean-Pierre Berenger

Claude Berrou

Lucian Dascalescu

Raymond Quere

Finland Section

Jorma Nieminen

Niilo Saranummi

Greece Section

Nicholas Hatziargyriou

Nicholas Sidiropoulos

Kuwait Section

Mohsen Guizani

Israel Section

Ron Kimmel

Germany Section

Georg Boeck

Aleksander Braginski

Manfred Depenbrock

Gerhard Fettweis

Wolfgang Heinrich

Uwe Helmke

Arne Jacob

Ludger Klinkenbusch

Rudolf Koch

Ralf Koetter

Klaus Petermann

Peter Vary

Wolfram Wellssow


Italy Section

Roberto Battiti

Pasquale Daponte

Paolo Fiorini

Andrea Lacaita

Matteo Pastorino

Dario Petri

Sebastiano Serpico

Enrico Zanoni

Qatar Section

Mohamed Alouini

Russia (Siberia) Section

Nikolai Voropai

Spain Section

Francisco Ares

Juan Martin-Sanchez

Switzerland Section

Helmut Boelcskei

Dragan Damjanovic

Jean-Pierre Hubaux

Peter Steimer

Turkey Section

Levent Gurel

Levent Sevgi

UK & RI Section

Bashir Al-Hashimi

Alessandro Astolfi

Sheng Chen

Alan Clements

Rodney Coates

Martin Dawson

Orla Feely

Nicholas Jennings

Emil Levi

Wayne Luk

Steve Young

Zi-Qiang Zhu

Ukraine Section

Konstantin Lukin

Felix Yanovsky

Committee in 2009

IEEE Region 8 Committee

The IEEE Region 8 Committee consists of:

  • IEEE Region 8 Section Chairs
  • The IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
  • Appointed Members


Section chairs

A Section Chair may appoint an alternate representative to the Region 8 Committee. The most recent list of IEEE Region 8 Sections and their representatives to the Region 8 Committee may be found here.


Operating Committee (OpCom)


Appointed members


Sub Committees

Awards & Recognition SubCommittee (A&RSC)
(OpCom Responsible Member – Director: Jozef Modelski)

  • Victor Fouad Hanna (France) – Chair
  • Yasemin Baser (Turkey) – Student Representative
  • Karl S. Gudmundsson (Iceland Section Chair)
  • Brian Harrington (UKRI)
  • TBA – Section Chair

Chapter Coordination SubCommittee (CCSC)
(OpCom Responsible Member – V/C Technical Activities: Rami Mushcab)

  • Peter Magyar (Germany) –  Chair
  • Silvano Donati  (Italy Section Chair)
  • Elya Joffe  (Israel)
  • Joël McConnell (Spain)
  • Daniel Pasquet (France Section Chair)
  • Tamás Ruzsányi (Hungary)

Conference Coordination SubCommittee
(OpCom Responsible Member – V/C Technical Activities: Rami Mushcab)

  • Marian Kaźmierkowski  (Poland) – Chair
  • Gerhard Hancke (South Africa)
  • Francisco Sandoval (Spain)
  • Baldomir Zajc (Slovenia)

Educational Activities SubCommittee (EASC) – AdHoc
(OpCom Responsible Member – V/C Technical Activities: Rami Mushcab)

  • Joao Costa Freire (Portugal) – Chair
  • Jan Biemond (Benelux)
  • Bakr Hassan (Suadi Arabia)
  • Fanny Klett (Germany)
  • Andrzej Pacut (Poland Section Chair)

GOLD Subcommittee
(OpCom Responsible Member – V/C Membership Activities: Pilar Molina Gaudo)

  • Joao Parezes Figueiras (Denmark) – Chair
  • Emre Ayranci (Benelux)
  • Nahel Muhammad (Egypt)

Industry Relations SubCommittee  (IRSC) – AdHoc
(OpCom Responsible Member – V/C Technical Activities: Rami Mushcab)

  • Benito Palumbo (Italy) – Chair
  • Ghaleb Al-Dandan (Saudi Arabia) – Energy Initiative
  • Ragnar Khare (Sweden Section Chair)
  • Boris Levitas (Lithuania)
  • Ferhan Ozkan (Turkey) – ISBIR Initiative
  • Nihal Sinnadurai (UKRI)

Membership Development SubCommittee (MDSC)
(OpCom Responsible Member – V/C Membership Activities: Pilar Molina Gaudo)

  • Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia) – Chair
  • Ali El-Mousa (Jordan Section Chair)
  • Section Chair TBD
  • Adrian Pais (Benelux)

Nominations and Appointments SubCommittee (N&ASC)
(OpCom Responsible Member – Past-Director, Chair N&A, V/C Strategic Planning: Jean-Gabriel Rémy)

  • Jean-Gabriel Remy (France) – Chair
  • Eesa Bastaki  (UAE Section Chair)
  • Marko Delimar (Croatia)
  • Andreas Luxa (Germany Section Chair)
  • Jozef Modelski (Poland)

Professional Activities SubCommitte (PASC) – AdHoc
(OpCom Responsible Member – V/C Membership Activities: Pilar Molina Gaudo)

  • Emine Aydal (UKRI) – Chair
  • Gokhan Celebi (Turkey)
  • Luka Lugaric (Croatia)
  • Erik Stilling (Denmark Section Chair)
  • Charles Turner (UKRI)

Operations Review SubCommittee (ROSC) – AdHoc
(OpCom Responsible Member – Director: Jozef Modelski)

  • Tony Davies (UKRI) – Chair
  • Marko Delimar (Croatia)
  • Gerhard Hancke (SA)
  • Rolf Remshardt (Germany)

Strategic Planning SubCommittee (SPSC)
(OpCom Responsible Member – Past-Director, V/C Strategic Planning: Jean-Gabriel Rémy)

  • Jean Gabriel Remy (France) – Chair
  • Jaafar Al Ibrahim (Saudi Arabia)
  • Carl James Debono (Malta Section Chair)
  • Terje Gjengedal (Norway Section Chair)

Student Activites SubCommittee (SASC) – AdHoc
(OpCom Responsible Member – V/C Student Activities: Eva Lang)

  • Eva Lang (Germany) – Chair
  • Amelie Anglade (UKRI)
  • Yasemin Baser (Turkey)
  • Martin Bastiaans (Benelux)
  • Pablo Herrero (Spain/Germany) – Student Representative
  • Saurabh Sinha (South Africa Section Chair)