Daily Archives: 19 December 2011

Student Branch Counselor and Chapter Advisor Appointment Process

What is included in the MGA Operations Manual for Counselors?

(Section 9.7; Paragraph C) At each Student Branch there shall be a Branch Counselor who shall be an IEEE member teaching in IEEE designated fields.

  1. The appropriate Section Chair, based upon the recommendation of the Student members of the Branch, and in accordance with the practices for the establishment of other student organizations at the educational institution involved, shall appoint the Counselor.
  2. The appointment or reappointment shall normally be for two years.
  3. Each Branch Counselor is charged with promoting the welfare of IEEE at the institution, particularly in matters relating to student activities.


Which is the proper procedure of a Counselor Appointment?

  1. The Institution selects the Counselor according to its internal practices and after the recommendation of the Student Branch members
  2. The Institution should notify the Section about the change:
    1. The email should be sent by the prior Counselor, the Department Head or the current Student Branch Chair to the appropriate Section Chair
    2. The email should include in CC everyone mentioned above as well as the new Counselor
  3. The Section verifies that the selected Counselor that was chosen by the Institution is an IEEE member in good standing and a member of the Institution, and forwards the assignment to the vTools


Is the Section able to select and appoint a Counselor directly?

No, the Section can not select the next Counselor. As Student Branches are special IEEE Organizational Units that include the collaboration between IEEE and educational institutions, the Institutions are responsible for selecting the Counselor of their hosting Student Branch.


Why is the Section responsible for appointing the Counselor if selected by the Institution?

The Institution is not an IEEE Organizational Unit, which means it can not make direct assignments in an external organization. The Section is selected as the closest to the Institution IEEE Organizational Unit which is led by professional members. Thus, the Counselor selection is made by the Institution, and the Section ensures that an IEEE member is assigned to this position. The Section is also responsible for ensuring that all Student Branches have a Counselor appointed, and in case they don’t, it should contact them to select one.


Can the vTools update be done by other IEEE Organizational Units?

The vTools update can be also done internally through the Student Branch or through Region if requested. In any case, the Institution and the hosted Student Branch are still responsible to notify the Section about these changes.


Which is the proper duration of a Counselor’s term? How many times can a Counselor be reappointed?

According to the MGA Operations Manual, the Counselor is appointed or reappointed for a two years term. Exceptions for longer terms can be made only by request of the Institution and approval of the Section, and up to a six years term. There is no limit for the times a Counselor can be reappointed. Yet, it is strongly recommended by the Region to follow the usual IEEE rotation procedure and not to exceed ten years in the Counselor’s position.


I have noticed in vTools that some Counselors are assigned with a term more than six years. What is happening?

Having as main goal to solidify Student Branches after their foundation, the first-ever Counselor is signed in vTools with a ten years term. Yet, the Institution is still able to request and proceed with a new Counselor appointment in any time after the normal two years term.


What about the Advisors appointment for Student Branch Chapters / Affinity Groups?

No specific appointment procedure is accommodated by the MGA Operations Manual for Advisors of Student Branch Chapters / Affinity Groups. As a Student Branch Chapter / Affinity Group should operate similar to a Committee of the Student Branch, it is strongly recommended by the Region to follow a similar procedure for Advisors appointment with the responsibilities of the Section Chair to be transferred to the respective Student Branch Counselor. The proposed procedure can be summarized as follows:

  1. The Institution selects the Advisor according to its internal practices and after the recommendation of the Student Branch Chapter / Affinity Group members
  2. The Institution should notify the Student Branch Counselor about the change:
    1. The email should be sent by the prior Advisor, the Department Head or the current Student Branch Chapter / Affinity Group Chair to the respective Student Branch Counselor
    2. The email should include in CC everyone mentioned above as well as the new Advisor
  3. The Student Branch Counselor verifies that the selected Advisor that was chosen by the Institution is an IEEE member in good standing, a member of the Institution, as well as a member of the affiliated Society / Council / Affinity Group, and forwards the assignment to the vTools

Steps to Success: IEEE Awards 2014


Attention IEEE Students!! Nominations for Student Activities Awards are now open! Be sure to nominate your Student Branch for a project, your Counselor for recognition, and a very special student volunteer for any of these awards! Below you will find basic and useful information about the awards. Please read it carefully, prepare required documentation and start the nominations. Show us and prove it that R8 Student Branches are the most active in IEEE !
Please note, that nominations will be accepted until 1 February 2014!! 


STEP 1: IEEE Student Enterprise Award

For whom?
Dedicated to Student Members who are looking to implement an idea for a project. Each Student Branch may submit only one proposal a year.

Who can nominate ?
IEEE Student members of the Student Branch.

What you can win ?
Up to US $1500

More information:  http://bit.ly/1kOOr6p


STEP 2: Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award

For whom?
Dedicated to Student Member who is most responsible for an extraordinary accomplishment associated with Student Activities (the award is designed to reward a particular event, program, or product of IEEE Student Activities).

Who can nominate you?
Student Branch Counselor, Section Chair, Section SAC, other IEEE volunteers. Remember, you can’t nominate yourself so please ask mentioned people to do it.

What you can win ?
Prestige ! Customized award plaque, a digital certificate, and three years of complimentary membership in IEEE.

More information: http://bit.ly/18LEJfJ


STEP 3: IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award

For whom?
Dedicated to exemplary Student Branch which conform to IEEE Bylaws, have an active program and support IEEE goals.

Who can nominate?
Officer of the Student Branch

What you can win ?
A customized certificate attesting to the exemplary operation of the Student Branch

More information: http://bit.ly/IZHZgw


Step 4: IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Branch Chapter Advisor Award

For whom?
Dedicated to individuals around the world who, through their work as Counselors and Advisors, exemplify the Institute’s commitment to the educational, personal, professional, and technical development of students in IEEE related fields of interest

Who can nominate?
Student Branch (Chapter) Chair assisted by SB members

What Counselor (Advisor) and Branch (Chapter) can win ?
Counselor: US $150 cash award and personalized certificate
Student Branch: US $150 cash award

More information: http://bit.ly/1bTxUx0


STEP 5: The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award

For whom?
Dedicated to Student Branches, Student Branch Chapters, Student Branch Affinity Groups of Women in Engineering (WIE) which have organized exemplary activity

Who can nominate?
Interested student groups who organized the activity

What you can win ?
The student branch will be presented with a digital certificate. Platinum winners will receive a plaque. Hard copy of the certificate will be provided upon request.

More information: http://bit.ly/1dhzR4m

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Piotr Graca, R8 Awards & Contest Coordinator: [email protected].

IEEE Region 8 Sections and Subsections

IEEE Region 8 Sections

Section Chair E-mail Term Begin Term End Website
Algeria Kouzou Abdallah [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee-dz.org/
Austria Werner Drexel [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2026 http://www.ieee-austria.org/
Bahrain Adel Abdulla [email protected] 01 Apr 2023 30 Mar 2022 http://www.ieee-bh.org/
Belarus http://www.ieeeghn.org/wiki/index.php/IEEE_Belarus_Section_History
Benelux Olexander Yarovyi [email protected] 19 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieee.be/
Bosnia and Herzegovina Branko Blanusa [email protected] 15 Mar 2023 01 Apr 2025 http://ieee.etf.unsa.ba/
Bulgaria Valentina Markova [email protected] 12 Jan 2021 17 Jul 2025 http://www.ieee.bg/
Croatia Ana Katalinic [email protected] 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieee.hr/
Cyprus Aikaterini Papanikolaou [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 https://ieee.org.cy/
Czechoslovakia Roman Marsalek [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Jan 2025 http://www.ieee.cz/
Denmark Amjad Anvari Moghaddam [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Jan 2025 http://www.ieee.dk/
Egypt Ahmed Madian [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee.org.eg/
Estonia Dmitri Vinnikov [email protected] 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieee.ee/
Finland Mahdi Pourakbari Kasmaei [email protected] 01 Feb 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://sites.ieee.org/finland
France Rene Garello [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieeefrance.org/
Germany Jan Haase [email protected] 01 Jan 2021 http://www.ieee.de/
Ghana Mensah Sitti [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieeegh.org/
Greece Antonios Kladas [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieee.gr/
Hungary Levente Kovacs [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieeehs.hu/
Iceland http://ethw.org/IEEE_Iceland_Section_History
Iran Hossein Askarian Abyaneh [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieee.org.ir/
Iraq Eng. Abbas Sadkhan [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://ethw.org/IEEE_Iraq_Section_History
Israel Shmuel Auster [email protected] 02 Feb 2020 01 Feb 2026 https://ieee.org.il/
Italy Gianfranco Chicco [email protected] 26 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 https://italy.ieeer8.org/
Jordan Mousa AL-Akhras [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://ewh.ieee.org/r8/jordan
Kenya Kithinji Muriungi [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 https://www.ieeekenya.or.ke/
Kuwait Abdullah Alqallaf [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2026 http://www.ieeeghn.org/wiki/index.php/IEEE_Kuwait_Section_History
Latvia Anastasija Ziravecka [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee.org/go/latvia
Lebanon Hadi Youssef Kanaan [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://sites.ieee.org/lebanon/
Lithuania Borisas Levitas [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2026 https://r8.ieee.org/lithuania/
Malta Edward Gatt [email protected] 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2024 http://ieeemalta.org/
Mauritius Robert T F Ah King [email protected] 03 Jan 2022 31 Dec 2024 https://r8.ieee.org/mauritius/
Morocco Badr Eddine El Mohajir [email protected] 04 Jan 2022 31 Mar 2024 http://www.ieee.ma/
Nigeria Ifeyinwa Achumba [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee.org/nigeria/
North Macedonia Anastas Mishev [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee.org/go/republic_of_macedonia
Norway Kiran Bylappa Raja [email protected] 22 Feb 2023 31 Dec 2025 http://ethw.org/IEEE_Norway_Section_History
Oman Ahmed Al Maashri [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 https://ieeeoman.net/
Poland Marek Tomasz Jasinski [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee.pl/
Portugal Rodolfo A Oliveira [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee-pt.org/
Qatar http://www.ieeeghn.org/wiki/index.php/IEEE_Qatar_Section_History
Romania Lucian Toma [email protected] 01 Feb 2024 29 Feb 2024 http://www.ieee.ro/
Russia Sergey Bankov [email protected] 28 Jan 2019 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieeeghn.org/wiki/index.php/IEEE_Russia_Section_History
Russia (Northwest) Victor Sheludko [email protected] 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2024 http://IEEE.spb.ru/
Russia (Siberia) Roman Gorbunov [email protected] 01 Jan 2022 31 Dec 2024 http://ieeesiberia.org/
Saudi Arabia (East) Mohammed Al-Ghamdi [email protected] 01 Jan 2022 31 Dec 2023 http://ieeesaudi.org/
Saudi Arabia (West) Abdullah Binladin [email protected] 25 Nov 2021 31 Jan 2025 http://ewh.ieee.org/r8/wsa/
Serbia and Montenegro Mladen Koprivica [email protected] 01 Feb 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieee.uns.ac.rs/
Slovenia Joze Guna [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 01 Jan 2026 http://www.ieee.si/
South Africa Udochukwu Akuru [email protected] 30 Jul 2023 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee.org.za/
Spain Edgardo Castronuovo [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieeespain.org/
Sweden Andrei Gurtov [email protected] 25 Mar 2021 25 Mar 2024 http://www.ieee.se/
Switzerland Almedin Kavaz [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieee.ch/
Tunisia Habib Kammoun [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieee.tn/
Turkey Nizamettin Aydin [email protected] 22 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2026 http://ethw.org/IEEE_Turkey_Section_History
Uganda Ezabo Baron [email protected] 23 Dec 2019 29 Feb 2024
Ukraine Iryna Ivasenko [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://ieee.org.ua/
United Arab Emirates Hussian A Al Ahmad [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 30 Apr 2025 http://ieee.ae/
UK and Ireland Paul Cunningham [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://ieee-ukandireland.org/
Zambia Ariel Phiri [email protected] 01 Feb 2021 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieeeghn.org/wiki/index.php/IEEE_Zambia_Section_History
Section Chair E-mail Term Begin Term End Website

IEEE Region 8 Sub-Sections

Sub-Section Parent Chair E-mail Term Begin Term End Website
Alexandria Egypt Maha Elsabrouty [email protected] 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2024 http://www.ieeeghn.org/wiki/index.php/IEEE_Alexandria_Subsection_History
Botswana Reg. 8 Abid Yahya [email protected]
Burkina Faso Reg. 8 Marcel Kebre [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025
Ethiopia Reg. 8 Fetene Yigletu [email protected] 08 Dec 2022 03 Dec 2024
Kazakhstan Reg. 8 Carlo Molardi [email protected] 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://www.ieeekz.org/
Liberia Reg. 8 Umesh Neelakantan [email protected] 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2022
Libya Reg. 8 Adel Emhemmed [email protected] 28 Apr 2024 31 Dec 2025
Nigeria Southeast Nigeria Azubuike Aniedu [email protected] 12 Oct 2023 11 Oct 2025
Palestine Reg. 8 Mona Demaidi [email protected] 20 Oct 2020
Russia (Far Eastern) Russia Siberia Leonid Mitnik [email protected] 25 Aug 2023 31 Dec 2026 https://www.dvfu.ru/en/school_of_engineering/IEEE/
Sudan Reg. 8 Fay Majid Elhassan [email protected] 10 Apr 2024 31 Dec 2025 http://ethw.org/IEEE_Sudan_Subsection_History
Tanzania Reg. 8 Dennis Mwighusa [email protected] 14 Mar 2021 31 Dec 2024 http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/IEEE_Tanzania/
Yemen Reg. 8 Abdulqader Mohsen [email protected] 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2024 http://yemen.ieeer8.org/
Sub-Section Parent Chair E-mail Term Begin Term End Website

IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee History

IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee 2017-18

  • Chair: Efthymia K. Arvaniti
  • Past-Chair: Mona Ghassemian
  • Student Representative: Ana Inês Inácio
  • Student Paper Contest Coordinator: Paul Micallef
  • Projects & Initiatives Coordinator: George Papadimitriou
  • Student Branch Coordinator: Sara Ben Rabii
  • Awards and Contests Coordinator: Yara Melki
  • Electronic Communications Coordinator: José Miguel A. Sepulcre


IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee 2015-16

  • Chair: Mona Ghassemian
  • Student Representative: Efthymia K. Arvaniti
  • Student Paper Contest Coordinator: Paul Micallef
  • Projects Coordinator: Youmna El Bitar
  • Student Branch Coordinator: Lebogang Madise
  • Awards and Contests Coordinator: Dinko Jakovljevic
  • Electronic Communications Coordinator: Ahmet Taygun Namli
  • Member: Ruba Aburub
  • Member: Heind El-Rawy
  • Corresponding Member: Mehrshid Fadaei-Nejad


IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee 2013-14

  • Chair: Pablo Herrero
  • Past-Chair: Elias Nassar
  • Student Representative: Christian M. Schmid
  • Student Paper Contest Coordinator: Djordje (George) Paunović
  • Awards and Contests Coordinator: Piotr Graca
  • Student Branch Coordinator: Efthymia K. Arvaniti
  • Electronic Communications Coordinator: Youmna El Bitar


IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee 2011-12

  • Chair: Elias Nassar
  • Past-Chair: Eva Lang
  • Student Representative: Jorge Soares
  • Student Paper Contest Coordinator: Djordje (George) Paunović
  • Web Activities Coordinator: Hossam Fahmy
  • Awards and Contests Coordinator: Jef Beerten
  • Student Branch Coordinator: Simay Akar
  • Electronic Communications Coordinator: Sohaib Qamar Sheik


IEEE Region 8 Student Activities Committee 2009-10

  • Chair: Eva Lang
  • Past-Chair: Martin Bastiaans
  • Student Representative: Amélie Anglade
  • Awards and Contests Coordinator: Pablo Herrero
  • Student Branch Coordinator: Muhammad Mustafa
  • Student Paper Contest Coordinator: Djordje Paunović
  • Web Activities Coordinator: Jorge Soares

2010 IEEE Student and Student Branch Award Winners

During the SBC 2010 we had the opportunity to give out this year’s student awards, recognizing the efforts of some outstanding individuals and student branches. Here is a summary of the results. Congratulations to all winners!

2010 Larry K. Wilson Region 8 Student Activities Award

  •     C. Serkan Baydin

2010 Region 8 Website Contest

  •     1st. Cairo University
  •     2nd. Alexandria University
  •     3rd. Instituto Superior Tecnico

IEEE Darrel Chong Student Activity Award

  •     Princess Sumaya University for Technology (Bronze)

2010 IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award

  •     AUB
  •     ENIS
  •     PSUT
  •     METU
  •     Yildiz Technical University
  •     Gent
  •     QMUL
  •     Alexandria University
  •     Cairo University

2010 Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award

  •     Joos Vanderwalle, SB Leuven

50 Years Student Branch Banner

  •     SB Leuven