Yearly Archives: 2011

Seminar on “Introduction to Writing Technical Papers”


In the seminar basic rules for writing technical papers will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on papers for IEEE transactions and conferences. A recommendations will be given concerning the structure of the manuscript as well as on the layout and the expected content in each part of it. It also will deal with language problems of authors for whom English is not their first language. This in particular may lead to often made errors and eventually to the rejection of the manuscript by the reviewers.

Finally, the participants will be interactively involved in drafting an abstract and/or an introduction.

Usefull files:  telforintroductiontowriting

IEEE Annual Election Results

IEEE President-Elect, 2012

Candidates Votes
Roger D. Pollard (Nominated by IEEE Board of Directors) 17,038
Peter W. Staecker (Nominated by IEEE Board of Directors) 21,406

Continuing Education Offerings from the IEEE R8

A webinar on the IEEE’s Continuing Education (CE) offerings was organized on the 2nd of November, 2011. The organizing team was comprised by Saurabh Sinha, IEEE R8 Technical Activities Vice-Chair, Steve Welch, Director of CE, Educational Activities Division (EAD), Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Lead Volunteer for Continuing Education (Educational Activities Subcommittee (EASC)), and Alex Torres, Product Manager of CE Programs, EAD.

The seminar was offered to relevant officers in Region 8: Section Chairs, Chapter Chairs, Region 8 EA officers, the Chapters Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) and several interested (invited) members in the Region.

The duration of the webinar was one hour, the lectures and discussion slots as a whole.

Saurabh Sinha welcomed the participants and introduced various subcommittees relating to technical activities, including educational activities in Region 8. Niovi Pavlidou described in brief the scope and the first activities of the newly formed CE team in Region 8. After that, Steve Welch, with the assistance of Alex Torres, covered topics to key CE offerings. The scope and services and offerings of CE includes the Education Provider’s Programme (, the IEEE Webinar Platform ( based on the Blackboard collaborate Platform, through which the same webinar took place with full of success, and on the IEEE eLearning Library ( were presented in detail.

After the presentation a questions and answers slot was offered to the participants.

Besides its content, the event offered a valuable experience for assessing the quality and friendliness of such collaboration in very dispersed environments in time zones, mother languages and actual infrastructure.

The webinar has been recorded and can be viewed offline at:

The attendance is considered as moderate, since this was one of the first trials for webinars on the offerings of IEEE and ways to promote future participation in similar events are examined.

Prof. Niovi Pavlidou
IEEE R8 Lead Volunteer for Continuing Education
IEEE Greece Section Membership Development Officer
IEEE VTS&AESS Joint Greece Chapter Chair

Celebrating IEEE in Sudan

The 26th of July is one of the memorable days in the history of IEEE in Sudan, that date marked the celebration of the first IEEE body in Sudan. The event was attended by an around 330 people from both the industry and academia and bunch of Sudanese Icons in the fields of technology and engineering. Among the attendees was the Minister of Telecom Dr. Yahya Abdallah an number of students, IEEE members, media representatives as well as several company representatives, as a result the event was a melting pot people from all walks of technology and engineering in the country.

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the event was opened by a recitation of the holly Quran and the speech of the IEEE Sudan Initiative ( ISI) team representatives Mussab Mustafa giving a brief introduction to the work that went into having an IEEE body in Sudan, followed by a speech by Dr, Sherif Elfadul who’s has been a mentor to the team throughout the process, followed by an online speech Dr. Fanny Klett Responsible of IEEE Computer Society Region 8 then there was the spokesman for the diamond sponsor (Samasung) Mr. Kikwon Yoon, followed by a speech from the minister of Telecom. after the speeches a there were 4 mini seminars on current technological topics including Cloud computing, Smart grids, and and Mobile computing presented by some of the most distinguished minds the county has to offer as well as a sharing of a project experience followed by a great presentation about the importance of Fostering Innovation presented by Mohamed Tayfour Elbeily ,Systems Designer for Research In Motion (RIM) – Canada.

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But even with all this tech talk the event was not completely rigid there was plenty of time for the guests to network and socialize during the coffee break along with some soft music provide by a jazz band,.
The event was concluded with presentation of the IEEE Sudan dream book by Abdelkareem Badri and an award ceremony in acknowledgment of all those who helped make this dream a reality and some of Sudan’s senior IEEE members.

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Written By:
Nuha Alazrag (IEEE Sudan)


[singlepic id=1363 w=282 h=179 float=left]CEN/TC 287 Geographic information, in collaboration with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) will host a workshop: “Smart Grid and Spatial Data Infrastructure; interoperability challenges now and in the future” This meeting is part of the Enviroinfo week and registration is open.


CEN/TC 287 Geographic information and the Open Geospatial Consortium
Smart Grid and Spatial Data Infrastructure
Interoperability Challenges Now and in the Future
DG-JRC Ispra Italy 2011-10-6/7

Registration for speakers and participants:

Additional registration for speakers only attending this workshop:


IEEE Annual Election opens 15 August 2011

The IEEE Annual Election opens 15 August 2011

The Annual Election is a direct mechanism where IEEE members – all over the world – get the opportunity to set the future direction of our great organisation and to direct the leadership toward the goals – favoured by the members. Please make sure that your voice be heard in this paramount event.

Among others, you will be voting for the 2012 IEEE President-Elect, who will automatically serve as the 2013 IEEE President. The candidates are:

 [singlepic id=1361 w=150 h=209 float=center]  [singlepic id=1362 w=150 h=209 float=center]
Roger Pollard Peter Staecker

In addition to the two candidates above, there are 38 other volunteers running for important IEEE offices, including IEEE Technical Activities Vice-President, Division Directors and IEEE Standards officers. All details about the IEEE Annual Election, the full list of all candidates, their biographies and position statements can be found here: If you have questions about the election, send them to [email protected].

Do not miss the opportunity to exercise your influence on the priorities and the direction the IEEE will take in the next few years. Study the candidate platforms and their past activities, and select those whose track record, proposals and vision are closest to your own.

Please help IEEE by making your voice heard. Please vote and encourage others to vote.

SWOT analysis of Region 8

Dear All,

R8 Strategic Planning Committee would like to refine/fine-tune the SWOT analysis previously conducted for the region. The committee thinks that it would be better to have a participatory approach in conducting the SWOT Analysis, and have therefore decided to automate the process and put on line.

We would very much appreciate if you could spare few minutes (estimated to be 11 minutes)  in filling up the forms which will provide us with the necessary information to have an accurate SWOT Analysis, which is the base for the Strategic Planning.

We are also interested in hearing your views and comments which can be added in this form.

Best regards.
The Committee

To view the survey click here

IEEE humanitarian technology webinar:

Title: Leveraging the Power of Engineers …Engineering for Change
Presenter: Iana Aranda, Manager of Technical Programming and Development at ASME
Date: Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Time: 10:00 am New York, EST
(Note: This webinar is open to the general public. You do not need to be an IEEE member to attend)

Please e-mail [email protected] if you have any questions related to attending this webinar.Description:

Engineering for Change (E4C) LLC (see was founded in the spirit of engineers’ harnessing a common passion for designing and applying creative technical solutions to a broad range of significant humanitarian challenges.

E4C is a dynamic and growing community of engineers, technologists, social scientists, NGOs, local governments and community advocates whose mission is to improve quality of life in communities around the world by facilitating the development of affordable, locally appropriate and sustainable solutions to the most pressing humanitarian challenges.

About the IEEE humanitarian technology webinar series:

Motivated by IEEE’s core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity, this powerfully engaging webinar series is focused on applying technology to solve the world’s most pressing humanitarian and development challenges. Webinars are presented by renowned individuals in the field, and highlight new technologies, business models, and social entrepreneurship initiatives that help improve the livelihoods of the underprivileged. Focusing on the four major infrastructural needs for development (water, energy, transport and communication) and a variety of application areas (health, education, agriculture and innovation), the IEEE hopes to stimulate the growth of a worldwide community that places priority on developing technology for sustainable human prosperity.

Recordings of previous webinars are available for viewing at .

This event is brought to you by the IEEE, the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

IEEEXtreme 5.0

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IEEEXtreme 5.0 is scheduled for 22 October 2011. IEEEXtreme programming is a 24 hour programming competition for students across the globe. It is growing rapidly and with your help, it will become the world’s largest programming competition. As Project Lead, I am actively looking for volunteers and judges to participate.

Your contributions of time and talent to this important, high exposure event are deeply appreciated. Please see the web link below for more information. We thought you might be interested or that you would know of others who might volunteer. If so, please forward or re-post this request, thanks!

Please respond with your interest, feedback, or experiences to [email protected] by 8 July 2011.


Web link:

The commitment expected from Judge:

· Create and submit two problems & solution ( at least in 1 langage) for inclusion in the competition ( Students can code in one of the following languages : C, C++, or JAVA )
· Review and test two problems submitted by other judges or validity and solution
· Spend a few hours on competition day judging the submitted problems

The benefits of participation:

· Your programming problems are tackled by thousands of IEEE student member
· Your name will be listed on the IEEE web site
· It’s fun!!! There were over 1500 students who participated in last year’s competition we expect more this year. The excitement generated by participant’s before/during/after the competition is infectious!
· This is a global on-line competition – judges can work from the comfort of their own home/work space during reasonable waking hours.

The problem difficulty in this year’s competition will consist of three levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Attached, please find some sample problems from previous competitions for your reference. Do not feel limited by these problems when developing your own – exercise your creativity and ingenuity.

On behalf of the 5.0 project team and Matthew Erickson, Immediate Past (4.0) Project Lead, we thank you for your consideration and support of IEEE’s student membership program and initiatives!

Best regards,

[email protected]