WIE Workshop at the 2013 Iberian Student Branch Congress – Porto, Portugal
The Iberian Student Branch Congress 2013 (ISBC) took place in Porto, Portugal during 15 – 17 March 2013. The IEEE Region 8 WIE committee participated in organising an IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) workshop for students at the congress. The main objective of the workshop was to increase the visibility of WIE for IEEE members at universities and student branches.
Simay Akar presented the workshop with great success.
During the workshop, the following activities were carried out:
- WIE Presentation delivered to attendees
- Importance of WIE discussed
- An interactive component of workshop was carried out
- 2 groups designed WIE Student Branch Affinity Groups activities based on: Pre-University Educational Outreach & Professional and Career Development topics
- The Pre-University Educational Outreach group designed a project similar to TISP (IEEE Teacher in-Service Program) , with a focus of parents. The project was named as “WISP”
- The Professional and Career Development group designed WIE Student Congress (Global level); to enable WIE members to develop their career and networking in this WIE Student Congress
Look out for similar workshops at future student events like this in Region 8.