Yearly Archives: 2013

[IEEE R8 YP] 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology, Ethics’2014

Dear R8 YP,


The first IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Science, Technology and Engineering, IEEE Ethics’2014 will be held in Chicago Marriott O’Hare, Chicago, IL, USA, on May 23-24, 2014. The theme of IEEE Ethics’2014 will be

“Ethics – A Challenge to the Scientific and Engineering Community”

For more information, Please visit IEEE Ethics’2014.



Election results

The IEEE Tellers Committee certified the 2013 IEEE Annual Election results on 8 October 2013. The results are available here.

The IEEE Region 8 Delegate/Director-Elect is elected once every two years and the next one will be elected in the 2014 IEEE Annual Election. On 6 October 2013 at its 101st meeting in Sarajevo, the IEEE Region 8 Committee selected the slate of candidates for the 2015-2016 Region 8 Delegate/Director-Elect. The elected candidate will serve for six years (in 2015-2016 as Director-Elect, in 2017-2018 as Director and in 2019-2020 as Past Director). The candidates are:

  • Margaretha A K Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)

Additional candidates may be added to the slate by the petition of the voting members. For more information about the petition please click here.

At the same meeting, the IEEE Region 8 Committee elected the 2014 IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chairs. The elected Vice-Chairs are:

  • Member Activities: Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia)
  • Student Activities: Pablo Herrero (Germany)
  • Technical Activities: Carl James Debono (Malta)

Congratulations to all!

Marko Delimar
Chair, IEEE Region 8 N&A SubCommittee

[IEEE R8 YP] IEEE Nigeria YP AG Celebrated IEEE DAY!

IEEE Nigeria YP AG celebrated IEEE day with an outdoor event. It was organized in the Abuja Millennium Park on 5th Oct, 2013.  We wish good luck to Engr. Abdullateef Aliyu, Chair IEEE Nigeria YP AG and his team for future activities.





[IEEE R8 YP] Happy IEEE Day 2013!

Dear IEEE R8 YP Member,

On the behalf of IEEE Region 8 YP (Young Professionals), We would like to wish you happy IEEE Day 2013 🙂

IEEE Day 2013 is the 4th time in history when engineers worldwide is celebrating the anniversary of the first time IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884.

While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE is focused on what’s next. Thus, this year the theme of IEEE Day is “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”.

It is your day to spread out your motivation with the rest of the world as an IEEE member! The day of sharing your excitement, visions and joy with all IEEE members worldwide!

IEEE professional members who joined on IEEE Day will receive a US $30 discount off of their 2014 IEEE membership for 2014 by entering promotion code IEEEDAY13. Please visit the IEEE Day website for more information.

If you are running an event, please do not forget to record videos and take picture to upload to YP page and channel.


Region 8 YP

IEEE Education Fair – 21-24 October 2013

IEEE Educational Activities is hosting a virtual education fair 21-24 October 2013 titled, IEEE Education Fair: Envisioning the Future of Science, Technology, and Engineering Education”.

The Fair is intended to raise awareness of engineering and technology education needs with a view into the next 10 – 15 years; areas of focus include educational trends for pre-university, university and continuing education audiences.  It will also incorporate virtual booths providing access for the attendees to a variety of IEEE programs, products, and services.

The four-day event has dedicated the final day to Hot Topics, bringing to the Fair subject matter experts in the areas of Cyber Security, Smart Grid and Cloud Computing.

The IEEE Education Fair is designed for a global audience – to register, visit

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IEEE Academic, a innovative educational project launches its beta version

IEEE Academic

In the past 18th September, IEEE Academic, a project that aims to deliver to students worldwide high quality educational contents in their own language, launched its beta version.

The goal of the project is “to create an online educational resource where students worldwide can access freely to contents developed in their own language, by professors in their Universities and Schools. We want to build the Wikipedia for multimedia educational contents, with contributions from student-branches and universities all over the world.”, quoting Rui Costa, founder and coordinator of the project.

In its offspring, the project will count with contents made by IEEE Academic initiatives from Portugal, Turkey, Greece, South Africa, Pakistan and USA that will have the first contents available until the end of October.

The website beta version has been launched already with contents from the IEEE Academic Portugal, and is seeking for feedback from all the visitors to improve the platform in order to cope with the needs of students and enthusiastic learners worldwide.

IEEE Academic is online at and all the updates will be announced in the social media at and

Qualcomm Webinar

On Monday, 30 September 2013 at 1:00 P.M. PDT (4:00 P.M. EDT), Qualcomm will be presenting the exciting career opportunities available at their company.

Qualcomm is the largest fabless design company in the world, generating over $15 billion in annual revenues from chipsets and royalties from intellectual property and is consistently ranked near the top of Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to work for”.

2013-Qualcomm-Webinar- QR

This webinar will feature Qualcomm’s System Validation & Emulation (SVE) team, which resides within the Digital ASIC Design organization.

To learn more about this Webinar, visit


Dear R8 YP Members,

It is your day to spread out your motivation with the rest of the world as an IEEE member!
The day of sharing your excitement, visions and joy with all IEEE members worldwide!

You could organise any event, such as a social event, technical event, or, any activity that you consider appropriate. Please visit the IEEE Day webpage ( for more information and ideas.

If you are interested to participate, please submit your event visiting

In addition professional members who joined on IEEE Day will receive a US $30 discount off of their 2014 IEEE membership for 2014 by entering promotion code IEEEDAY13. Please visit the IEEE Day website for more information.

If you will run an event, please do not forget to record videos and take picture to upload to YP page and channel.
