Daily Archives: 15 April 2014

2014 Clementina Saduwa Award Winner


IEEE Region 8 happy to announce that the winner of the Clementina Saduwa Award for 2014 is Ms. Monique Jeanne Morrow from Switzerland!

Clementina Saduwa was a tireless and extremely effective volunteer student leader a few years back, when the IEEE Nigeria Section was being revived, and she went on to become the first ever IEEE Region 8 Women In Engineering (WIE) Coordinator. In January 2007, She was killed in a random act of violence and left behind her husband and young daughter. She was 29 years old.

To honour her rule and work throughout the years, IEEE Women In Engineering and IEEE Region 8 have named the award for the recognition of women engineer in Region 8 who, through their engineering and career achievements, has demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and has established a benchmark of engineering excellence.

This years recipient holds the title of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Cisco Services, with a focus of developing strategic technology and business architectures for Cisco customers and partners. She has over twenty years of experience in the field of computer inter-networks, and a pristine record of innovations. She also has a brilliant history of urging women to take ownership of their careers and “writing their own script” for the future. On this subject she has presented to the European Parliament. She is passionate about advancing Girls in ICT and Women in Technology.

In the photo, from left to right: Martin Bastiaans (IEEE Region 8 Director), Joyce Mwangama (IEEE R8 WIE Coordinator), Monique Morrow (Clementina Saduwa Award 2014 Recipient), Howard Michel (Candidate for IEEE 2014 President-Elect).