Dr. Daniela Danciu, winner of the prestigious Clementina Saduwa Award 2017
Dr. Daniela Danciu from IEEE Romania Section is an IEEE Senior member and a member of IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS). She is the Chair of the Craiova local division (since 2012) of SRAIT (the Romanian Society of Automation and Information Technology) – the Romanian NMO of IFAC.
Dr. Daniela Danciu received the engineer degree (equivalent M.Sc. degree) in Automation and Computers as well as the PhD Cum Laude degree in Automatic Control from University of Craiova (UCV), in 1990 and 2003, respectively. In 2000, she joined the Department of Automatic Control at UCV as a Lecturer. Dr. Daniela Danciu is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Automation and Electronics at UCV. Her research covers different aspects in the area of qualitative analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems including time delay systems, systems with multiple equilibria as well as recurrent neural networks.A rather recent research interest considers neural computing for solving Partial Differential Equations with non‐standard boundary conditions which model distributed parameter systems (DPS) arising from science fields and engineering applications.She is the author of two monographs (in Romanian) and the author/co-author of more than 65 scientific publications in international journals, book chapters and conference proceedings.
Dr. Daniela Danciu considers that, in order to encourage and support young women in developing their engineering carrier, some simple and efficient actions for any academic member and/or researcher can be: self-example, involving them within research projects teams (as graduate/doctoral students), counseling in the difficult moments of their path to a professional carrier as well as in their professional life (individual advice, but also through organized activities).
The message of Dr. Daniela Danciu at the award ceremony (March 25, 2017 during the 108th IEEE Region 8 Committee meeting gala dinner in Stockholm – Sweden): “In memoriam of Clementina Saduwa, I would like to dedicate this prize to all the women from the IEEE community for their roles in professional environment as well as in society. I thank to all the valuable people that I have met in my life and who shaped my personality and the will to become better. I would also like to thank to the IEEE Region 8 award committee for deciding to award this prize to me – it was my best ever present for the International Women’s Day. Thank, you all! Let us be better!”