Daily Archives: 15 April 2018

2018 Clementina Saduwa Award Recipient

Dr. Ana Katalinic Mucalo was born in 1980 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1999 she started her studies at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, where she graduated in 2005 and obtained her PhD degree in 2013.

Since graduation, she has been with the Radiocommunications Department at the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) as a senior Expert for Microwave and Satellite Networks, dealing mostly with frequency planning and interference analysis of fixed point-to-point and satellite links, as well as with cross-border coordination for fixed networks. She has been actively engaged in several working groups within the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), namely the working group SE (Spectrum Engineering), which deals with compatibility studies and development of sharing criteria between different radiocommunications services and provides technical background for ECC decisions and recommendations, as well as the project team SE19, which deals with fixed services. She was the head of the Commission for development of the Strategy for the transition of Digital Terrestrial Television to DVB-T2 system and allocation of the Second Digital Dividend, appointed by Croatian Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure. She made considerable contribution on national legislation for fixed service, and supported the implementation of new programs and infrastructure transformation from European Union pre-accession funds as part of the Project Implementation Unit within HAKOM.

She has published 30 scientific and technical papers in journals and conference proceedings. She participated as a researcher in the European Union funded project for wireless communications COST2100 and IC1004.

She is an active IEEE member and has served in several volunteering positions: R8 Professional Activities Subcommittee Chair 2015-2016, R8 Young Professionals Subcommittee member 2013-2014, Croatia Section GOLD Affinity Group (AG) Chair 2010-2012, and Croatia Section secretary 2013-2016. She currently serves as the Croatia Section Vice-chair.