Yearly Archives: 2020

2020-March – Online

This page contains information about the 114th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in online, on the 21st of March 2020.





OpCom Reports


Director (Magdalena Salazar Palma) Director-Elect (Antonio Luque)
Past-Director  (Margaretha Eriksson) Secretary (Ana Madureira)
Treasurer (Adam Jastrzebski) V/C Member Activities (Adeel Sultan)
V/C Student Activities  (Maciej Borówka) V/C Technical Activities (Sohaib Sheikh)

Subcommittee Reports


Action for Industry (AfI) Life Member Coordinator (LM) Social Media Coordinator
Africa Council Membership Development Subcommittee (MDSC) Standards Coordinator (StC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (A&RSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Strategic Planning
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee (PEAsC) Student Representative
Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) Publications and Communications Subcommittee (PC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Region 8 Today (Region8Today) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Finance Subcommittee Region 8 News (R8News) Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)
History Activities Coordinator (HA) Region Vitality Coordinator (RVC)
Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee (HuA) Sections Congress Coordinator

Section Reports


Algeria Section Iraq Section Romania Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Egypt Section Mauritius Section Switzerland Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
France Section Norway Section Uganda Section
Germany Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Qatar Section Zambia Section
Iceland Section Republic Of Macedonia Section


Updated note about COVID-19 and the 114th Region 8 Committee meeting

We have continued to closely monitor through official health and travel advisory channels from reliable global and local partners the situation in Poland and Region 8 countries with respect to the spread of the epidemic and the restrictions imposed on travels and meetings.


Today we took the difficult decision of cancelling the face-to-face Region 8 Committee meeting which was scheduled to take place in Warsaw, March 20-22, 2020. In taking this decision we consulted with and took into account the opinion of the Poland Section Chair and Past Chair.


We are very sorry that we needed to take this decision. Behind the preparation of the meeting there is a lot of work and dedication of many volunteers, not only the R8 OpCom members (in particular the Treasurer, and the Secretary and her team), but also the Poland Section leadership and the many local volunteers who were ready to help with their participation in the various events (from the Chapter Coordination meeting and Poland Section presentation to the various social activities) and, of course, the R8 Subcommittees Chairs and their teams. There are also many IEEE leadership guests, both volunteers and staff, who committed their time and effort to help to improve our Region through knowledge and information sharing about the IEEE current status, hot topics, new programs and initiatives. Thank you all for your hard work.


Now we are working out the options we have in going ahead. Essentially we are considering:

  1. Postponing the face-to-face meeting to a later date, also in Warsaw. As possible dates we are considering April 25-26, May 2-3, and May 9-10, being the later the preferred option for some of us.
  2. Substituting the face-to-face meeting for a WebEx meeting, most probably on Saturday March 21. We have also considered the possibility of scheduling the WebEx meeting at a later date.

We will inform you as soon as possible of the final decision, with the hope that you will make every effort to participate in this important meeting.

For those of you, who have already booked your tickets to attend the meeting in March 21-22, please wait to take any further action until we inform you of the final decision. Apparently some airlines have informed about their agreement to change the date of an existing reservation but not to cancel it.


I am really looking forward to meeting you in the near future one way or the other!


Thanks again for your support and understanding.




Magdalena Salazar Palma, R8 Director
Antonio Luque, R8 Director Elect
Adam Jastrzebski, R8 Treasurer
Ana Madureira, R8 Secretary

2020-November – Online

This page contains information about the 115th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in online, on Saturday, November 7 2020 and Saturday, November 14 2020, both days from 16:00-19:00 CET time (15:00-18:00 UTC time).




OpCom Reports


Director  (Magdalena Salazar Palma) Director-Elect  (Antonio Luque)
Past-Director (Margaretha Eriksson) Secretary  (Ana Madureira)
Treasurer  (Adam Jastrzebski) V/C Member Activities  (Adeel Sultan)
V/C Student Activities (Maciej Borówka) V/C Technical Activities  (Sohaib Sheikh)

Subcommittee Reports


Action for Industry  (AfI) Life Member Coordinator  (LM) Social Media Coordinator
Africa Council Membership Development Subcommittee  (MDSC) Standards Coordinator  (StC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee  (A&RSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Strategic Planning
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee  (ChCSC) Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee  (PEAsC) Student Representative
Conference Coordination SubCommittee  (CoCSC) Publications and Communications Subcommittee  (PC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator  (VCF)
Electronic Communications Coordinator  (ECC) Region 8 Today  (Region8Today) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Finance Subcommittee Region 8 News (R8News) Young Professionals Subcommittee  (YP)
History Activities Coordinator  (HA) Region Vitality Coordinator  (RVC)
Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee  (HuA) Sections Congress Coordinator

Section Reports


Algeria Section Iraq Section Romania Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Egypt Section Mauritius Section Switzerland Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
France Section Norway Section Uganda Section
Germany Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Qatar Section Zambia Section
Iceland Section North Macedonia Section

About IEEE Nigeria Section Consultants Network

The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA Board) has approved Nigeria Section CN AG which is first CN AG in region 8. The geo-code is CN80139. The membership includes members of the IEEE and affiliates of the AICN who are in private practice or consulting. The networks provide free referral services and serves both independent consultants and those willing to work through contract engineering firms. IEEE CN referrals are primarily provided through the IEEE-USA Consultants Database. Our web site includes the ability to browse and search our networks’members in that database and provides convenient access to the whole database. Our focus is on providing clients with the fastest and easiest access to information about consultants in any part of Nigeria and beyond. The members of IEEE CN include specialists and experts in the areas of electronics, electrical engineering, software, management, medicals, education and associated specialties. They are very active in professional societies and are highly qualified including IEEE Fellows, Senior Members, Local officers, registered professional Engineers, PhD holders, Certified management consultants, etc.


IEEE Nigeria Section:


Africa Students and Young Professionals gather in Nairobi at IEEE ASYP 2019 Congress

The second edition of the IEEE Africa Students and Young Professionals (SYP) Congress 2019 was held in Nairobi, Kenya between 19th- 20th of December, 2019 at the Strathmore University. About 85 delegates that include students, young professionals, industry leaders and academia participated in two days of congress. The Congress witnessed plenary sessions, panel discussions, workshops and a gala dinner. Participants came from Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Uganda, Nigeria, Poland, Turkey and Italy. IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals, Africa Council, Student Activities Committee and Women in Engineering all took part and presented, encouraged and motivated – together with IEEE Smart Village, Power and Energy Society, R8 SIGHT, IEEE MadC and many, many more.


“Imagine, fun, food, new friends and career as a combo! That was the ASYP 2019 for me. This Congress held in Nairobi-Kenya at Strathmore University was something beyond expected.

I really thank IEEE Kenya Section for making ASYP 2019 a wonderful experience, which equipped us students and young professionals with the latest technological improvements and opportunities that come with them.” – Edwin Atuhaire Banura







Committee in 2020

The IEEE Region 8 Committee consists of:


  • Section representatives
  • Operating Committee
  • Appointed Members

Section Representatives

In the IEEE Region 8 Committee, Sections are represented by their Chairs. Section Chairs may appoint an alternate representative to the Region 8 Committee. The most recent list of Region 8 Sections and their representatives to the Region 8 Committee may be found here.


Operating Committee (OpCom)

Appointed members

Appointed Ad-hoc members

Sub Committees


Action for Industry Team

  • Chair: Marios Antoniou (Cyprus)
  • Members:
    • Mohamed Amin (Egypt)
    • John Matogo (Kenya)
    • Matej Pacha (Czechoslovakia)
    • Danilo Pau (Italy)
    • Nihal Sinnadurai (UK & Ireland)
  • Corresponding members
    • Frédérique Vallée (France)
    • Tiziana Tambosso (Italy)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Sohaib Qamar Sheikh (UK & Ireland)
    • Costas Stasopoulos (Cyprus)

Awards & Recognition Subcommittee

  • Chair: Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Past Chair: Costas Stasopoulos (Cyprus)
  • Members:
    • Jaafar M. Al Ibrahim (Saudia Arabia)
    • Igor Kuzle (Croatia)
    • Youmna El-Bitar (Germany)
    • Athanasios Skodras (Greece)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Sergio Benedetto (Italy)
    • Paolo A. Montuschi (Italy)
    • Sohaib Qamar Sheikh (UK & Ireland)

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee

  • Chair: Albert Lysko (South Africa)
  • Members:
    • Matej Zajc (Slovenia)
    • Student Branch Chapters: Sarra Ben Rabii (Tunisia)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Hossam Fahmy (Egypt)
    • Wynand Lambrechts (South Africa)
    • Division Directors from Region 8
      • Division III Director: Sergio Benedetto (Italy)
      • Division VI Director: Manuel Castro (Spain)
    • Society/Council Presidents from Region 8
      • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society: Paolo Gamba (Italy)
      • IEEE Industry Applications Society: Georges Zissis (France)
      • IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society: Alaa Abunjaileh (UK & Ireland)
      • IEEE Power Electronics Society: Frede Blaabjerg (Denmark)
      • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society: Amara Amara (France)
      • IEEE Computational Intelligence Society: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier (France)
      • IEEE Electronic Packaging Society: Christopher Bailey (UK & Ireland)
      • IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society: Alistair Duffy (UK & Ireland)
      • IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society: Salvatore Baglio (Italy)
      • IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society: Imre Rudas (Hungary)
      • IEEE Systems Council: Vincenzo Piuri (Italy)

Conference Coordination Subcommittee

  • Chair: Ljupco Karadzinov (North Macedonia)
  • Past Chair: Péter Nagy (Hungary)
  • Members:
    • Tomislav Capuder (Croatia)
    • Khaled Mokhtar (United Arab Emirates)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Robert Bierwolf (Benelux)
    • Vikass Monebhurrun (France)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Stefano Bregni (Italy)
    • Carl J. Debono (Malta)
    • Roberto Graglia (Italy)
    • James M. Irvine (UK & Ireland)
    • Péter Nagy (Hungary)
    • Vincenzo Piuri (Italy)
    • Dominique Schreurs (Benelux)
    • Gianluca Setti (Italy)

Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee

  • Chair: John Funso-Adebayo (Nigeria)
  • Members:
    • Amith Khandakar (Oman)
    • Alexandros Osana (Italy)
    • Maria-Alexandra Paun (Switzerland)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Fairouz Fattoum (Tunisia)
    • Mohammad Ghaderzadeh (Iran)
    • Walid Bin Habib (Germany)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Paul Cunningham (UK & Ireland)

Membership Development Subcommittee

  • Chair: Ievgen Pichkalov (Ukraine)
  • Past Chair: Andrejs Romanovs (Latvia)
  • Members:
    • Tim Gitau (Kenya)
    • Matej Pacha (Czechoslovakia)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Fadhel Abulhasan (Kuwait)
    • Mike Hinchey (UK & Ireland)
    • Albert Lysko (South Africa)
    • John Matogo (Kenya)
    • Azza Ouled Zaid (Tunisia)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Youmna El-Bitar (Germany)
    • Andreas Koltes (Germany)
    • Vera V. Markovic (Serbia & Montenegro)
    • Maciej J. Ogorzalek (Poland)
    • Costas M. Stasopoulos (Cyprus)

Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee

  • Chair: Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Members – ex officio:
    • Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)
    • Antonio Luque (Spain)
  • Members – elected:
    • Habib Kammoun (Tunisia)
    • Vera Markovic (Serbia and Montenegro)
    • Sergey Shaposhnikov (Russia North West)

Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee

  • Chair: Stamatis Dragoumanos (Greece)
  • Members:
    • University Education: Christopher James (UK & Ireland)
    • Continuing Education: Mohamed El Dallal (Egypt)
    • Past Chair of Professional Activities: Jan Haase (Germany)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Amith Khandakar (Qatar)
    • Reinhardt Rading (Kenya)
    • Nizar Rokbani (Tunisia)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Samarth Deo (Sweden)
    • Vincent Kaabunga (Uganda)
    • Khaled Ahmed Mokhtar (UAE)
    • Sohaib Qamar Sheiikh (UK & Ireland)
    • Frederic Surre (UK & Ireland)
    • Edmundo Tovar (Spain)

Standards Coordination Subcommittee

  • Chair: David Law (UK & Ireland)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Almir Badnjević (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
    • Vikass Monebhurrun (France)

Strategic Planning Subcommittee

  • Chair: Antonio Luque (Spain)
  • Past Chair: Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)
  • Members:
    • Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
    • Raphael Onoshakpor (Nigeria)
    • Sara Barros (Benelux)
    • Victor Fouad Hanna (France)
    • Simay Akar (Turkey)
    • George Papadimitriou (Greece)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Martin J. Bastiaans (Benelux)
    • Urmet Janes (Estonia)

Student Activities Subcommittee

  • Chair: Maciej Borówka (Poland)
  • Past Chair: Efthymia Arvaniti (Austria)
  • Members:
    • Awards & Contest Coordinator: Lee Crudgington (UK & Ireland)
    • Electronic Communications: Mohammad Hossein Babaee (Portugal)
    • Region Student Representative: George Papadimitriou (Greece)
    • Projects & Initiatives Coordinator: Rawane El Jamal (Lebanon)
    • Student Branch Coordinator: Ángela Martínez (Spain)
    • Student Paper Contest Coordinator: Paul Micallef (Malta)
    • Technical Activities Liaison, Student Branch Chapters Coordinator: Sarra Ben Rabii (Tunisia)
    • Young Professionals Liaison, Industry Focus: Ahmed Al Omoush (Jordan)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Simay Akar (Turkey)
    • Aristotelis Farmakis (Greece)
    • George Michael (Cyprus)

Women in Engineering Coordinator

  • Chair: Ana Cigarán Romero (Germany)
  • Past Chair: Youmna El-Bitar (Lebanon)
  • Members:
    • Hzar Oqlah (Jordan)
    • Wafa Ben Hmida (UK & Ireland)
    • Philippa Ngaju (Uganda)
    • Maria-Alexandra Paun (Switzerland)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Preeti S. Kovvali (Benelux)
    • Lisa J. Lazareck-Asunta (UK & Ireland)

Young Professionals Subcommittee

  • Chair: Vinko Lesic (Croatia)
  • Past Chair: Sara Barros (Benelux)
  • Members:
    • Almedin Kavaz (Germany)
    • Inês Inácio (Benelux)
    • Seif El Hajjem (Tunisia)
    • Abdullateef Aliyu (Nigeria)
    • Manuel Ballesteros (Spain)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Hatem Elsayed (Egypt)
    • Nazila Fough (UK & Ireland)
    • Lavender Ndunya (Kenya)
    • Vladimir Alexandru Paun (France)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Flavia Dinca (Sweden)
    • Tamas Haidegger (Hungary)
    • Antonio Luque (Spain)
    • José Pedro Vieira de Carvalho Pinto (Sweden)
    • Rafal Sliz (Finland)

Ad hoc Subcommittees


Finance (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Adam Jastrzebski (UK & Ireland)
  • Members:
    • Director-Elect: Antonio Luque (Spain)
    • Past Director: Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
    • Voluntary Contributions Fund: Andreas Koltes (Germany)

History Activities (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Tony Davies (UK & Ireland)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Martin Bastiaans (Benelux)
    • Antonio Savini (Italy)

Life members (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Victor Fouad-Hanna (France)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Hugo Wyss (Switzerland)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Charles Turner (UK & Ireland)

Publications and Communications (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair: Christopher James (UK & Ireland)
  • Members:
    • Electronic Communications: George Michael (Cyprus)
    • New Journals: Matej Zajc (Slovenia)
    • Region 8 News: Alistair Dabbs (France)
    • Region 8 Today: Stamatis Dragomaunos (Greece)
    • Social Media: Dora Fourou (Greece)
    • Secretary: Ana Maria Madureira (Portugal)
    • Assistant Secretary: Miguel Castanheira Marques (Portugal)
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Catia Bandeiras (Portugal)
    • Sergio Benedetto (Italy)
    • Edhem Custovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
    • Paolo A. Montuschi (Italy)
    • Bibin Parukoor Thomas (Benelux)
    • Maria Elena Valcher (Italy)

Sections Vitality and Development (Ad Hoc Subcommittee)

  • Chair (Region Vitality Coordinator): Matej Zajc (‎Slovenia)
  • Members:
    • Past Region Vitality Coordinator: Aleksandar Szabo (Croatia)
    • Andreas Koltes (Germany)
  • Corresponding members:
    • Humphrey Muhindi (Kenya)
    • Bostwana Sub Section Chair: Adamu Murtala Zungeru
    • Burkina Faso Sub Section Chair: Ferdinand Guinko
    • Kazakhstan Sub Section Chair: Ikechi Ukaegbu
    • Liberia Sub Section Chair: Kamal Kant Hiran
    • Palestine Sub Section Chair: Tamer Khatib
    • Sudan Sub Section Chair: Sharief F. Babiker
    • Tanzania Sub Section Chair: Zaipuna O. Yonah
    • Yemen Sub Section Chair: Ammar Zahary
  • Corresponding members – ex officio:
    • Antonio Doria (Portugal)
    • Youmna El-Bitar (Germany)
    • Albert Lysko (South Africa)
    • Costas Stasopoulos (Cyprus)