Yearly Archives: 2022
IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Awards 2021 – Winners Announcement
IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering is announcing the 2021 Award recipients!
• Region 8 Women in Engineering Student Affinity Group of the Year Award: IEEE WiE Esprit Student Affinity Group
• Region 8 Women in Engineering Section Affinity Group of the Year Award: IEEE Turkey Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group
• Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Student Volunteer Award: Mariem Souissi
IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Awards 2020 – Winners Announcement
IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Awards 2020
We have our winners!
• Clementina Saduwa Award: Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron
• Region 8 Women in Engineering Student Affinity Group of the Year Award: IEEE Beykent University Student Branch
• Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Section Volunteer Award: Boudour Ammar
• Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Student Volunteer Award: Anil Sanli
Congratulations to our winners, you did great job the last year!
Looking for 2021’s Awards!
IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Awards 2019 – Winners Announcement
Dear IEEE Region 8 community,
Please meet the winners of the IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering Awards 2019!
– Region 8 Women in Engineering Section Affinity Group of the Year Award goes to IEEE WIE UK and Ireland Affinity Group.
– Region 8 Women in Engineering Student Affinity Group of the Year Award goes to IEEE WIE ENIM Student Affinity Group, Tunisia WIE SB AG.
– Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Section Volunteer Award goes to Ms. Randa Hammami from Tunisia.
– Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Student Volunteer Award goes to Mr. Khoubeyb Layouni from Tunisia.
We are glad to announce that the winners of the new IEEE Region 8 WIE Awards will be granted FREE REGISTRATION to the WIE ILS Portugal.
– R8 WIE Section AG of the Year: monetary prize of 400 USD, in addition to the free registration for 1 member
– R8 WIE Student AG of the Year: monetary prize of 400 USD, in addition to the free registration for 1 member
– R8 Outstanding WIE Section Volunteer: monetary prize of 200 USD, in addition to the free registration
– R8 Outstanding WIE Student Volunteer: 200 USD, in addition to the free registration
Congratulations, your efforts are appreciated!!
AND YOU! Become the next year winner!
The RTSI (Research and Technologies for Society and Industry) forum has been the flagship conference of the IEEE Italy Section for 6 years. For the seventh edition of RTSI is organized by IEEE France Section and cosponsored by Region 8, Italy and United Kingdom Sections.
RTSI2022 is scheduled 24th-26th August 2022 and will be held on the amazing Sorbonne University which is ideally located in downtown Paris.
The main objective of RTSI is to bring together researchers and industry professionals in the technical fields covered by IEEE in order to:
- promote and strengthen partnerships and cooperation between academia and industry;
- increase understanding and awareness of how engineering and technology can have a positive impact on quality of life;
- promote discussion between the research community and government agencies on effective and successful research policies;
- disseminate the latest progress, discoveries and innovative applications;
- promote cooperation between researchers working in different fields of research.
RTSI2022 gives the opportunity to participate to:
- 4 special sessions:
- Antennas Design for Communication, Sensing and Characterization Methods
- Intelligence Artificial and the COVID’19 Crisis
- Sensors for a smarter world
- Smart Medical Devices
- 5 track sessions:
- Communication Systems
- Computer Engineering
- Control, Robotics & Signal Processing
- Electronics, Microelectronics & System Integration
- Power & Energy
- 4 tutorials :
- Humans and Semiconductors Interface: Energy Efficiency and Edge Artificial Intelligence
- Context Awarness and Collaborative Work
- Power-to-X: an Opportunity for Cross-Sectoral Integration
- The IoT World and 5G Networking Concepts
- 4 panels:
- Prediction of failures in the industrial sector
- Action For Industry
- Ethical Assurance of Autonomous Algorithmic Systems
- Future Directions of Communications: Vision, Standards and Requirements
- 1 student forum
More information and registration are available on the RTSI web site:
2022 Call for Nominations for R8 positions
Dear IEEE Region 8 members,
This is an urgent reminder that the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:
IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Member Activities (two-year commitment)
IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Student Activities (two-year commitment)
IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (two-year commitment)
IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Secretary (two-year commitment)
IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Treasurer (two-year commitment)
Please note that the term of the Vice Chair positions is two years as approved during the recent R8 Committee meeting in Warsaw, Poland, and that they cannot be reelected for a second consecutive term. The Secretary and Treasurer positions are open for re-election.
The Region 8 N&A Subcommittee is also soliciting nominations for the members of the 2023-2024 IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Committee. Candidates must fulfil one of the following criteria at the time of their election (see the Region 8 Operations Manual, section R8-
be a Section Chair in office
have been a Section Chair within the past 3 years
have been a Section Chair and currently holding an elected or appointed position of the R8 Committee.
Please note that the positions for the elected members of the R8 N&A Committee are open for re-election.
Please submit nominations by filling up the IEEE R8 Nomination Form (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section: ; ). Please make sure that the nominee is willing to serve if elected, and that all sections of the Nomination form are filled up with the relevant information.
Please send the nomination forms to Magdalena Salazar Palma, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee (R8 N&A C), at [email protected] , and to the R8 N&A Committee at [email protected] , by July 31, 2022.
These IEEE Region 8 officers and the members of the IEEE Region 8 N&A Committee will be elected at the second Region 8 Committee meeting of this year, 2022, which as of today is scheduled for October 15-16, 2022. The Region 8 Committee members and all the nominees will be informed about the recommended slate of candidates for officers and R8 N&A Committee members 5-6 weeks prior to the meeting.
For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section: ), in particular the sections R8-3.1.5-7 in the Bylaws ( ), and the sections R8M-4.4 to R8M-4.6 ‘Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chairs’ and R8M-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual ( ).
Thank you and best regards,
Magdalena Salazar Palma
Chair, IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee
5th International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE ’22)
August 17-18, 2022 | University of Essex, Southend Campus, UK | Hybrid (In-person & Virtual)
Submission Deadline: 10 th July 2022 24 th July 2022
After successfully organising the fourth conference of this series, International Association for Educators and Researchers (IAER), registered CIC (Community Interest Company) in England and Wales, is happy to arrange the Fifth International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering 2022 (iCCECE ’22), which will be held from 17 th – 18 th August, 2022, at University of Essex, Southend Campus, UK.
The conference will draw together researchers and developers from academia and industry. iCCECE ’22 is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE (Conference Record # 55162) and the conference content shall be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. The Proceedings of the past iCCECE conferences are available online in IEEE Xplore. Work in progress, research papers, survey papers, application and theoretical papers, poster presentations and position papers for the workshop are all welcome.
Full papers, with a maximum length of eight pages, adhering to the IEEE conference paper formatting (Read Submit Paper), should be submitted using the Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT).
For more details, visit the conference website ( Queries should be directed to [email protected].
We look forward to welcoming you to iCCECE ’22 at the University of Essex, Southend Campus, UK.
– iCCECE ’22 Organising Committee
IEEE R8 Robot Championship STEM initiative
IEEE R8 Robot Championship 2024
STEM initiative
After being accepted into the Robot Championship 2024, each team of roboteers will need to apply for at least two STEM activities.
These two activities must be performed before the physical event in Malta.
This is a mandatory aspect of the championship.
Rules and Regulations can be accessed here.
You may contact us at [email protected].
Only online, through this link.
Open between December 1st and March 1st, 2024, end of day CEST.
Submit your activities one by one.
Rules and Regulations can be accessed here.
Who can apply?
All the competitor teams must apply for, at least, two activities.
External members, such as SBs, can also apply.
Awards will be given to the best three initiatives under the STEM program.
1st place: 400 USD.
2nd: 300 USD.
3rd: 200 USD.
You can apply for funds from the TryEngineering month.
(If you use those funds you must do the activities during the month of November 2024)
About the Robot Championship
More info here.
IEEE R8 Robot Championship
IEEE R8 Robot Championship 2024
The IEEE R8 Robot Championship aims to promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) among IEEE members, and it will focus on STEM communication, entrepreneurship, creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork.
The event will happen in Malta on the 23rd and 24th of November 2024 at MonteKristo Arena.
It will take place in Malta, Europe, in the Autumn of 2024 and is open to students in pre-university and university communities. It will be streamed online LIVE.
Organised by IEEE Malta Section, IEEE Region 8, IEEE Malta Computer Society, and Professional and Educational Subcommittee.
Only online, through this link.CLOSED
Open until March 1st, 2024, end of day CEST. (Applications are closed)
Rules and Regulations can be accessed here.
STEM Activities (mandatory for participants)
After being accepted into the Robot Championship 2024, each team of roboteers will need to apply for at least two STEM activities.
These two activities must be performed before the physical event in Malta.
More info and registration here.
Help and Webinars
We will be providing online webinars and online courses to help the robot competitors know more about the games and how to build a robot, so make sure you check out this page periodically and stay tuned!
You may contact us at [email protected].
Workshops and information sessions will be organised to help teams prepare for the STEM program and Championship.