Yearly Archives: 2022

Media and Promotional material

Below are presented media and promotional materials for the many events and initiatives promoted by the PEASc.

For each event and initiative, the material is available to download and can be used according to the guidelines provided.


Work in progress.

PEA Subcommittee logo



  1. On light backgrounds, the logo versions containing black text should be used, for both the main logo and sub-brand logos.
  2. On dark backgrounds, the logo versions containing white text should be used, for both the main logo and sub-brand logos.
  3. The logos should not be used on any backgrounds which compromises their readability. These could include busy images and/or illustrations.

Access the files here.

Robot Championship logo



  1. On light and simple backgrounds, the logo version with the wording at the bottom should be used. This version should not be used on any background which compromises the readability of the text.
  2. On busy and dark backgrounds, the logo version which has all the text integrated should be used. This version can also be used on lighter backgrounds.

Access the files here.

Local Language program logo




  1. The logo should be used on light, simple backgrounds.
  2. The logo should not be used on any background which compromises its readability. These could include busy images and/or illustrations.
  3. If the logo needs to be implemented on a dark background, it should be placed within a light-coloured stripe extending from the edge.

Access the files here.

Seventh Event of ‘Early Career Talks’ Call for Participation

IEEE WIE UKI goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. IEEE WIE UK and Ireland through the Ambassador Scheme are calling women in engineering to participate in a technical, inspirational, and empowering session tagged “EARLY CAREER TALKS”. The previous events were very successful, they have attracted attention from both academia and industry. This event converges the novel (state-of-the-Art) research areas in Engineering besides establishing networking/collaboration links, exploring new research opportunities for developing interactions between Academia, Industry and Government fostering economic and social development.
Criteria for who should apply and how to apply:
This programme supports engineers from academia or industry who have been in an industry/postgraduate
position for less than 10 years. This session welcomes speakers/presenters from any part of the world who are:
• PhD students close to graduation and have published papers in respectful conferences/journals.
• Engineers who have participated in innovative projects.
When applying, send your photo saved as an image and include the following information in a one-word
1. Area of career (academia/industry).
2. Research interests or work field (e.g Robotic systems or Harvesting Systems).
3. Talk title and what the talk will be about (100-word).
4. Speaker bio (including links and web pages).
5. Email and mobile number to contact in emergency.
Workshop details:
The call for this event closes at 11:59 pm September 27th, 2022
The Session will be held and delivered virtually on Saturday October 22nd , 2022, at 12 pm.


If you would like to participate, please email the documents required to the IEEE WIE UKI Early Profession Lead, Dr Nagham Saeed, on [email protected].
Recommended email title is: “Opportunity to participate in Early Career Talks”.
We look forward to receiving your submission.

Call for 2022 Entrepreneurship Week Ambassadors – Deadline July 15th, 2022

Entrepreneurship Week is our flagship event – a series of local entrepreneurship events and competitions, taking place between November and December of every year.


Since 2018, we ran 3 editions of the Entrepreneurship Week with remarkable success

  • 200+ ambassadors taking part
  • 25+ participating countries in the region
  • 60+ local entrepreneurship events
  • 470+ startups competing across all Entrepreneurship Week events

This year, we are planning the 4th edition of this flagship event and aiming to host it across 30 different countries!
If you’re motivated and interested in entrepreneurship and innovation – this is for you! We need volunteers from sections, student branches and affinity groups, to be our local ambassadors, and organize their local Entrepreneurship Week Events and Competition. Sounds like something you want to do? Fill the form here!

IEEE Region 8 – OpCom 2023-2024 – Call for nominations

[PDF] IEEE Region 8 - OpCom 2023-2024 - Call for nominations

Dear IEEE Region 8 members,

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:

  • IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Member Activities (two-year commitment)

  • IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Student Activities (two-year commitment)

  • IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (two-year commitment)

  • IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Secretary (two-year commitment)

  • IEEE Region 8 2023-2024 Treasurer (two-year commitment)

Please note that the term of the Vice Chair positions is two years as approved during the recent R8 Committee meeting in Warsaw, Poland, and that they cannot be reelected for a second consecutive term. The Secretary and Treasurer positions are open for re-election.

The Region 8 N&A Subcommittee is also soliciting nominations for the members of the 2023-2024 IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Committee. Candidates must fulfil one of the following criteria at the time of their election (see the Region 8 Operations Manual, section R8-

  • be a Section Chair in office

  • have been a Section Chair within the past 3 years

  • have been a Section Chair and currently holding an elected or appointed position of the R8 Committee.

Please note that the positions for the elected members of the R8 N&A Committee are open for re-election.

Please submit nominations by filling up the IEEE R8 Nomination Form (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section: ; ). Please make sure that the nominee is willing to serve if elected, and that all sections of the Nomination form are filled up with the relevant information.

Please send the nomination forms to Magdalena Salazar Palma, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee (R8 N&A C), at [email protected] , and to the R8 N&A Committee at [email protected] , by July 31, 2022.

These IEEE Region 8 officers and the members of the IEEE Region 8 N&A Committee will be elected at the second Region 8 Committee meeting of this year, 2022, which as of today is scheduled for October 15-16, 2022. The Region 8 Committee members and all the nominees will be informed about the recommended slate of candidates for officers and R8 N&A Committee members 5-6 weeks prior to the meeting.

For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section: ), in particular the sections R8-3.1.5-7 in the Bylaws ( ), and the sections R8M-4.4 to R8M-4.6 ‘Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chairs’ and R8M-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual ( ).

Thank you and best regards,

Magdalena Salazar Palma
Chair, IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee

[PDF] IEEE Region 8 - OpCom 2023-2024 - Call for nominations

Reports – Cairo

OpCom Reports


Director (Antonio Luque) Director-Elect (Vincenzo Piuri)
Past-Director (Magdalena Salazar Palma) Secretary (Ljupco Karadzinov)
Treasurer (Adam Jastrzebski) V/C Member Activities (Sara Barros)
V/C Student Activities (Simay Akar) V/C Technical Activities (Peter Nagy)

Committee Reports


Action for Industry (AfI) History Activities Coordinator (HA) Region 8 Today (Region8Today)
Africa Council Humanitarian Activities Committee (HuA) Region 8 News (R8News)
Awards & Recognition Committee (A&RC) Humanitarian Technology for Crises Committee Region Vitality Coordinator (RVC)
Careers New Initiative Life Member Coordinator (LM) Sections Congress Coordinator
Chapter Coordination Committee (ChCC) Membership Development Committee (MDC) Social Media Coordinator
Conference Coordination Committee (CoCC) New Student Contests Initiative Standards Coordinator (StC)
Congress Coordinator (SYP/xSYP) Nominations and Appointments Committee Strategic Planning
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Professional and Educational Activities Committee (PEAC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Publications and Communications Committee (PnC) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Entrepreneurship Committee Region 8 Sigma Young Professionals Committee (YP)

Section Reports


Algeria Section Iraq Section Romania Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Egypt Section Mauritius Section Switzerland Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
France Section North Macedonia Section Uganda Section
Germany Section Norway Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Oman Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Poland Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Portugal Section Zambia Section
Iceland Section Qatar Section


Report Templates