Yearly Archives: 2022

Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) Training | SMARTGYsum

SMARTGYsum (SMART Green energY Systems and bUsiness Models) project groups together leading European Universities and Institutions (the consortium is composed by 13 universities and 14 companies/institutions) with the aim to implement a multidisciplinary and innovative research and training program, bringing to enable a new generation of Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) to foster a New Green Energy Economy in Europe. ESR will acquire the knowledge, methods and skills across a wide range of disciplines around the Energy ecosystem, Renewable Electric Energy Systems and Business Models for the deployment of the Green Energy System. Trained ESR will have the technical and economical knowledge to break the barriers for the deployment of energy transition as market and social barriers (price distortion through externalities, low priority of energy issues, split incentives); financial barriers (investment, high up-front costs, lack of access to capital); information failures (lack of awareness, knowledge and competence); or regulatory barriers (restrictive procurement rules).


SMARTGYsum project is aimed to train 15 creative and innovative researchers in the field of green energy system and business models. It will incorporate multidisciplinary knowledge, covering Power Electronics, Electric Engineering, Material Sciences, ICT, Data Sciences, Value Chains, Finance and Investments, Management of Energy Markets, Economical and Policy instruments.


The researchers trained in this network will be able to convert state-of-the art knowledge and ideas into new products for economic and social benefit and promoting the energy transition.


As a trained researcher you will have many opportunities to develop an industrial career in any part of the world, but especially in the EU. You will be trained in electric, power electronic and ITC technologies and in business models, and have a secondment in a complimentary training environment as part of your assignments.


ESRs will take part in the whole researching process, starting with the proposal of new ideas, going from the design to the experimental validation of prototypes in the laboratory and industry facilities, and finishing with the developing of the business models.


Available positions are listed in where there are links to EURAXESS calls and to fill application.


There is also information about the Recruitment process guidelines as Public deliverable D1.2 in