Monthly Archives: November 2023

IEEE Region 8 Awards – Winners of 2023 Awards

The Region 8 Awards & Recognition Subcommittee has the pleasure to announce the winners of following R8 Awards:

  • 2023 Region 8 Student Branch SIGHT of the Year Award: ESSTHS Student Branch SIGHT (Tunisia Section).

  • 2023 Region 8 Outstanding Section SIGHT of the Year Award: Kenya Section SIGHT.

  • 2023 Region 8 Women in Engineering Student Affinity Group of the Year Award: ENET’Com Student WIE Affinity Group (Tunisia Section).

  • 2023 Region 8 Women in Engineering Section Affinity Group of the Year Award: IEEE Jordan Section WIE Affinity Group.

  • 2023 Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Student Volunteer Award: Jointly awarded to Baya Bouchaala (Tunisia Section) and Roshan Mohyeldeen Ahmed (Egypt Section).

  • 2023 Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Section Volunteer Award: Annabel Latham (UK & Ireland Section).

  • 2023 Region 8 Young Professionals Affinity Group of the Year Award: Egypt YP Affinity Group.

  • 2023 Region 8 Young Professionals Exceptional Volunteer Award: Mustafa Aqrabawe (Jordan Section), for outstanding dedication and effort on carrying out the mission of IEEE Young Professionals.

  • 2023 Region 8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year (Small) Award: IEEE Ss Cyril & Methodius University SSCS Student Branch Chapter (North Macedonia Section).

  • 2023 Region 8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year (Medium) Award: IEEE Yarmouk University Computer Society Chapter (Jordan Section).

  • 2023 Region 8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year (Large) Award: IEEE ENISo IAS Student Branch Chapter (Tunisia Section).

  • 2023 Region 8 Chapter of the Year (Small) Award: IEEE Education Society Tunisia Chapter.

  • 2023 Region 8 Chapter of the Year (Medium) Award: IEEE Electron Devices Society Spain Chapter.

  • 2023 Region 8 Chapter of the Year (Large) Award: IEEE Industry Applications Society Tunisia Chapter.

  • 2023 Region 8 Outstanding Large Section Award: IEEE Egypt Section.

  • 2023 Region 8 Volunteer Award, which awards a Region or Section volunteer based on their exceptional work and dedication to IEEE, Region 8 or Section: Catarina Silva (Portugal Section).

  • 2023 Clementina Saduwa Award was established as a tribute to Clementina Saduwa, a dedicated, tireless student leader and extremely effective volunteer for IEEE who passed away in January 2007. This award is given to a female professional in IEEE’s fields of interest based on her career achievements and recognizes outstanding women engineers who, through their engineering and career achievements, have demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and have established a record of excellence: Simay Akar (Turkey Section).


Reports – Vienna

OpCom Reports


Director Director-Elect
Past-Director Secretary
Treasurer V/C Member Activities
V/C Student Activities V/C Technical Activities

Africa Council
Committee Reports


Action for Industry Committee (AfI) Women in Engineering Committee (WIE) AdHoc Region 8 Today
Awards & Recognition Committee (A&RC) Young Professionals Committee (YP) AdHoc Region Vitality Coordinator
Chapter Coordination Committee (ChCC) AdHoc Alternate membership payments AdHoc SAC Contests, Awards and Recognitions
Conference Coordination Committee (CoCC) AdHoc Careers New Initiative AdHoc SAC Training and Leadership Support
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee AdHoc Climate Change AdHoc SAC New Initiatives
Entrepreneurship Committee AdHoc Continu>Ed AdHoc Senior Members Search
Finance Committee AdHoc Cooperation with IEEE S/TCs and National Associations AdHoc Sections Congress Coordinator
History Activities Committee (HA) AdHoc Cross-section Technical Cooperation AdHoc Social Media
Humanitarian Activities Committee (HuA) AdHoc Educational Infrastructures AdHoc Standards Coordinator
Life Members Committee (LM) AdHoc Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) AdHoc Subsections Strategic Development
Membership Development Committee (MDC) AdHoc Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) AdHoc Territories in crisis
Nominations and Appointments Committee AdHoc Fellow Members Search AdHoc Voluntary Contribution Fund
Professional and Educational Activities Committee (PEAC) AdHoc IEEE Milestones Awareness AdHoc Volunteer Pipeline
Publications and Communications Committee (PnC) AdHoc New Social Media AdHoc Web
Strategic Planning Committee AdHoc R8 Advisory
Student Representative AdHoc Region 8 News (R8News)

Section Reports


Algeria Section Iraq Section Romania Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Egypt Section Mauritius Section Switzerland Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
France Section North Macedonia Section Uganda Section
Germany Section Norway Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Oman Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Poland Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Portugal Section Zambia Section
Iceland Section Qatar Section

Sub-Section Reports


Alexandria Subsection Liberia Subsection Sudan Subsection
Botswana Subsection Libya Subsection Tanzania Subsection
Burkina Faso Subsection Nigeria Southeast Subsection Yemen Subsection
Ethiopia Subsection Palestine Subsection
Kazakhstan Subsection Russia (Far Eastern) Subsection


Report Templates