Dora Fourou

Women in Science & Technology: Volunteering to Lead

20 October, 9:00 pm ET

The Women in Science & Technology: Volunteering to Lead panel includes the top female leadership in nonprofit membership organizations representing the many facets of the science, technology, and engineering industries.


The discussion will focus on why the panelists chose to pursue careers in these industries and their experiences as women in science and technology. In addition, they will explore why they found it important to volunteer their time and talent and the impact women leaders are making across science and technology.



Register at: IEEE President Land Panel Sign Up

R8 WIE meets leaders of R8 WIE AGs

IEEE R8 WiE Affinity Groups Chairs Yearly Meeting

Save the Date: October 14th 2021, 7-9 PM UTC+3.


Dear Colleagues,
We hope that our message finds you well and in good health.


R8 Women in Engineering Subcommittee are happy to invite you to a meeting which is organized with all R8 Women in Engineering Affinity Group Chairs on October 14th 2021, 7-9 PM UTC+3. Connection details can be found at the end of this message. More details will follow up. If you have something that you would like to share with us, kindly send it to us at [email protected]


Please feel free to disseminate this information to other people that might be interested.


We really hope you will be able to join us on this occasion.
Best regards,
Maria-Alexandra Paun
Chair of IEEE R8 Women in Engineering Subcommittee


Details of participation below:

R8 WIE meets leaders of R8 Section WIE AGs
Thursday, October 14, 2021
7:00 PM  |  (UTC+03:00) Athens, Bucharest  |  2 hrs
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Early Career Talk: Second Event

“Early Career Talk” is an inspirational and empowering session for Women in Engineering introduced by IEEE WIE UKI Ambassadors’ scheme

About this event


IEEE WIE in Engineering is an initiative with the goal to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. “EARLY CAREER TALK” aims to expose the participate to novel areas and aspect of engineering in solving real world problems. It also aims to establish a link for networking, mentorship and to create a connection for research opportunities.



More details and registration about the upcoming event you can find in the following link: Early Career Second Event Tickets, Sat 16 Oct 2021 at 14:00 | Eventbrite

5th Annual Meeting IEEE Women in Engineering Italy AG, September 7th

A satellite event in the frame of IEEE RTSI 202 l – 6th International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry “Innovation for a Smart World” Naples, Italy, September 6-9 2021.


The IEEE Italy Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group organizes its 5th Annual Meeting, which will be held within the IEEE RTSI 2021 – 6th International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry “Innovation for a Smart World”, in virtual mode due to the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The meeting will be an opportunity to present the Commitment Chart ”WIE.steer2STEM.chart v2.0″, released last year, to IEEE volunteers from other Region 8 countries, sharing the objectives of WIE Italy activities and the actions taken to achieve them.


During the panel session “A broader look: the commitment of EU countries to the WIE mission”, international speakers from different European countries will share experiences and outlooks on the efforts made to promote and support women’s participation in STEM careers.

Following, the poster session GENEVA 2021 (Gender Equality iN rEsearch and innoVAtion) will be held, focusing on the best practices in managing the “gender equality” in funded projects.


Later in the afternoon, members of the “WIE.steer2STEM.chart” promoting committee, WIE, AICA, AEIT, and WWE, will discuss the initiatives and actions carried out during the last year, and pave the way to the future improvement of the Commitment Chart.



Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the conference will take place in virtual mode. Participation in the event is free of charge. Instructions for participation in the virtual meeting are available here.

Social Innovations for Humanitarian Impact & Sustainable Development Panel by IEEE WIE Kenya and Turkey

This webinar collaborates with IEEE – WIE (Women in Engineering) Turkey and Kenya to demystify the engineers’ and technologists’ mindsets of thinking of a problem and giving solutions that communities later turn down. This webinar looks into extending the talks to building technological or non-technological solutions, therefore having the speakers be the primary investigators in the project and having a team of mentors and mentees who will actualize a frugal and sustainable solution contextualizing the needs of the specified communities.



IEEE WIE Kenya Section & IEEE WIE Turkey Section


Zoom link:

Registration link:

EU launches Women TechEU pilot to put women at the forefront of deep tech

The European Commission launched Women TechEU – a new EU scheme supporting deep-tech start-ups led by women and helping them grow into tomorrow’s deep tech champions. This scheme comes under the new Horizon Europe innovation ecosystems programme, reinforced by the European Innovation Council (EICs).