George Michael

Metaverse Tunisian Summit: First steps towards the Metaverse

With Meta’s announcement to invest in the Metaverse, the world’s interest has shifted toward AR/VR technologies. IEEE Sup’Com Student Branch, in collaboration with IEEE SMU Student Branch, Vsober and Talan decided to join in on this movement. We are currently planning a first-of-its-kind event: The Metaverse Tunisian Summit. The 3-day conference will take place from September the 30th to October the 2nd and will tackle an emerging technology: Augmented Reality and XR technologies.

We are targeting 300 participants from Tunisia and the MENA Region. The event is intended for students and engineers passionate about AR/VR technologies. The explorers and the less experienced will participate in virtual webinars before the start of the Summit and attend panels, workshops, and exhibitions during the Summit. The Exhibition will feature the solutions provided by startups and companies. A first experience to get in touch with this technology’s applications. The passionate and the experienced will participate in a Hackathon to implement their knowledge and come up with cutting-edge technology solutions.

The hackathon will start virtually before the Summit and will continue face to face. The winners may have the chance to attend and present their ideas during the Francophonie, held this year by Tunisia to gather people from French-speaking countries and allow them to expose different accomplishments.

WIE International Leadership Summit Tunisia 2022

IEEE Sup’Com WIE Affinity Group is glad to announce that the second edition of WIE International Leadership Summit in Tunisia will be held from the 10th to the 11th of September 2022.

The IEEE WIE International Leadership Summits are small- to medium-scale events held locally worldwide and focused on Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Emerging/Disruptive Technology. WIE Summits provide regional opportunities for networking, mentorship, training, and collaboration. ILS aims to provide a forum for women in technology to network with peers and gain insights from industry, entrepreneurship, academia, and government leaders. Attendees share their unique points of view through real-life projects and experiences, discuss lessons learned, identify challenges and limitations, and collaborate on critical skills for leadership development in projects in teams. Up to ten WIE Summits will be conducted globally in 2022 in different countries.



ILS Tunisia 2022 will include panels with international speakers, team-building activities, workshops, mentoring sessions, and a competition.
The event will focus in all its parts on “The empowerment of women in rural areas”. ILS Tunisia 2022 is a two-day catalytic experience of rich learning, new ideas, fresh perspective, and inspiring stories from leading experts spanning a wide range of fields and backgrounds.

Join us to learn more invaluable leadership insights, further your professional development, create evergreen strategies for tomorrow’s challenges.

IEEE MELECON 2024 – Porto – Portugal – 25-27 June 2024

IEEE MELECON is one of the flagship conferences of IEEE Region 8 and will be held in Portugal, Porto on 25-27 June of 2024, supported by the IEEE Portugal Section. IEEE MELECON 2024 will be a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies. Researchers and practitioners from different technological fields of Electrical Engineering, including Control Systems, Communication and Information Technology, Mechatronics, Nano- & Micro-Electronics, Electrical Power Systems, and Signal & Image Processing will be welcomed.

Save the date and join us at the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP/P.PORTO)!


This call is devoted to student and young professionals to present their innovative research ideas in the field of interest of IEEE.


The competitors shall prepare a 5 minutes video: “My research idea in 5 minute” in which they will present their research idea and activity using slides, pictures, photos, graphics, lab demo, etc., to describe in the most convincing and attractive way their innovative idea, achievements and field of application.


The audience present at the IEEE MELECON competition for the Research Activity Video Presentation will be able to vote their favorite video (instructions on the voting procedure will be provided on site).


The competition will take place during IEEE MELECON 2022 on June 16, 2022 (see programme schedule on the web page of the conference to know the exact time). The participation of competitors is free. The competition will be an hybrid event. Competitors can participate in person or remotely to answer the questions of the audience.


More details about the platform to be used for the “live streaming event” and how to access, will be available on the conference web and sent to all competitors.
All competitors (max 10) selected for presenting at the competition will receive a participation certificate. The best research idea will be awarded with a customized IEEE certificate.


Young professionals and students willing to participate in this competition shall send an e-mail to this address: [email protected] not later than May 20, 2022.


All info are available at:

MELECON 2022 – Call for Best Entrepreneurship Activity Video Presentation

This call is devoted to young Start ups (TRL 1-3) and entrepreneurs to showcase successful entrepreneurship ideas in the field of interest of IEEE.

The competitors shall prepare a 5 minutes video: “My entrepreneurship idea in 5 minute” in which will present their entrepreneurship idea and activity using slides, pictures, photos, graphics, lab demo, etc., to describe in the most convincing and attractive way their innovative idea, achievements and field of application.

The audience present at the IEEE MELECON competition for the Best Entrepreneurship Activity Video Presentation will be able to vote their favorite video (instructions on the voting procedure will be provided on site).

The competition will take place during IEEE MELECON 2022 on June 15, 2022 (8:30 am 10:30 am). For more details on the connection platform, meeting room and other updates refer to the conference website: The participation of competitors is free. The competition will be an hybrid event. Competitors can participate in person or remotely to answer the questions of the audience.

More details about the platform to be used for the “live streaming event” and how to access, will be available on the conference web and sent to all competitors.

All competitors (max 10) selected for presenting at the competition will receive a participation certificate. The best entrepreneurship idea an the best entrepreneurship idea with humanitarian application will be awarded with a customized IEEE certificate. The award ceremony will take place on June 15 during social dinner (the winners will have free access to the gala dinner).

Entrepreneurs willing to participate in this competition shall send an e-mail to this address: [email protected]

no later than May 2, 2022. In the Object of the e-mail the participant in this competition should write:
Best Entrepreneurship Activity Video Presentation – name surname

In the text of the e-mail the participant shall include the following info:

  • title of the video (specify whether with application in the humanitarian field)
  • name and affiliation of the author/s
  • e-mail of the author of reference


The dead line for the submission of the video is May 31, 2022. All videos shall have MP4 format, dimension not larger than 150 MB and they shall not be longer than 5 minutes.

Competitors must fill in the form at this address:

indicating the link (youtube private, google drive, ….) where the video can be seen and downloaded and giving their consent for privacy.

A special commission will select the best videos (maximum 10 video) that will be projected and voted by the audience present at the event. All videos will be uploaded on IEEE Italy Section web and media (depending on author permission).

Call for Nominations – 2022 MGA Awards

Nominations for Outstanding Section Awards – Deadline 15 May 2022

Each year, the MGA Outstanding Section Awards are presented to one large, one medium, and one small Section (across all Regions), to recognize their excellent work and successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public.  The recipient Sections are acknowledged for maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries. 

Three awards are presented, as follows:

  • Large Section = 1,501 or more members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year;

  • Medium Section = 501-1,500 members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year;

  • Small Section = 500 or fewer members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year

To nominate your Section for the MGA Outstanding Large, Medium, or Small Section Award, please


Nominations for Friend of IEEE MGA Awards

These awards are designed to specifically recognize support provided to IEEE and its members by firms, divisions of firms, or individuals (non-members). Nominators can submit individuals or organizations for a Friend Award at the supporting or sustaining level. Nominations for this award may be submitted at any time during the year.

To learn more about the Friend of IEEE MGA Awards CLICK HERE

To submit a nomination for the Friend of IEEE MGA Award CLICK HERE

For questions, contact [email protected]

IEEE Region 8 – Statement against acts of war

IEEE Region 8 strongly condemns any act of war, aggression, violation of international laws and conventions, or against humanity.

We firmly believe that they have no place in the world and always support efforts to help those who are suffering because of them.

Reports – Warsaw

OpCom Reports

Director (Antonio Luque) Director-Elect (Vincenzo Piuri)
Past-Director  (Magdalena Salazar Palma) Secretary (Ljupco Karadzinov)
Treasurer (Adam Jastrzebski) V/C Member Activities (Sara Barros)
V/C Student Activities (Simay Akar) V/C Technical Activities (Peter Nagy)

Subcommittee Reports


Action for Industry (AfI) Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee (HuA) Region 8 News (R8News)
Africa Council Life Member Coordinator (LM) Region Vitality Coordinator (RVC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee  (A&RSC) Membership Development Subcommittee (MDSC) Sections Congress Coordinator
Careers New Initiative New Industry Events Initiative Social Media Coordinator
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) New Student Contests Initiative Standards Coordinator (StC)
Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Strategic Planning
Congress Coordinator (SYP/xSYP) Professional and Educational Activities Subcommittee (PEAsC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Publications and Communications Subcommittee (PnC) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Region 8 Sigma Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)
History Activities Coordinator  (HA) Region 8 Today (Region8Today)

Section Reports


Algeria Section Iraq Section Romania Section
Austria Section Iran Section Russia Section
Bahrain Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Belarus Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Benelux Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Bulgaria Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Croatia Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Cyprus Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Denmark Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Egypt Section Mauritius Section Switzerland Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Tunisia Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Turkey Section
France Section Norway Section Uganda Section
Germany Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Qatar Section Zambia Section
Iceland Section North Macedonia Section

Report Templates

ISCC 2022 – the 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications


ISCC 2022, in its 27th edition, will provide an insight into the unique world stemming from the interaction between the fields of computers and communications. ISCC 2022 will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present the results of ongoing research in most state-of-the-art areas of computers and communications. You are invited to submit a full paper, a proposal for a Panel/Invited Session, or a Tutorial, related to the following topics of interest:

  1. 5th Generation Networks (5G)

    Resource Allocation
    Network Slicing
    Topology Management
    5G Core Network and Service Based Architecture
    C-RAN and backhaul
    SDN and NFV for 5G
    Network Stability, Control, and Optimization
    Standardization Activities by IEEE, 3GPP, and ETSI

  2. Security and Privacy

    Privacy / Anonymity
    Attacks and Defenses
    Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
    Hardware Security
    Intrusion Detection
    Moving Target Defense (MTD)

  3. Internet of Things (IoT)

    LPWAN (LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT, LTE-M, Wi-SUN)
    6TiSCH, 6LoWPAN, Roll
    Operating Systems
    Interoperability of IoT protocols and devices
    Simulation, emulation, and testbed support
    Smart Spaces: design and applications
    Cyber-Physical Systems
    Telecare Medical Information System
    TinyML designed for microcontrollers and IoT-ready devices

  4. Vehicular Networks

    Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
    IEEE 802.11p ITS-G5
    Millimeter Waves
    V2X, V2I, V2N, V2V, V2P, V2D, V2G
    Inter and Intra vehicle communication and protocols

  5. Software-Defined

    Software-Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization
    Software-Defined Smart Objects
    Software-Defined Data Centers
    Software-Defined Radio
    Overlay and Programmable Networks

  6. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Artificial Intelligent Systems applications in Computers and Communications
    AI Technologies Game Theory
    Machine and Deep Learning of Knowledge
    Bio-inspired Computing in Communications
    Data Science and Data Engineering
    Distributed Knowledge and Processing

  7. Cloud and Edge Computing

    Cloud Computing (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
    Mobile Cloud and Mobile Cloud Networking
    Fog Computing
    Distributed Systems Architecture and Management

  8. Wireless Networks

    Cognitive Radio Networking
    Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications
    Modeling and Simulation
    Signal Processing for Communications

  9. Services and Protocols

    Advances in Internet Protocols
    Green Networking
    Real-Time Communication Services
    Routing and Multicast
    Network Design, Optimization, and Management
    Network Reliability, Quality of Service, and Quality of Experience
    Fault-Tolerance and Error Recovery
    Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures
    Standards Evolution
    Digital Satellite Communications Service
    Localization Protocols
    Communications Services and Management
    Crowdsourcing applications, Crowdsensing and Mobile CrowdSensing
    Social Networks

  10. Optical Networks

    Optical Network Protocols and Architectures
    Energy-efficient/green Optical Communications and Networks
    Visible Light Communications (Indoor, Outdoor, and Localization)
    Optical Wireless Communication Applications for Future Networks

  11. Application domain / Framework / Architecture

    e-Health and Bioinformatics
    Smart Grid
    Smart City
    Industry 4.0
    Smart Building

  12. Software Engineering

    Peer-to-Peer Computing
    Computing applications
    Big Data, Data Mining, and Database Applications