About R8

About R8

Welcome to Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

The IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society, and comprises more than 360,000 members who conduct and participate in its activities in 150 countries.
Founded in 1884, the IEEE is a non-profit organisation, and through its members is a catalyst for technological innovation. We are a leading authority in a broad range of areas such as computer engineering, electric power, aerospace and consumer electronics, biomedical technology, and telecommunications, naming only a few.
We publish 30 percent of the world’s literature in electrical engineering, computers and control technology, and hold more than 300 major conferences and 6,000 local meetings annually. Recognized as essential guides for every industry, more than 800 active IEEE standards are in use today with 700 currently in development.
Please use the links at the left to navigate this website, and find out more about the Region and its activities.

Region 8 covers covers Europe, Middle East and Africa, as shown in the map below.

Region 8 Vision

Region 8 is an effectively organized, dynamic and influential entity, recognized as a leading and esteemed part of a truly transnational IEEE, with IEEE benefits equally available to all members

Region 8 Mission

To serve the needs of the members of the Institute, the profession and society at large, by enhancing and supporting the IEEE’s Organizational Units and their activities within Region 8

Guidelines on the Use of the IEEE Region 8 Logo

The following are guidelines on the use of the IEEE Region 8 logo, the letters “Region 8”, “IEEE” and the map sketch representing Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

  1. The IEEE Region 8 logo should be used on the IEEE Region 8 wholly-owned publications, materials, publicity, meeting notices, programs and other promotional literature and products. On any of these, the logo should be displayed prominently at least once. On publications, it is recommended that the logo appear on the front cover and title page, if any.
  2. In every use, the integrity of the logo must be preserved. For example:
    • (A) Only the complete, official logo in either solid or outline form may be used. (Hand drawn or deformed versions are not permitted.)
    • (B)Neither the whole nor recognizable parts may be incorporated into another logo whether designed by an IEEE member or not.
    • (C) The logo may be printed in any color with another color as background, but should not be printed in several colors.
    • (D) The logo should not be obscured by any other design, lettering, etc.
    • (E) The logo should not be used frivolously.
  3. The IEEE Region 8 logo must be used in conjunction with the IEEE Master Brand and the IEEE Master Brand must be given equal or greater prominence in the design layout. Discretion is left to the designer to determine the size comparison based on any of several measurements including area, height, and width. For samples of acceptable size relationships and a copy of the IEEE Master Brand Reference Guide, please visit IEEE Identity Standards.
  4. All questions regarding IEEE Identity Standards should be directed to the IEEE IPR Office.
  5. When used with a logo of an entity within IEEE, the IEEE Region 8 Logo should be at least the same size as the other logo, preferably larger or in a more prominent position. When used with Logos of other societies, normally all logos should be the same size. (It may be acceptable to use logos in different sizes if society participation is unequal.)
  6. The logo shall be used only in connection with official business of the IEEE Region 8.
  7. The IEEE Region 8 Logo may be incorporated in the design of awards, or for similar purposes, provided that the total emblem is used without any modification. The Logo may not be modified in any manner, including the addition of names or dates.

IEEE Region 8 Logos for Download

Below there are all versions of the logo available for download.

You will find both Horizontal and Stacked formats in CMYK and RGB color encodings (for most there also is SPOT Pantone version).



By downloading the files, you agree to the terms listed above and the IEEE Geographic Community Identity Guidelines (https://brand-experience.ieee.org/guidelines/brand-identity/sub-brand-resources/#ieee-geographic-communities).




Please note that these mailing lists are primarily for internal use within the R8 committee. Therefore, please consider sending your message to a specific person rather than the whole mailing list.

Operating Committee (Opcom) [email protected]
Membership Activities [email protected]

YP Subcommittee (part of MA)

[email protected]

Membership Development (part of MA)

[email protected]
Technical Activities [email protected]

Industrial Relations (part of TA)

[email protected]

Chapter Coordination (part of TA)

[email protected]
Student Activities Committee [email protected]
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee [email protected]

Mailing lists

Please consider subscribing to the following mailing lists.


  • IEEE Region 8 History Network
[email protected] [more info] join ]

Region 8 Webmaster

This website is maintained by George Michael. If you need any changes, or have more general questions this website and its content, don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to [email protected] .

Social Media

twitter Twitter: http://twitter.com/ieeer8
facebook Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ieeer8/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2490621134/

linkedin LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/13576334