According to the IEEE REGION 8 OPERATIONS MANUAL – p. R8-6.1.2:
The Region 8 Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee shall identify qualified candidates for elected and appointed positions of Region 8 and its Committees including candidates for the Director-Elect slate.
The Region 8 Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee shall consist of the following members:
- Region 8 Director
- Past Region 8 Director
- Director-Elect
- Three members elected for a period of 2 years renewable, by the R8 Section Chairs.
Candidates must fulfill one of the following criteria at the time of their election:
- be a Section Chair in office
- have been a Section Chair within the past 3 years
- have been a Section Chair and currently holding an elected or appointed position of the R8 Committee.
The Region 8 Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee shall:
- Submit to the Region 8 Committee, to the Director of Region 8, or to the Region 8 Vice-Chairs as case defined in the IEEE, MGA Board, Region 8 Bylaws or Operations Manuals, a list of candidates recommended for election or appointment on 1 January of the following year, in time for election or appointment before 31 December or as otherwise called for in the Region 8 Bylaws or this Operations Manual.
- Submit to the Board of Directors, after the approval of the R8 Committee, a slate of at least two and not more than three candidates for Region 8 Director-Elect In the case of the election process involving more than one candidate, the Region 8 N&A Subcommittee slate of candidates, including biographies and position statements, shall be made available to all members of the Region 8 Committee at least twenty-eight days (28) before the Region 8 Committee meeting at which the election shall take place or the slate approved. The order of names for each position will be randomised.
Each candidate for a Region 8 Committee-elected position may have a Committee Delegate as an advocate. The advocate will present the candidate’s background and qualifications to the Region 8 Committee.
When a meeting is convened to make the recommendations for the R8 Director-Elect slate, the current Director-Elect shall take no part in that aspect of the meeting.
A member of the Region 8 N&A Subcommittee who does not resign from that Subcommittee by 1 May is not eligible to be nominated by the Region 8 N&A Subcommittee for any position to be filled by the Region 8 Committee. Candidates for the office of Region 8 Director-Elect are exempt from this provision.
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2011 – 2012 MEMBERS
- Józef Modelski (Poland) – Chair
- Marko Delimar (Croatia) – ex-officio
- Martin Bastiaans (Benelux) – ex-officio
- Terje Gjengedal (Norway) – elected
- Samir Shaheen (Egypt) – elected
- Tunde Salihu (Nigeria) – elected