The award ceremony was held virtually in the Zoom cloud platform with the presence of Prof. Saifur Rahman, 2022-2023 IEEE Director-Elect, electrical and electronics prestigious professors from all over Iran, industry entrepreneurs, and deans, counselors, and student branches.

The ceremony had 600 registrants and 350 unique participants in the Zoom session in addition to more than 100 live Instagram users on the IEEE Iran section Instagram page. In the beginning, the host welcomed all prestigious guests around the world and started the session officially. IEEE Iran section 2019-2020 board of directors was introduced to the audience by a video clip. Then Prof. Vahid Ahmadi IEEE Iran section chair appreciated Dr. Yazdanian, the ICT Research Institute chair, for all supports and collaborations with IEEE Iran Section. Plaque of appreciation handed over from IEEE Iran Section to Dr. Yazdanian. Prof. Ahmadi introduced Prof. Saifur Rahman, 2022-2023 IEEE Director-Elect by mentioning his academic career and invited him to distribute his talk. Prof. Rahman mentioned the great potentials of the IEEE Iran section and its active members whose remarkable work is entirely voluntary for other members’ growth. He is also talked about plans for IEEE members and the rule of IEEE in past, present, and future of human’s life.

It was time to introduce IEEE Iran section awards and a video clip to give specific details about each one was played. Then, IEEE Iran section Awards and Recognition Committee Chair, Prof. Jawad Faiz, started to give information about nominees of the 2021 awards. List of awards, giver, and recipients of them are:

• Lifetime Teaching Award: The late Prof. Shahrokh Farhangi from the University of Tehran, given by Prof. Jawad Faiz
• Lifetime Research Award: Prof. Hossein Hosseinian from the Amirkabir University of Technology, given by Prof. Ahmadreza Sharafat.
• Prof. Hakkak Award: Prof. Khashayar Mehrani from the Sharif University of Technology, given by Prof. Hakkak’s family.
• Prof. Jabehdar Award: Prof. Zainalabedin Navabi Shirazi from the University of Tehran, given by Prof. Parviz Jabehdar.
• Prof. Caro Lucas Award: Prof. Mohammad Reza Akbarzadeh Totonchi from the University of Mashhad, given by Prof. Reza Faraji Dana.
• Prof. Fakhraei Award: Prof. Vahid Ghafarinia from the University of Mashhad, given by Dr. Hadi Moradi.
• Industry Veteran Engineer Award: Eng. Hamidreza Keshavarz from Crouse Industries, given by Eng. Hossein Riazi.
• Top Entrepreneurs Award: Eng. Abdolreza Yaghoubzadeh from Pooyandegan Rah Saadat Co. , given by Prof. Hamid Soltanian Zadeh.
• Outstanding Student Branch Counselor Award: Dr. Sayed Amin Atabak from Shahr-e Kord Technical and Vocational College, given by Prof. Hossein Askarian Abyaneh.
• Women in Engineering Award: Dr. Leyla Mohammadi form Iran Telecommunication Research Center, given by Dr. Zohreh Azimifar
• Young Researcher Award: jointly Dr. Mohsen Hamzeh from the University of Tehran and Dr. Amin Aminzadeh Gohari from Khatam University, given by Prof. Mahmud Fotuhi Fiuzabad
• Best Ph.D. Thesis Award: Dr. Mahtab Khalilifar from Shahid Chamran University, given by Prof. Nosrat Granpayeh.
• Best M.Sc. Thesis Award: Jointly Engineer Mohammad Raispour from Amirkabir University of Technology, Engineer Hamed Lastjerdi from Sharif University of Technology, given by Dr. Mohammad Reza Yousefi.
• Best B.Sc. Thesis Award: Jointly Eng. Abolfazl Qiyasi Moghadam from Shamsipour Technical And Vocational College and Eng. Ali Ramezani from Amirkabir University of Technology, given by Dr. Maryam Tayefeh Mahmoudi.
• Outstanding B.Sc. Thesis Award: Jointly Engineer Danial Farajzadeh from Buein Zahra Technical University and Eng. Fatemeh Esmaili from Sahand University of Technology, given by Dr. Maryam Tayefeh Mahmoudi.
• Best Student Branch Award: Tarbiat Modares University, Counselor: Dr. Orouji and Chair: Bashir Falegari, given by Dr. Amir Abolfazl Suratgar.
• Outstanding Student Branch Award: Jointly, Shamsipour Technical And Vocational College Student Branch Counselor: Dr. Rezvanian, Chair: Eng. Abolfazl Qiyasi Moghadam, and Shahrekord Technical and Vocational University Student Branch, Counselor: Dr. Seyed Amin Atabak, Chair: Reza Goyandeh Najafabadi, given by Dr. Amir Abolfazl Suratgar.

The final words were from Eng. Mojgan Azizi, the IEEE Iran Section Web Development committee chair and the conductor of the 12th IEEE Iran Section Awards Ceremony Executive Team. She admired the relentless and unparalleled efforts of team members and noted there was not such a fabulous event without them. At last, A memorable group photo was taken with all the prestigious guests.