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MTT-S CCC 2009
IEEE MTT Society Chapter Chair Conference, Sep 28, 2009, Rome, Italy
Read more:
  2009-08-24 Agenda_MTT CCM09_4 Rome

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IX Kharkiv Young Scientist Conference on
1-3 December 2009.
Call For Paper:  2009-08-26 YSC09 Call For Paper

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IEEE R8 and IEEE IAS Chapter Chairs Conference
Chapter Leadership Workshop and Seminar on Wind Technologies
September 13-15, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Full Program:  2009-08-26 IEEE R8 Nordic Conference and Wind Seminar

Registration Form (word):

Earthzine Journal

Earthzine is a searchable, online environmental journal that features articles on Earth observation linked thematically to the nine societal benefit areas of GEOSS. Sponsored by the ICEO (IEEE Committee on Earth Observation), Earthzine is also actively supporting John Vig’s President’s Sustainability Initiative with articles and a new essay contest for undergraduate and graduate students titled Sustainability through Earth Observation and Engineering with the dual themes of social equity and environmental protection. A subscription to Earthzine is FREE. Just click the Free Subscription button on

N&A Committee: Candidates Results

The N&A Committee met from July 20th to July 22nd, 2009, in order to select candidates for different positions.

  • N&A considered the 3 VC positions and decided to keep the incumbents:
    1. VCMA: Pilar Molina Gaudo

    2. VCSA: Eva Lang

    3. VCTA : Rami Al Mushcab

  • for Director-Elect 2011-2012, among 10 excellent candidates, the following slate has been chosen unanimously :
  • Jaafar Al Ibrahim
  • Gerhard Hancke

Nanotechnology Awards – Call for Nominations

IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) calls for nominations for 3 awards to be presented at IEEE NANO 2010 in Korea. All nomination material including reference letters should reach the NTC awards committee by October 15, 2009. All nominees must be IEEE members.

    Description: The NTC Pioneer Award in nanotechnology is to recognize individuals who by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering have had a significant impact on the field of nanotechnology. The award is intended for people who are in the mid or late portions of their careers, i.e., at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree.
    Description: The Nano Technology Council to establish an Early Career Award to recognize individuals who have made contributions with major impact on the field of nanotechnology.
  3. NTC Distinguished Service Award
    Description: Nanotechnology Council to establish a Distinguished Service Award to recognize an individual who has performed outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of Nanotechnology Council.

Nomination Form can be found here:  NTC-awards-2010-nomination-form

IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC)
Nanotechnology Awards – Call for Nominations

    Description: The NTC Pioneer Award in nanotechnology is to recognize individuals who by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering have had a significant impact on the field of nanotechnology. The award is intended for people who are in the mid or late portions of their careers, i.e., at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree.
    Eligibility: Any current member of the IEEE working in the Nanotechnology who is at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree.
    Employment of Candidates: The Council may grant two awards in this category, if the Awards Committee determines that the nominations are worthy. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations.
    Prize Items: The award consists of $1000 ($500 each if two awards are made) honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
    Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Distinction in long-term technical achievement, leadership, innovation, breadth, and impact on nanotechnology and engineering.
    Description: The Nano Technology Council to establish an Early Career Award to recognize individuals who have made contributions with major impact on the field of nanotechnology.
    Eligibility: Any current member of the IEEE who is in the early stage of his or her career in the nanotechnology field, i.e., less than 7 years after being granted his or her highest earned academic degree.
    Employment of Candidates: The Society may grant two awards in this category, if the Awards Committee determines that the nominations are worthy. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations.
    Prize Items: The award consists of $1000 ($500 each if two awards are made) honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
    Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Distinction in technical innovation and achievement, and impact on nanotechnology and engineering.
  3. NTC Distinguished Service Award
    Description: Nanotechnology Council to establish a Distinguished Service Award to recognize an individual who has performed outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of Nanotechnology Council.
    Eligibility: Any current or former member of IEEE Nanotechnology Council with outstanding service in one or more of the following areas: conferences and meetings, publications, editors, administrative committee, chapter leadership, or other distinguished services and activities for the Nanotechnology Council.
    Prize Items: The award consists of $1,000 honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
    Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Impact of service and contributions to the Council, leadership, innovation, activity, duration, breadth of participation and cooperation.

For further information, please contact, Awards Committee Chair:
Prof. Laurie Faraone, Chair, IEEE NTC Awards Committee, Microelectronics Research Group, School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA 6009, Australia. Ph: +61-8-6488-3104, Fax: +61-8-6488-1095, Email: [email protected]

IEEE Region 8 Member, Gerhard Hancke appointed to lead the IEEE Ethics & Member Conduct Committee

[singlepic id=1304 w=140 h=187 float=right]We are happy to announce that Gerhard Hancke, a Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Pretoria, South Africa has been appointed to lead the IEEE Ethics & Member Conduct Committee. This is a one-year appointment, starting Jan. 2010.

The following extract has been taken from the website:

The Ethics & Member Conduct Committee advises the IEEE Board of Directors on ethics policy and concerns and makes recommendations for educational programs to promote the ethical behavior of members and staff, among other activities.

Through its Ethics and Member Conduct Committee, IEEE aims to

  • foster awareness on ethical issues;
  • promote ethical behavior amongst those working within IEEE fields of interest; and
  • create a world in which engineers and scientists are respected for exemplary ethical behavior.

Gerhard Hancke invites for direct and personal reach to any IEEE member that has suggestions on how the committee could be further improved.

E-mail: [email protected]

IEEE SAS 2010, 23-25 February 2010, Limerick, Ireland

[singlepic id=1303 w=152 h=115 float=left] Sensors Applications Symposium provides an established forum for sensor users and developers to meet and exchange information about novel and emergent applications in smart sensors, homeland security, biology, system health management, and related areas. Collaborate and network with scientists, engineers, developers and customers, in a balance of formal technical presentations, workshops, and informal interface meetings. For more information please visit

OpCom meeting in Tunisia

Following our general strategy to organize the OpCom’s meetings in the distantly located or newly established Sections, the 2nd 2009 OpCom meeting was held in Tunisia on the 9th-12th of July. The main theme of the session was the financial condition of the IEEE as a whole and of the Region 8 in particular, as well as the related revision of our activities and plans for this and next year. Agenda of the Fall R8 Committee Meeting to be held in Lisbon, has also been prepared. The other reason for our visit to Tunisia was the 125th IEEE Anniversary and the 1st Anniversary of the Tunisia Section.

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It is the youngest R8 Section (established last year), but the most dynamically developing one, currently with nearly 400 members, 12 new Chapters and 3 Student Branches. We have also held a frutiful visit to an actively operating Techno-Park. More details can be found in the article by R8 Secretary. Please click here … 
Taking this opportunity, I would like to express words of satisfaction and praise for the achievements and involvement of the Tunisia Secion.

Jozef Modelski, Region 8 Director


2010 is the 70th anniversary of the development of the high-power cavity magnetron by Randall and Boot at Birmingham University. This invention, which made high power microwave generation possible, was made into a practical device by the GEC Company in England and put into large-scale production in the USA.   It had a decisive impact on military operations in World War Two, and gave birth to much of the radar technology which followed, and much later, to the development of the microwave oven as a widely used and inexpensive consumer product

[singlepic id=1302 w=300 h=193 float=left] The origins of the cavity magnetron, which are much less well-known go back to at least the mid-1930s with key work being done in Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Japan and the USA.

To mark the anniversary and to bring together knowledge of the early work and also to learn how the magnetron has been improved and used since then, the IEEE United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Section, the UK Defence Electronics History Society, and the Institution of Engineering and Technology are jointly sponsoring an international conference CAVMAG 2010 on the origins and evolution of the cavity magnetron with the support of the R8 History Activities Council and the IEEE History Center.

CAVMAG2010 will take place at Bournemouth University, England, 19th-20th April 2010.

Further information is available at

In order to encourage a good attendance, the advance registration fee has been set at the low level of 65 pounds (for members of IEEE, IET and DEHS) and 80 pounds for others.

This rate applies for payments received up to 22nd March 2010.

Registration may be done on-line at the IET website  (using the link from the CAVMAG2010 website), or by sending payment by cheque or BACS (see Registration page of the conference website

Numbers for an optional visit to the Royal Signals Museum on 18th April and for the conference dinner on 19th April are limited, and early registration is recommended to be sure of a place.

The conference is sponsored by 

The Defence Electronics History Society (DEHS)
IET (History of Technology TPN)
IEEE UKRI Section Life Members Affinity Group
UKRI Microwave Theory and Techniques/Electron Devices/Photonics/Antennas and Propagation Joint Chapter
IEEE History Center
IEEE Region 8 History Council

4th IEEE UAE Student Day

IEEE UAE Student Day has become an annual event of IEEE UAE Section. American University in Dubai (AUD) and Dubai Cable Company (DUCAB) were proud to host it and sponsor it, respectively, for this year on May 2nd, 2009.

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This event gathers all IEEE members all around the UAE. Students from all universities in UAE participated in the fun and exciting competitions. This year 10 universities were participating, UAE University (UAEU), University of Sharjah (UOS), American University of Sharjah (AUS), American University in Dubai (AUD), Petroleum Institute (PI), Ajman University of Science and Technology (AUST), Khalifa University of Science, Technology & Research (KUSTAR), BITS Pilani in Dubai (BPD), Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), and Michigan State University in Dubai (MSU).

The main objectives of this day were to enhance the culture of competition among engineering students, to recognize outstanding achievements of IEEE student members, to exchange experience between UAE IEEE Students, to enhance leadership qualities of IEEE students, and to introduce the IEEE to the public.

Students participated in the following competitions:

  • Common Design Project Competition
  • Senior Design Project Poster/Demo Competition
  • Software Engineering Design Competition
  • Engineering Design Competition
  • Community Service Competition
  • Made in UAE Competition

The day was full of activities; it started by an opening ceremony where Dr. Eesa Al Bastaki – IEEE UAE Chair –, Dr. Colin Christy – Organizing Committee Chair – and Dr. Hasan Al Nashash – Steering Committee Chair – delivered speeches about the event itself.
After the opening, all visitors and coordinators of the competitions reviewed the projects and asked the students about their projects.
Two workshops were held; Tips for Professional Success which was organized by WIE and sponsored by Dubal, delivered by both Mr. Ali H. A. Al Zarouni and Mr. Mohamed Jame. The other workshop was Engineering Ethics, delivered by Dr. Sami W. Tabash, Professor at American University of Sharjah.

At the closing ceremony, all visitors, competitors, and professors had met in the auditorium where all winners received their certificates and prizes.

The winning institutions according to number of prizes they got were as follows: PI and AUS equally won 2 prizes as second place and 1 prize as the third place. KUSTAR won 2 prizes as first place, AUST won 2 prizes; 1 prize as the second place, and the other was as the third place. UOS, HCT, and AUD all won equally 1 prize as the first place.

Finally, the steering committee announced that next year the Petroleum Institute will host this event.

Reported By:
Eng. Soha Jawabreh,
WIE Coordinator in Sharjah, UAE
[email protected]

A Day For Hope: IEEE University of Sharjah SB Visits Cancer Patients

A group of IEEE and WIE members in University of Sharjah and Friends of Cancer Patients in UAE (FOCP) – – had arranged for a visit to the Children Cancer Patients in Dubai Hospital on 22 April 2009.

The aim of the visit was to delight the children and to help in raising their joy and happiness by holding a party for them.

There is no such a good feeling as the one you have when you draw a smile on a patient’s face.

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The party was started by giving the children gifts, playing with them puzzle games, drawing on their faces and hands, and coloring paints.

It was a full of fun, the kids were so happy in playing with the students.

The party was finished by a magic show done by a magician; they played with him and had a lot of fun.

One of the comments we got from the senior social worker Ms. Fatma Al Sewad in Dubai Hospital that “This party made great impact on the kids and encouraged them to take the treatment kindly”.

The students promised to come back and hold parties for the children in the future which made the kids so happy.

Reported by:
Eng. Soha Jawabreh
WIE Coordinator in Sharjah, UAE
[email protected]