
Region 8 Volunteer Award open for nominations !

The Region 8 Volunteer Award is introduced with the goal of encouraging all volunteers in the Region and of recognizing those volunteers who have made an outstanding contribution to a particular Region 8 Section. The Award is a Certificate.

The following are eligible as candidates for the Award:

  • An IEEE member of any membership grade (Student, Graduate Student, Associate, Member, Senior Member,Fellow, Life Fellow).
  • The candidate’s volunteer work is, or has been, on behalf of a Section. The candidate must have been active for at least 2 years in the Section and is not currently the Section Chairman.
  • The candidate receives no remuneration for his work for the Section except possibly expenses.
  • The members of the Region 8 Awards and Recognition Subcommittee, the Past Region 8 Director or the Director-Elect and Region 8 Secretary are ineligible for the Award.

The Region 8 volunteer Award is now open for nominations; deadline for nominations is 31 december 2008. For more information, download:


[singlepic id=1276 float=left] 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST’09)
14 – 16 December 2009, Accra, Ghana, West AFRICA

“Advancing Technology Further”

ICAST is a refereed international conference for researchers, academics, industry professionals, practicing technologists & anybody engaged in technology and related issues. ICAST 2009 solicits contributions in all areas in Information & Communications Technology (ICT), electrical/electronic engineering and related areas. ICAST also provides an opportunity for companies to showcase their products, and for entrepreneurs to explore investment opportunities. The first ICAST meeting was successfully held 10-12 Dec 2007 with two ministerial addresses and participants from several countries.

In 2009, ICAST will be held in Accra, Ghana. Ghana is one of the most politically stable, safest and hospitable countries in Africa. It’s a country rich of cultural diversity. You are invited to submit original full papers to any of the featured conference areas. ICAST 2009 program will include Technical Sessions, Symposia, Tutorials, Workshops, Design and Developers Forum and a Student Program.

Your participation in ICAST 2009 is surely to be an enduring experience. It is an opportunity for you to experience the spectrum of opportunities available to you at ICAST 2009, including technical knowledge, networking & investment opportunities. The organizing committee will be privileged to welcome you to Ghana & ICAST’09 on 14 Dec 2009.

Selected papers will be published as special issues in international journals such as AJICT. We have also accepted invitations from Rivers Publishers, Denmark and IGI Global, USA to publish extended versions of selected papers as chapters of edited books.

IMPORTANT DATES (Hard Deadlines)

  • Submission of Abstracts: 14 May 2009
  • Full Paper Submission: 14 June 2009
  • Author Notification: 14 September 2009
  • Camera-Ready Paper: 1st October 2009
  • Early-Bird Registration: 14 October 2009
  • Conference Dates: 14-16 Dec 2009

IEEE Region 8 Director 2011-2012: Marko Delimar

[singlepic id=1275 float=left] During the 2008 IEEE Annual Election, the Region 8 members elected Marko Delimar as their next Director. Marko will serve as Region 8 Director-Elect in 2009 and 2010 andRegion 8 Director in 2011 and 2012. For more details please visit

Marko is a Professor at University of Zagreb. His many previous IEEE volunteer duties included IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chair – Student Activities (2005-2006) and IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chair – Membership Activities (2007-2008). He is currently also serving on the IEEE 125th Anniversary Committee, IEEE Alternative Membership Models Committee and IEEE Student Activities Committee.

The IEEE Region 8 Director in 2009 and 2010 will be Józef Modelski who was elected in the 2007 IEEE Annual Election.

More Awards

To recognize the accomplishment judged to be the most significant and effective in fulfilling one or more of the transnational goals and objectives of Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) as related to transnational activities.

To recognize individuals or a team involved with Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) and/or the Regional network for singular achievement in the development and completion of a project(s) or activity(ies) directed to the fulfillment of one or more of the goals and objectives of MGA.
GOLD Achievement Award (
The award will be based on a selection that recognizes individuals or teams involved with GOLD activities who are recognized for singular achievement in the development and completion of a project(s) or activity(ies) which are directed to the fulfillment of one or more of the GOLD goals and/or objectives.

Innovation Award (
To recognize an individual or a team whose accomplishment/project is judged to be the most innovative and effective in fulfilling one or more of the goals and objectives of Member and Geographic Activities (MGA). The accomplishments of the candidate(s) should be of “significant performance” and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE.

Leadership Award (
To recognize those individuals who have exhibited exemplary and substantive leadership of an extraordinary nature in implementing activities which support the goals and objectives of Meeting and Geographic Activities (MGA) at the local, regional, national, and/or international level.

Supporting and Sustaining Friend of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Awards (
To specifically recognize support provided to IEEE and its members, in support of its goals, by firms, divisions of firms, or individuals.

Celebrating 125 years of IEEE

We would like to let you know that the IEEE 125th Anniversary website launched in September. Please visit and join the party!

On all IEEE Materials, until the end of 2009, please use the 125th Anniversary Mark, in place of the IEEE Master Brand. For more information please visit

Also, please join the Anniversary celebration groups and networks on FacebookYouTube and Flickr.

Highlights on the IEEE Region 8 Student Branch and GOLD Congress 2008 (SBC 2008)

[singlepic id=1274 float=left] It is in the multicultural city of London (England) that the SBC 2008 took place between the 28th August and 1st September 2008. Around 150 Student and GOLD members coming from 33 Sections attended the event. To support these younger members, to learn about their ideas, to provide them with solutions and suggestions, no less than 50 speakers, guests, and IEEE officials also joined this congress (among them: Lewis Terman, IEEE President; John Vig, IEEE President-Elect; Jean-Gabriel Remy,  IEEE Region 8 Director; Jozef Modelski, IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect; Karen Panetta, WiE Chair; Marko Delimar, IEEE Region 8 Vice Chair Membership Activities, Sean Mcloone, UKRI Section Chair and of course Martin Bastiaans, IEEE Region 8 Vice Chair Student Activities and Eva Lang, IEEE Region 8 GOLD Coordinator).

It was the first time that the UKRI Section was hosting the Region 8 SBC and the young but very active Queen Mary University of London IEEE Student Branch successfully took up the challenge of organising the usual activities of such a congress (talks, workshops, panel discussions, Gala Dinner, Sight-seeing), but also some more (e.g. a visit of the London 2012 Olympic Games construction site, a WiE Panel Discussion, a ISBIR session with industry talks).

As expected the highlight of the SBC 2008 was the multicultural night during which the participants prepared, brought, shared and enjoyed food, costumes and dances from the numerous and very diverse countries of the Region 8.

To discover or rediscover the sessions, workshops, and social events of this successful congress, check out the slides and photos on the SBC 2008 website:

Amélie Anglade
SBC 2008 Vice Chair Communication and Publications

Salvan, “Telecommunication Heritage”

[singlepic id=1272 w=296 h=217 float=center]

ITU Secretary General Hamadoum Touré, ITU Chairman of the Board Frédéric Riehl, and Professor Yves Fournier

According to the story told forty years ago by a senior citizen of Salvan, in 1895 Guglielmo Marconi carried out some of his earliest wireless experiments in the vicinity of this picturesque village of the Swiss Alps [1–3]. The IEEE duly acknowledged this event, and granted a “Historical Milestone in Electrical Engineering and Computing” to the site [4]. Mr. Raymond Findlay, IEEE Past President, dedicated a commemorative plaque on 26 September 2003, in the presence of a number of VIPs.

An important delegation of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU, based in Geneva) visited the site on 9 September 2007 under the guidance of Dr. Hamadoum Touré, ITU Secretary General (fig. 1). He declared: “Coming to Salvan is in fact a pilgrimage. As an engineer in satellite communications and ITU Secretary General, it is a privilege for me. Tomorrow’s world will be more and more placed under the sign of Hertzian communications, and the great inventor Marconi will remain for ever a guide for all of us.”

On 26 September 2008, for the first time in its history, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU /UIT) will recognize a particular site for its invaluable contribution in the «TELECOMMUNICATION HERITAGE.» This honor will be granted to the township of Salvan, in Valais, Switzerland where, in 1895, Guglielmo Marconi carried some of his first experiments in wireless telegraphy.

[singlepic id=1273 w=625 h=347 float=center]

Commemorative ITU plaque that will be installed in Salvan on 26 September 2008

Additional information can be obtained from the Marconi Foundation (Switzerland):

Fred E. Gardiol, IEEE Life Fellow

[1] F. Gardiol, “Marconi in Switzerland,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 38, No. 6, December 1996, pp. 68-69.
[2] F. Gardiol and Y. Fournier, “Salvan, cradle of wireless”, Microwave Journal, vol. 49, N° 2, February 2006, pp. 124–136.
[3] F. Gardiol and Y. Fournier, “Marconi in Switzerland, True Story or Fairy Tale ?,” IEEE HISTory of TELecommunication CONference (HISTELCON’08), Paris, 11-12 September 2008.
[4] F. Gardiol, “The making of the IEEE Marconi milestone in Switzerland,” IEEE Life Members Newsletter, December 2006, pp. 3-4

IEEE Career Horizons in London

[singlepic id=1271 w=292 h=243 float=left] 1st of September, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Free entrance for all attendees.

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc) is a non-profit organization formed to bring the professionals together in one platform for the advancement of technology. Through its global membership, IEEE is a leading authority on areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics among others.

Members rely on IEEE as a source of technical and professional information, resources and services. To foster an interest in the engineering profession, IEEE also serves student members in colleges and universities around the world.

If you are a budding developer, electronics engineer, an ambitious researcher or an IT journalist and can get to London quickly then you’re in luck – the London IEEE Career Horizons has now been confirmed, with a list of exhibitors and a location all finalised.

The event will be attended by professionals from the industry, senior academics from the reputable universities, recent graduates and students from all over the UK.

Exhibitor stands and speaker sessions are also planned. There will be training sessions on interviewing skills, CV writing and Global Career Strategies (Realities, Trends and Tips for Finding a Job Overseas).

Hope to see you all there,
Emine G. Aydal
IEEE R8 SB Co-ordinator
IEEE R8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia)
E-mail : [email protected]

IEEE Job Site receives “official honoree” distinction for the 12th Annual Webby Awards

[singlepic id=1270 w=150 h=86 float=left] IEEE Job Site Recognized by “Oscars of the Internet”

New York, NY, 8 April 2008 – The Webby Awards, the leading international honor for the Web has recognized the IEEE Job Site as an Official Honoree, a distinction that recognizes work exhibiting remarkable achievement.

Hailed as the “Oscars of the Internet” by the New York Times, the Webby Awards are the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, Interactive Advertising, Online Film & Video, and Mobile Websites. The awards are judged by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences, a global organization that includes David Bowie, Harvey Weinstein, Arianna Huffington, Matt Groening, Jamie Oliver, Internet inventor Vinton Cerf, and RealNetworks CEO Rob Glaser.

“The Webby Awards honors the outstanding work that is setting the standards for the Internet,” said David-Michel Davies, executive director of The Webby Awards. “IEEE Job Site’s Official Honoree selection is a testament to the skill, ingenuity, and vision of its creators.”

“The IEEE Job Site contains content geared specifically to IEEE members and other job seekers in the electronic engineering field that translates into more traffic to the site – a winning situation for employers who are seeking candidates in this professional niche,” said Michael Buryk, Business Development Manager for IEEE Media Recruitment Services.

The 12th Annual Webby Awards received nearly 10,000 entries from over 60 countries and all 50 states. Out more than the 10,000 entries submitted, fewer than 15% received this honor and were deemed an Official Honoree.

About the IEEE Job Site:
The IEEE Job Site is the leading electronic engineering niche career community site connecting employers to the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology – members of IEEE – the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

About the Webby Awards:
Hailed as the “Oscars of the Internet” by the New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, Interactive Advertising, Online Film & Video, and Mobile Websites. Established in 1996, the 12th Annual Webby Awards received nearly 10,000 entries from all 50 states and over 60 countries worldwide. The Webby Awards is presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Sponsors and Partners of The Webby Awards include: Adobe; The Creative Group; Verizon; AOL Video; dotMobi; Level3; Adweek; Fortune; Reuters; Variety; Wired; IDG: Brightcove; PricewaterhouseCoopers; 2advanced.Net; KobeMail and Museum of the Moving Image.

About the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS):
The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences is dedicated to the creative, technical, and professional progress of the Internet and interactive media. The Academy is an intellectually diverse organization that includes over 500 members consisting of leading experts in a diverse range of fields, such as musician David Bowie, Internet inventor Vinton Cerf, Naked Chef Jamie Oliver, fashion designer Max Azria, “Simpsons” creator Matt Groening and Real Networks CEO Rob Glaser. The Webby Awards and The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences are registered trademarks of International Data Group. For more information, visit

Third CEU Summerschool on Advanced Statistics and Data Mining

[singlepic id=1269 w=300 h=225 float=left] IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) and San Pablo – CEU University in collaboration with other five universities (Málaga, Politécnica de Madrid, País Vasco, Complutense, and Castilla La Mancha), Unión Fenosa and CSIC organize a summerschool on “Advanced Statistics and Data Mining” in Madrid between June 30th and July 11th. The summerschool comprises 12 courses divided in 2 weeks.

Attendees may register in each course independently. Registration will be considered upon strict arrival order.For more information, please, visit our website.

List of courses and brief description (full description here )

Week 1 (June 30th – July 4th, 2008)

  • Course 1: Bayesian networks (15 h), Practical sessions: Hugin, Elvira, Weka, LibB Bayesian networks basics. Inference in Bayesian networks. Learning Bayesian networks from data
  • Course 2: Multivariate data analysis (15 h), Practical sessions: MATLAB Introduction. Data Examination. Principal component analysis (PCA). Factor Analysis. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). Correspondence analysis. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). Canonical correlation.
  • Course 3: Supervised pattern recognition (Classification) (15 h), Practical sessions: Weka Introduction. Assessing the Performance of Supervised Classification Algorithms. Classification techniques. Combining Classifiers. Comparing Supervised Classification Algorithms
  • Course 4: Association rules (15 h), Practical sessions: Bioinformatic tools Introduction. Association rule discovering. Rule Induction. KDD in biological data. Applications. Hands-on exercises.
  • Course 5: Neural networks (15 h), Practical sessions: MATLAB Introduction to the biological models. Nomenclature. Perceptron networks. The Hebb rule. Foundations of multivariate optimization. Numerical optimization. Rule of Widrow-Hoff. Backpropagation algorithm. Practical data modelling with neural networks
  • Course 6: Time series analysis (15 h), Practical sessions: MATLAB Introduction. Probability models to time series. Regression and Fourier analysis. Forecasting and Data mining.

Week 2 (July 7th – July 11th, 2008)

  • Course 7: Regression (15 h), Practical sessions: SPSS Introduction. Simple Linear Regression Model. Measures of model adequacy. Multiple Linear Regression. Regression Diagnostics and model violations. Polynomial regression. Variable selection. Indicator variables as regressors. Logistic regression. Nonlinear Regression.
  • Course 8: Practical Statistical Questions (15 h), Practical sessions: study of cases (without computer) I would like to know the intuitive definition and use of …: The basics. How do I collect the data? Experimental design. Now I have data, how do I extract information? Parameter estimation Can I see any interesting association between two variables, two populations, …? How can I know if what I see is “true”? Hypothesis testing How many samples do I need for my test?: Sample size Can I deduce a model for my data? Other questions?
  • Course 9: Hidden Markov Models (15 h), Practical sessions:HTK Introduction. Discrete Hidden Markov Models. Basic algorithms for Hidden Markov Models. Semicontinuous Hidden Markov Models. Continuous Hidden Markov Models. Unit selection and clustering. Speaker and Environment Adaptation for HMMs. Other applications of HMMs
  • Course 10: Statistical inference (15 h), Practical sessions: SPSS Introduction. Some basic statistical test. Multiple testing. Introduction to bootstrapping
  • Course 11: Dimensionality reduction (15 h), Practical sessions: MATLAB Introduction. Matrix factorization methods. Clustering methods. Projection methods. Applications
  • Course 12: Unsupervised pattern recognition (clustering) (15 h), Practical sessions: MATLAB Introduction. Prototype-based clustering. Density-based clustering. Graph-based clustering. Cluster evaluation. Miscellanea