IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award

 • IEEE Entrepreneurship & IEEE Startup Impact Award Deadline: 8/31/21. Submit nominations / recognize an individual or team with an impactful engineering-driven solution in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. $2000 USD honorarium/plaque commemorating the recipient(s) achievement!


IEEE Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce the launch of the IEEE Entrepreneurship Impact Award.


This award will recognize an individual who has had a significant impact on the engineering-driven entrepreneurial ecosystem. The accomplishments of the candidate should be of “significant importance” and should have made a distinguishing contribution to the entrepreneurial ecosystem of a country/region.





Nominee Solicitation:



Award recipients will be scored and selected based on the following judging criteria:


  • Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • Value creation
  • Impact
  • Sustainability


The person/team will receive an honorarium of $2000 USD and a plaque commemorating their achievement.


Submissions will be accepted through 31 August 2021 followed by a thorough review in September.


The recipient will be selected by September 30th and announced during the first week of October.