YP Subcommittee Activities

The main strategic directions for 2013, as established by Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) YP subcommittee, are:

  • MGA YP facilitate recruitment, training, development of IEEE volunteer leaders
  • YP / Technology professionals will understand IEEE membership’s importance to their careers

Our Region 8 YP Subcommittee focuses on its continuous involvement in increasing the YP visibility and continues to have a tremendous momentum on Region 8 activities.
We will:

  • Support and energize the YP Affinity Groups (AGs) in R8
  • Create new Affinity Groups and revive dormant ones
  • Launch the first official edition of the R8 GOLD Book
  • Continue with the Student Transition & Elevation Partnership (STEP) program
  • Promote and raise awareness of the Humanitarian workshop Program
  • Motivate more young professionals to join and be active in IEEE
  • Organize regular online meetings with YP Chairs in R8
  • Develop cross-activities with other committees in R8
  • Contribute to GOLDRush and R8News
  • Keep an updated website
  • Be present in social networks

Recent activities of our subcommittee

The IEEE R8 YP subcommittee 2013 has compiled a concise operation guide for the new YP Affinity Groups to start their IEEE and YP activities. It guides you on how to report new Affinity Group officers, activities reporting, publishing, YP awards & recognitions, recommendations and the R8 YP Team.

  • Cross-section Student and Young Professional Congresses (SYP)

The R8 YP Subcommittee is conducting YP introductory sessions in the crosss-section SBCs.  Successful YP sessions were conducted in the R8 SBC 2012 and ISBC 2013. In fact, many of the attendants of these SBCs are actually YP members as they’ve already graduated and are studying a higher grade. These YP introductory sessions also include the importance of becoming a YP member and why to stay in IEEE after graduation for IEEE student members.

The GOLD Book is a project launched in 2010 with the purpose of creating a legacy about the activities that have been organized by YP Affinity Groups (AG) around Region 8. Though compiled and edited during 2010, this book was never officially published during that year. For this reason, during 2011 the Region 8 YP subcommittee decided to extend the book’s content and span it from 2008 to 2010. The scope of the book is not only to present the activities of the AGs, but also to show their well-succeeded and failing experiences. Special focus was given to YP oriented programs, such as the Student Transition & Elevation Partnership (STEP) and the Humanitarian Workshop (HW).

It is the second time in history when all electrical engineers worldwide are going to celebrate the IEEE Day. As a leading organization IEEE defines standards and directions in technology but as a leader, it is also responsible for future generations of engineers. Thus, this year the theme of the IEEE Day will be focused on “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”.

The IEEE Day Team is made of IEEE student volunteers, young professionals and staff to assure that this year celebration will be even bigger and more impressive than a year ago. The main task of the IEEE Day Team is to initiate, motivate and coordinate events and efforts to celebrate this day worldwide.

Based on the experience from last year, the organizers prepared a totally new website with new features and enhancements. Social networks – the blood stream of recent days has been filled with new IEEE Day content. A new T-shirt design will be published for all who want to actively participate.

Beside a great time and empowering members to shape the future, the team took care of supporting active volunteers and encouraging them to participate in second edition of the photo contest.

YP offers webinars for members on topics related to professional development, humanitarian efforts, and technical knowledge. YP webinars are scheduled monthly and are recorded for on-demand viewing.
IEEE YP Webinars Program website
To find more informations about latests webinars visit our Facebook page.