IEEE R8 Questionnaire on Continuing Education / Continuing Professional Development – for the Ad Hoc Committee on Africa Activities (AHCAA)
The IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) together with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Working Group of the IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Africa Activities (IEEE AHCAA) performed a survey targeting the African community, in November-December 2012. The idea to perform the survey and the completion of the specific questionnaire was done with the help of Saurabh Sinha, IEEE R8 Vice-Chair on Technical Activities, and Zac Oyedokun, IEEE AHCAA Chair. One interest is to determine whether there would be an interest by local or national professional societies to partner with IEEE in extending the access to the eLearning at local/national levels in Africa. The other interest is to develop a baseline in terms of CPD resources available in various countries.
The online questionnaire was created with the help of George Michael, IEEE R8 Electronic Communications Coordinator, The invitation for the questionnaire was distributed using the IEEE e-notice tool to 21,687 IEEE members in Africa (and other parts of Region 8), and 134 IEEE members responded. The deadline for completing the questionnaire was given two e-notice extensions, the first one because of the Hurricane Sandy that hit NJ and the headquarters of IEEE, and the second one because of the Thanksgiving holiday in USA!
The most important results are summarized to the following charts. Wherever a rating scale is applicable, it is used from 0 to 5, where 0 stands for “Don’t know” or “Not aware”. All the charts and the answers given in text by the participants are provided in detail in the Continuing Education Forum (CEF) website. Stay tuned with the CEF activities
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George Papadopoulos, Volunteer for Continuing Education, Region 8
Niovi Pavlidou, Lead Volunteer for Continuing Education, Region 8