Monthly Archives: January 2012

Region 8 Outstanding Section Award

  1. Introduction
    The Region 8 Outstanding Section Award is being established with the goal of recognizing excellent performance by Region 8 Sections. Three categories of award will be made.

    • Large Section = 1,501 or more members (including Students) as of 31 December of the past year
    • Medium Section = 501–1,500 members (including Students) as of 31 December of the past year
    • Small Section = 500 or fewer members (including Students) as of 31 December of the past year

    The Award is for outstanding success of a Section in fulfilling its goals – in accordance with IEEE policy – by organizing technical, professional and geographic activities for the benefit of its members and by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Chapters, and Affinity Groups within its geographic boundaries.

  2. Title
    The award will be entitled “The IEEE Region 8 Outstanding Section Award”.
  3. Eligibility
    (a) All Region 8 Sections are eligible and can apply for one of the three awards according to their relative size.
    (b) No Section may receive two Region 8 Outstanding Section Awards within three years.
    (c) Two Region 8 Outstanding Section Awards will be presented annually. One large Section (1,501 or more members (including Students) as of 31 December of the previous year), one medium Section (501 – 1500 members (including Students) as of 31 December of the previous year) and one small Section award (500 or fewer members (including Students) as of 31 December of the previous year).
  4. Conditions for nomination
    (a) Nominations must be submitted using the Region 8 Awards portal.
    (b) A statement must be included in the nomination that identifies the specific activities performed by the Section that qualify it to be an outstanding Section in Region 8.
    (c) The Nomination Form must be completed by a nominator familiar with the work of the Section.
    (d) The nominated Section must have satisfied all of the IEEE reporting requirements on time.
  5. Basis of the award
    The following aspects and activities are considered in the selection of the Outstanding Section and should be part of the nomination documents:

      • The completed nomination form must be submitted before the deadline;
      • Section submission of financial, officer and meeting reports is a necessary condition for award. nomination;
      • Data concerning member retention of the section.
      • Data about number of Student Branches relative to the number of Technical universities within the Section’s geographic boundaries;
      • Report concerning the activities of YP / WIE / Life Members Affinity Groups … etc. within the Section, or the plans for their formation ;
      • Report about Student Branches activities (e.g. Student paper contest, recruitment of Student members, etc.);
      • Report about technical and professional activities, (e.g. professional meetings, continuing educational activities, conferences, workshops, chapters’ technical meetings, use of IEEE distinguished lecturers Program, etc…).
      • Activities related to membership development within the section.
      • Report concerning means of communications with Section members, including the frequency of newsletter issues, e-mail newsletters, regular updating of Section, Chapters, and Student Branches Web pages;
      • Community projects and services that increase public visibility of IEEE.

    Other criteria used for the selection of the Outstanding Section :

    • Relationship of Section to National Societies, other non-IEEE organizations and industry.
    • Conferences sponsored by the Section.
    • Public events held by the Section to help improve the visibility of IEEE and its members.
    • Activities performed in the Section on behalf of society and the engineering profession.
  6. Adjudication
    The adjudicators are the members of the Region 8 Awards and Recognition Subcommittee.

Important links for every YP member in Region 8

The following list contains several important links to help you manage your Young Professionals Affinity Groups. IEEE internal content can be accessed with your IEEE credentials.


Information and guidelines:



Reporting Links:

  • Event Report form (compulsory for all Affinity Group – each Affinity Group must have at least 2 events or meetings reported each year in order to be considered active)
  • New Officers Reporting form (compulsory for all Affinity Group – officers must be renewed elected or re-elected every 2 years)



Publishing your achievements and events:


Young Professionals social media:

Be proud of your event and publish it!

Do not hesitate to send us a short summary of your event/pictures. We will publish it on the R8 GOLD website. It is important to increase the visibility among young professionals and happiness of well published work.

Website is online and alive

After months of hard work, our R8 GOLD Website is alive. Naturally, there are always some minor issues. Nevertheless, you are able to find interesting you content and resources. Feel free to send comments and suggestions.

How to maintain your YP Affinity Group?

This is a list of documents that will help you on managing your Affinity Group

This section intends to give you some ideas on events to organize:

  • STEP Program
  • Meetings
  • Social Events & Gatherings
  • Seminars & Lectures
  • Soft Skills Workshops
  • Humanitarian Workshops

New YP AG Officers Reporting:

New officers or officer changes are submitted via the vTools.OfficerReporting tool. Access to this tool requires use of an IEEE Account.

Reporting Activities:

It is VERY important that you report your activities:

  • Meeting Report L31 Form – Please include R8 YP committee mail ([email protected]) in the field “Email CC list:” Use IEEE Web Accounts as credentials. Your section will only get rebates if you report at least 2 meetings per year on time, so please make sure to do so!

YP Supporting Programs!

STEP Program

The Student Elevation & Transition Partnership (STEP) program was created for local YP Affinity Groups to help facilitate the transition of student members as they graduate and become higher grade IEEE members. The program is intended to introduce the opportunities and benefits of IEEE membership during the onset of a career.

STEP Program Objectives:

  • Recognize student members as they graduate and become part of the local YP community.
  • Introduce graduating student members to the local IEEE entity (YP) beyond the IEEE Student Branch.
  • Illustrate IEEE member benefits appropriate for young professional members.
  • Retain student members as they are elevated to higher grade IEEE members by communicating and demonstrating the value of IEEE membership for young professionals starting new careers.

For more information visit the STEP website or read the STEP manual.

Please get advice from previous organizers:

Humanitarian Workshops Program (Suspended)

The IEEE Humanitarian Workshop is an event designed to raise awareness of how technology can make a positive impact on the world in which we live. By inviting speakers who are currently playing leading roles in applying technology to humanitarian causes, it is desired that the workshop will provide engineers with greater access to such projects, and even to share their own ideas for future projects. Since humanitarian projects are of great interest to the younger generations of IEEE members, it is expected that the Workshop will bolster IEEE’s efforts in the recruitment and retention of such members.
For more information visit the website.